Monday, September 1, 2014

MedicalMissionSisters: Song Lyrics



Lift up your hearts. Lift them high, up to the Lord.
Sing your song loud and long. All you peoples praise the Lord.
My Rock and my Refuge, for You I long.
To You I pray at break of day and sing a new song. Refrain
A light to all nations, dispel our night.
Your love will find our hearts are blind.
Come bring a new light. Refrain
How happy Your people whose hearts have heard
the wonder of Your law of love. You speak a new word. Refrain
Words and music: Miriam Therese Winter
© Medical Mission Sisters 1968

Let there be peace in Your dwelling. Let there be peace this day.
Peace is the gift that I offer, that no man can take away.
So let their wars and their terrors resound.
You, my child, are on certain ground.
Don’t let your heart be afraid. Don’t let your heart be afraid.
I will not leave you an orphan alone.
You are the child I claim as my own.
You hold the key to my heart. You hold the key to my heart.
Peace to the towns and the cities of earth.
Peace to the land that I loved into birth.
So that your joy may be full. So that your joy may be full.
Words and music: Miriam Therese Winter
© Medical Mission Sisters 1968

Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.
I would not grieve, take away my grief.
The Lord is present, run to receive Him.
His word is spoken, let us believe Him.
His are the mountains, His the lands.
All of creation is clapping its hands.
There’s music in the wind and dancing in the stream.
There’s love all about me, or so it seems. Refrain
To You, O Lord, I lift my soul.
My broken spirit, make it whole.
I stumble through the dark and wander through the day.
Your love has told me this is the way. Refrain
Who would be healed must first believe.
He who would give must first receive.
We live each moment as its willed.
Our emptiness will one day be filled. Refrain
Final Refrain
Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.
I would not grieve, take away my grief.
The Lord is present, run to receive Him.
His word is spoken, let us believe,
His word is spoken, let us believe,
His word is spoken, let us believe Him.
Words and music: Miriam Therese Winter
© Medical Mission Sisters 1968

When first we met it was early spring,
and all the birds began to sing.
My heart could want for no one thing.
Some nights know no morning, ah–um.
I walked with you through the fields of grain.
A song was born in the wind and rain,
a song no man will sing again.
Some nights know no morning, ah–um.
Who’ll walk with you when the world grows old,
through autumn years of red and gold.
Who’ll tell you of the dreams they hold.
Some nights know no morning, ah–um.
I walked with you on a winter day.
I walked with you when you walked away.
I know a night that longs for day,
but some nights know no morning, ah–um.
There’s a season for everything under the sun.
A time to do and a time to be done.
A time to laugh and a time to cry.
A time to live and a time to die.
Words and music: Miriam Therese Winter
© Medical Mission Sisters 1968

A man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho.
He fell among robbers who beat him and left him to die,
abandoned him and branded him for every passerby.
Who is my neighbor? Who claims my word and deed.
Anyone in need, anyone in need.
A priest came along the road, looked upon the stranger,
winced at his nakedness, shrugged, and passed him by.
A Levite came along, looked away, and let him lie. Refrain
Then a Samaritan chanced upon the stranger,
and deeply moved as though he were of kin,
he put him on his beast and took him to an inn. Refrain
So a Samaritan took pity on a stranger,
bound up his wounds and never even left his name.
And Jesus said: “Go out and do the same.” Refrain
Words and music: Miriam Therese Winter
© Medical Mission Sisters 1968

It’s a long night. It’s a long day.
Come share my table, come stay and break bread.
The day is spent and the road ahead is a long way.
Two men went walking and talking about him
who had risen from the dead.
They were joined by a stranger,
and when they reached their village, they said: Refrain
The stranger told a story. He told them about him
who had risen from the dead.
Their hearts burned within them
when they heard the things that he said. Refrain
Two men went walking and talking with him
who had risen from the dead.
And suddenly their eyes were opened
at the breaking of the bread. Refrain
Words and music: Miriam Therese Winter
© Medical Mission Sisters 1966

Praise God, the Father, praise and glorify the Son.
Joined together in the Spirit, we are brothers everyone.
Praise God, the Father, who has loved us as a son.
He has promised us a kingdom when our time
on earth is done.
We as children of the promise own the fatness of the land,
and we live now in the shelter of the shadow
of His hand. Refrain
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the blessings of this day,
for dying to redeem us and for showing us the way.
You have gone home to the Father to prepare for us a place.
You have raised to holy splendor the condition of
our race. Refrain
Born of the Spirit, we are children who are free,
free to choose to love our brother, and we love our liberty.
Many gifts we have been given which the Spirit
has outpoured
for our building a foundation in the body of the Lord. Refrain
Words and music: Miriam Therese Winter
© Medical Mission Sisters 1968

If you look very close, you’ll see wind on the top of the hill.
If you look very close, you’ll see love underneath what I will.
If you listen, you’ll hear a song when the city is still.
We look and look, but so seldom do we see.
We love, but after all, what do you know of me?
If you look very close, you’ll see clouds in the clearest of skies.
If you look very close, you’ll see hunger in so many eyes.
There’s a dawn every day, but it’s always a lovely surprise.
We watch and wait, but so seldom understand.
We reach, but how often extend a comforting hand.
If you look very close, you’ll see Christ on the crest of the sea.
If you look very close, you’ll see Christ encompassing me.
Inside every seed is a flower that longs to be free.
We look and look, but so seldom do we see.
We love, but after all, how did this happen to be?
Words and music: Miriam Therese Winter
© Medical Mission Sisters 1968

Runnin’, runnin’ away. Run to tomorrow, run from today.
Everybody’s runnin’, right or wrong.
‘Cept the just in the strength of the Lord go walkin’ along.
Run from autumn ‘cause the leaves turn brown.
Run, run ‘cause your wonderful dream world’s
a’tumbling down. Refrain
Run from living ‘cause you just don’t dare.
Run, run from loneliness, emptiness, and despair. Refrain
Keep on runnin’ and you soon will find,
your troubles all follow but the good is left behind. Refrain
Words and music: Miriam Therese Winter
© Medical Mission Sisters 1968

How high the sky, how wide the earth, how deep the sea.
But neither height nor depth, nor death, nor anything
can separate the love of Christ from me.
Let love be the cornerstone on which your building stands.
Let love be the boundary surrounding your lands.
Let love be the lodestone that leads you from afar.
Let love be everything you are. Refrain
Let love be the root and foundation of your life.
Let love be the flowering of gentleness in strife.
The Father sent His promise, of which you are a part,
when love takes hold within your heart. Refrain
A man only harvests whatever he sows.
If he would reap love, he sees that it grows.
We sow in the Spirit a labor of love.
God gives the increase from above. Refrain
Words and music: Miriam Therese Winter
© Medical Mission Sisters 1968

The Spirit hovered over the water, and the world was born.
The Spirit hovered over the darkness, and it was morning.
Deep in the world, the Spirit stood,
smiled on the world, for it was good.
Spirit of the Lord, come, we sing.
The Spirit hovered over a maiden, and a King was born.
The Spirit hovered over a sealed tomb, and it was morning.
The veil of the temple was torn in two,
without any warning, the old was new.
Spirit of the Lord, come, we sing.
The Spirit hovers over creation, and the world is reborn.
The Spirit hovers over our darkness, and it is morning.
The Spirit comes with a brand new spring,
renewing, refreshing everything.
Spirit of the Lord, come, we sing.
Spirit of the Lord, come, we sing.
We hunger for a whole new spring.
Our weary hearts to You we bring.
Come, Spirit of the Lord, we sing.
Words and music: Miriam Therese Winter
© Medical Mission Sisters 1968

Go out and shout the Good News,
loose the chains of the deaf and dumb.
Tell the whole wide waiting world: the kingdom of God is come.
Heal the sick in every land. Give the helpless heart a helping hand.
Guide the blind, support the lame.
Tell them who sent you and why you came. Refrain
Go to the corners of the earth. Bring the Christ in every man to birth.
Shout His message, sing His word.
Let the promises of Christ be heard. Refrain
Comfort, encourage, and console. Lift the broken spirit,
make it whole. Put your hand upon the plough,
and don’t look back, your hour is now. Refrain
The fox has a hole, the bird its nest, but the sons of God
no place to rest. The fields are full but the workers few.
It all depends on me and you. Refrain
Words and music: Miriam Therese Winter
© Medical Mission Sisters 1968


  1. Thank you . I was searching for the lyrics of How high the sky.

  2. Hello all.
    Is there anyway someone could get me the chords of the song " whonis my neighbor "

      A man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho.
      He fell among robbers who beat him and left him to die,
      abandoned him and branded him for every passerby.
      Who is my neighbor? Who claims my word and deed.
      Anyone in need, anyone in need.
      A priest came along the road, looked upon the stranger,
      winced at his nakedness, shrugged, and passed him by.
      A Levite came along, looked away, and let him lie. Refrain
      Then a Samaritan chanced upon the stranger,
      and deeply moved as though he were of kin,
      he put him on his beast and took him to an inn. Refrain
      So a Samaritan took pity on a stranger,
      bound up his wounds and never even left his name.
      And Jesus said: “Go out and do the same.” Refrain
      Words and music: Miriam Therese Winter
      © Medical Mission Sisters 1968
