Saturday, March 1, 2014

Hatrick Penry "The OTHER Side of the Story" by MsMilkytheclown1 - YouTube

This video says that it is unlisted and I wanted to respect that so I have removed the link.... I just wanted to get a copy of some of my comments down for myself... and the comments that they were replies to ....There are so many comments on the video, it takes me far too long to find them...

We should all judge each other on our good intentions. We do need all of the help we can get, so dialog with liars like Arnie is important. I think that we have an obligation based on the sense of URGENCY to not share or not spread dis-information WITHOUT COMMENTARY that rebuts those lies.
Where HP is right is that we need to have a clear set of standards. Some of the stuff Arnie has said is just outright lies as well. So there is right to both sides of this argument. It's wrong to mislead people by minimizing what's going on. Sharing disinformation serves the wrong masters. 

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being wrong about something does not equate to spreading disinfo....uncovering the truth means making theories and exploring different paths and clues as you try to connect the dots ....we would not still be digging and unraveling if we had all the facts and the whole story....besides everyone makes assume disinfo is also irresponsible  if you do notknow someone....and to attack and be nasty and judgemental is  counterproductive....everyone's level  of knowledge is not the same....besides even true disinfo agents use truth with their can even glean info from them
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+ubuibme24 Every bit of correspondence with Tony Muga was shared with Kevin Blanch and MsMilky right from the start which has a very different timeline and fact to what Tony Muga has "recollected". Emails going back 14 months with all either directly sent or cc'd  or forwarded in the reception. The people that have spoken out have done so knowing 100% of all sides of the story!  Kevin Blanch and MsMilky as well as MB (Maureen) know how far he has lied in this whole story telling episode of Hatrick Penry's mind. The thing is we,  MsMilky and Kevin Blanch, have been in very close contact ever since Tony MUGA was attacking Radchick because of Gundersen (whom he has had a beef with since way before we started giving him the information to run with. Tony Muga also chose to attack Kevin and his Post-Ignorance Project and MsMilky for hosting Arnie Gundersen Video's. He really shot himself in the foot on this one. Hell for almost 7 months every one of his audio recordings from his BTR broadcasts was edited with the documents being highlighted by MsMilky and info supplied by my research and screenshots. Everyone  that was in this inner circle of FUKUSHIMA fighters were aware of his mental manifestations being an outright lie. Kevin Blanch, MsMilkytheclown and Maureen know the truth. Hatrick Penry was given every opportunity to tell the truth. He wants push to come to shove but in this case it hurts us all and all our hard work. I screenshoot everything, unforturnately Mr Muga has dug such a deep hole for himself that presenting his lies which encompass everything from his recollection of events and timeline to outright bullshit revisionist history that is at the very heart of what is driving the separation of reality of Fukushima and public perception. IF he thinks that I didn't document every dealing with the guy as well as did not 100% share with the other members of the "team" then he is not only wrong and a liar but Tony Muga is also delusional. He is stil using all of the info that gave him over a year ago and still he is stuck using my screenshots by thinking that taking screenshots of mine and removing any mention of MsMilky's, Kevin's, Maureen Burke's and my involvement of getting him the info that he ran with week after going on 70th week. If he really did the work and thinks they way he does about everyone not on his "side" of perception, then he should do his own work and stop trying to disrupt. Prove the case beyond a shadow of a doubt, unfortunately we are going to have to prove ours and by doing so the one pointing the finger has hundreds pointing back at him.  Do you really think that Jann would have dropped the veil and said what she said if she didn't know exactly who is telling the truth and who is the disruptive liar?  I can assure you that those that have chose a side have done so for good reason beyond the typically weak evidence of he said she said. As you can imaging this will take an effort that is best spent "exposing" the lie's of the Nuclear Industry. Love how he is trying to pin everything on me. Unfortunately I have to be the one with the screenshots that prove Hatrick Penry has lied in the most grotesque fashion that MsMilky and Kevin had no choice but to go public questioning everything about the little man. Sad Really.
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@Shazzamm1971 Oh my, thanks for all the info. I am definitely not up to date on all of that, but believe me, I am on your side! I have never felt comfortable with HP's approach I stopped listening to HP many months ago...His negativity,attacking, judgemental and divisive attitudes were WAY more than I cared to have to try to wade through....and MsMilky has had my respect since the very  beginning.  I love RadChick and Kevin but I have been out of the loop for a while . I have not been on youtube or anywhere much for that matter but I am beginning to 'rejoin the world' and now I shall have to go check out your channel, thanks....My head can only handle a few trusted voices at a time
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I don't care about any of the internal drama. I care that we do not share disinformation from proven liars like Gunderson who makes money from posting this type is dis information. We need to face the raw facts and to tell people the raw and TRUE facts, not spread more half truths or lies abou the curren situation. Fact. many people kiss Arnies ass because they have a vested youtube prominence and or attendant funding therewithin, or possible jobs w fairewinds, etc. Patrick or Tony or whatever has posted great information about documents that refute what many "experts" in the field say. This informations should be base on it's own merits, not on some judgement of Hatrick (Tony). This information directly refutes statements made by both Helen and Arnie, and including the photographic evidence provided by the FUKU 50 it is clear that many things Arnie and Helen have said is , even if well intentioned, directly contradicting the industries own emails and statements. So saying that unit 4 is being offloaded is so contradictory to real evidence it makes other statements those people make subject to much more intense fact checking. Supporting the work of people who profit from money from the nuclear industry, at a time when we need to get the facts out that this same industry does not want out, shows the contradiction between motives within all players in this game.  So who wants to talk about the documents Hatrick brings up, instead of bullshit drama that is not the real issue here? I have also criticized Radchick for her use and sharing of videos of "experts" (Dr Jim Sears who said seafood was safe!) who were outright lying, and her response was of a most hostile and personal type towards me. Not the kind of discussion that real forward thinkers do. more the response of someone with an agenda who is defensive. So show me facts why Hatricks info is bad. That's the real issue. OR are you afraid he caught you all with your wallets open? I have been anti nuke ever since my brother died after my pops was in the atomic cannon test in 1953, so I've got a lot of years into this subject and am not for sale to anyone.
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 Again, I feel the need to reiterate A point-to be wrong does not equate to lying!!!.... and frankly..documents can be 'wrong' too, though they are usually  a much better source(depending on their source ;)   ) than simply what one hears...however, none of us are nuclear scientists or have phd's in the radiation field...not Dr. Caldicott nor Arnie Gundersun, NOR YOU OR I OR HP... all the documents in the world or even Geiger counter readings or gamma ray spectrometer graphs mean that you can correctly interpret the data that you see....are you dissiminating misinformation or disinformation with your conclusions? Are you fearmongering with your amateur analysis of the radiation threats?Are you  slandering people with your assumptions that they are LYING? I am not saying that you are...I think that you believe what you say...what if YOU are wrong in your analysis and conclusions of the 'evidence'. THAT is the judgement that I hear you mask about others..AND I could  be wrong about that but that is what I hear.. And frankly I do not want you or anyone else to limit my access to what 'experts' may or may not have to say. I would like to decide for myself. Just because someone is wrong about something, does that mean that they have no 'truth' to offer?. Are you or HP, MR. Perfect?. HP has some great info of which I have been known to avail myself of....His hard work and, as far as I know , his intentions,. are beyond admirable...heroic herculean efforts even,. but the divisive negative attacks that I often hear greatly distracts from the message and I VERY often do not want to wade through or listen to such character assassinations to get to it...  Go listen to some of the ITunes University tapes that the CTBTO has on Fukushima. They are the ones who actually DO the monitoring across the world and make the ATM models They have convened scientists from across the world to try to interpret tons of data....they are calling for tons more research in analyzing Fukushima data and impact....Just because someone is head of IAEA or NRC employees does not really mean that they can interpret what they see....someone tells someone else something and they pass it on... it doesnot necessarily mean they know what the hell they are even talking about and it does not mean that they are even necessarily hiding cannot tell the world something that you are still trying to figure out yourself.... does that mean I do not think there is a 'coverup' , I do think 'coverup is involved...but  I do not always assume the intent to be malicious....however, I think the truth is much closer to  things that have more to do with ineptitude, and inefficient beaurocracy in MANY MANY agencies with inefficient intraagency communication and unclear responsibilities and no clearcut INTER agency system or line of communications(perhaps trying to cover THAT up) . It involves an overwhelming situation whose many aspects involve many agencies,with all the same problems stated above, and  many of these agencies  lack the authority to actually DO anything productive...overseeing does not necessarily carry with it any ability to ENFORCE very much at all- with no official communication between them. It , the truth, involves a totally unprepared (no agency or body was prepared for this scenario) inept, inefficient IAEA with little enforcement authority along with many other unprepared, agencies, including the Japanese govt, with inefficient beaurocracies that had no official system of communications between them and very little accurate information---lots  of data maybe (which may or may not have be accurate) in different agencies but no one to accurately interpret the tons of data between them. It was a OMG! WTF! situation and in many ways still is ....No one wants to admit that or accept responsibility for that  and no one really even knows where that responsibility for that would actually fall. I BELIEVE THAT THE REALITY ACTUALLY IS THAT THERE WAS NO SYSTEM IN PLACE TO HANDLE A SCENARIO SUCH AS FUKUSHIMA (so the powers that be do what they always do  in such a situation ...deny it and blame others(though I truly believe that a much smaller group of the PTB caused the whole thing....but they are not who I am talking about here) the beginning.the major untruths--not necessarily lies on this first part were in giving assurances that they could not guarantee.... and the junk science of reassurance that many of us remember which were outright lies. BUT Remember that the Japanese govt was reeling from their unprecedented triple play disaster of the biggest earthquake ever, tsunami killing over 10,000 and one day later a nuclear plant explosion and then another and another....these are human beings trying to handle all of this and they were IN SHOCK!...EVERYONE was flying by the seat of their one knew what to do! .
There are many of us trying to figure out the truth of what happened INCLUDING some of those in the 'documents'. Don't be so quick to JUDGE people's intentions or that they are LYING....It makes it difficult to trust a source of info that does that and  it tends to take away from tht source's credibility....IMHO, It would be a much better method to just put the info out without all the negative BULLSHIT such as character assassinations  and assumptions of people's motives or intentions!...please....This may come as a surprise...but your viewpoint is NOT the ONLY way to see things and if you assume it is the ONLY right way or even communicate that attitude, it does little to help this process of trying to get at the truth...
This is just MY opinion. It is the way that I see things AT THIS POINT AND AT MY CURREnt LEvEl of knowledge..Please try to grant others that option of actually seeing things in a different light than you do ....without having to denigrate, castigate or attack them....constructive criticism is one thing....condemnation is quite another!
 I recognize that you and others may see it differently and many have much more knowledge and info than I do like Ms Milky and RadChick and HP AND Arnie Gunderson and Shazzamm1971  --which does not guarantee that any of them have all the correct interpretations of what they have found out or the data they have collected----if it did they would not still be investigating-- geez   but I find them much easier to listen to and learn does not mean that I take anything they say as the bottom line but I truly appreciate their investigations and their willingness to present info and allow me to come to some of my own conclusions..
.Kevin, also, has way more knowledge than I do  and I can listen to him even in his condemnations cuzhis daddy died and he had to watch it and he has suffered much because of radiation too. I do not take his condemnations personally and they do not detract me from learning from him...They are mostly condemnations of inaction, notcaring,,,,media groups not continual specific people....they do not make him suspect to I said...justmy personal opinion and I am allowed to have it...I do not mean to condemn anyone...I only meant to say how I react to certain negative approaches and how I--me, myself and I see these approaches... They may prove beneficial to others and wake them up....It takes all kinds to speak to the world.
I don't know if any of this came out in a way that makes any sense. It is probably about as clear as mud..but I tried to say what I think and how I see it...
PS I just read my comment and I have no idea why some of this  comment looks like it is crossed is not...those words are meant to be there even though it may look like they are  crossed out.... ....
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+evilkneevers I AM  TRULY SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS  and for what it is worth, I DO believe that your know more facts that I do and I DO believe that your intentions are honorable and sincere....and splitting the atom and the power it released made the power hungry , control freaks froth at the mouth and the Military Industrial Complex completely Orgasmic and that does suck...and their thirst and quest for power has not been nor will it ever be satiated....but it still does not mean that I see it the way that you see it and that is just the way it is....there are many perspectives and viewpoints even among those seeking truth... 
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