A complete set of documents from the Fathers of the Church: saintly writers of the early centuries whom the Church recognizes as her special witnesses of the faith.
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A Syrian Bishop
Adaeus and St. Maris, Teachers of the Easterns
Alexander of Alexandria
Alexander of Cappadocia
Alexander of Lycopolis
An Anonymous Jewish Writer
Anatolius of Alexandria
Aphrahat the Persian Sage
Aristo of Pella
Athenagoras of Athens
Attributed to Clement of Rome
Augustine of Hippo
Basil the Great
Caius, Presbyter of Rome
Claudius Apollinaris, Bishop of Hierapolis, and Apologist
Clement of Alexandria
Clement of Rome
Confessors of Rome
Cyprian of Carthage
Cyril of Jerusalem
Dionysius the Great
Dionysius, Bishop of Corinth
Ephraim the Syrian
Eusebius of Caesarea
Eyewitness Account
Gregory Nazianzen
Gregory of Neocaesarea
Gregory of Neocaesarea (Spurious)
Gregory of Nyssa
Gregory the Great
Hilary of Poitiers
Hippolytus of Rome
Ignatius of Antioch
Irenaeus of Lyons
Isidore Mercator
Jacob of Serugh
Jacob of Serugh and Others
John Cassian
John Chrysostom
John of Damascus
Julius Africanus
Justin Martyr
Labubna, Son of Senaak
Leo the Great
Mara Bar-Serapion
Maximus, Bishop of Jerusalem
Melito, the Philosopher
Minucius Felix
Moses of Chorene
Pantaenus, the Alexandrian Philosopher
Papias of Hierapolis
Peter of Alexandria
Philip, a Disciple of Bardesan
Pierius of Alexandria
Polycarp of Smyrna
Polycrates, Bishop of Ephesus
Pontius the Deacon
Salaminius Hermias Sozomenus
Serapion, Bishop of Antioch
Simeon Metaphrastes
Socrates Scholasticus
Sulpitius Severus
Tatian the Syrian
Theognostus of Alexandria
Theonas of Alexandria
Theophilus of Antioch
Theophilus, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine
Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus
Vincent of Lerins
Deposition of Arius and Circular Letter
Epistles on the Arian Heresy and the Deposition of Arius: I.—to Alexander, Bishop of the City of Constantinople
Epistles on the Arian Heresy and the Deposition of Arius: II.—epistle Catholic
Epistles on the Arian Heresy and the Deposition of Arius: III.—epistle
Epistles on the Arian Heresy and the Deposition of Arius: IV.—epistle to Aeglon, Bishop of Cynopolis, against the Arians
Epistles on the Arian Heresy and the Deposition of Arius: V.—on the Soul and Body and the Passion of the Lord
Epistles on the Arian Heresy and the Deposition of Arius: I.—to Alexander, Bishop of the City of Constantinople
Epistles on the Arian Heresy and the Deposition of Arius: II.—epistle Catholic
Epistles on the Arian Heresy and the Deposition of Arius: III.—epistle
Epistles on the Arian Heresy and the Deposition of Arius: IV.—epistle to Aeglon, Bishop of Cynopolis, against the Arians
Epistles on the Arian Heresy and the Deposition of Arius: V.—on the Soul and Body and the Passion of the Lord
Concerning Repentance
Concerning Virgins, to Marcellina, His Sister
Concerning Widows
Exposition of the Christian Faith, Books I-III
Exposition of the Christian Faith, Books IV-V
Letter LI
Letter LVII
Letter LXI
Letter LXII
Letter LXIII
Letter Xl
Letter XLI
Letter XVII
Letter XVIII
Letter XX
Letter XXI
Letter XXII
On the Decease of His Brother Satyrus
On the Duties of the Clergy, Book I
On the Duties of the Clergy, Book II
On the Duties of the Clergy, Book III
On the Holy Spirit
On the Mysteries
Sermon against Auxentius on the Giving Up of the Basilicas
Concerning Virgins, to Marcellina, His Sister
Concerning Widows
Exposition of the Christian Faith, Books I-III
Exposition of the Christian Faith, Books IV-V
Letter LI
Letter LVII
Letter LXI
Letter LXII
Letter LXIII
Letter Xl
Letter XLI
Letter XVII
Letter XVIII
Letter XX
Letter XXI
Letter XXII
On the Decease of His Brother Satyrus
On the Duties of the Clergy, Book I
On the Duties of the Clergy, Book II
On the Duties of the Clergy, Book III
On the Holy Spirit
On the Mysteries
Sermon against Auxentius on the Giving Up of the Basilicas
The Seven Books of Arnobius against the Heathen (Adversus Gentes): Book I
The Seven Books of Arnobius against the Heathen (Adversus Gentes): Book II
The Seven Books of Arnobius against the Heathen (Adversus Gentes): Book III
The Seven Books of Arnobius against the Heathen (Adversus Gentes): Book IV
The Seven Books of Arnobius against the Heathen (Adversus Gentes): Book V
The Seven Books of Arnobius against the Heathen (Adversus Gentes): Book VI
The Seven Books of Arnobius against the Heathen (Adversus Gentes): Book VII
The Seven Books of Arnobius against the Heathen (Adversus Gentes): Book II
The Seven Books of Arnobius against the Heathen (Adversus Gentes): Book III
The Seven Books of Arnobius against the Heathen (Adversus Gentes): Book IV
The Seven Books of Arnobius against the Heathen (Adversus Gentes): Book V
The Seven Books of Arnobius against the Heathen (Adversus Gentes): Book VI
The Seven Books of Arnobius against the Heathen (Adversus Gentes): Book VII
Ad Afros Epistola Synodica
Apologia Contra Arianos
Apologia Contra Arianos
Apologia Contra Arianos
De Sententia Dionysii (On the Opinion of Dionysius)
De Synodis
Defence of His Flight
Defense Before Constantius
Discourses against the Arians
Encyclical Epistle to the Bishops Throughout the World
Festal Letter I
Festal Letter II
Festal Letter III
Festal Letter IV
Festal Letter V
Festal Letter VI
Festal Letter VII
Festal Letter X
Festal Letter XI
Festal Letter XII
Festal Letter XIII
Festal Letter XIV
Festal Letter XIX
Festal Letter XVII
Festal Letter XVIII
Festal Letter XX
From Festal Letter Xl
From Festal Letter XLII
From Festal Letter XLIII
From Festal Letter XLIV
From Festal Letter XLV
From Festal Letter XXII
From Festal Letter XXIV
From Festal Letter XXIX
From Festal Letter XXVII
From Festal Letter XXVIII
From Festal Letter XXXIX
History of the Arians
Life of Antony
On Luke X. 22 (Matt. XI. 27); (In Illud
Personal Letter L: First Letter to Lucifer
Personal Letter LI: Second Letter to Lucifer
Personal Letter LII: First Letter to Monks
Personal Letter LIII: Second Letter to Monks
Personal Letter LIV: to Serapion, Concerning the Death of Arius
Personal Letter LIX: to Epictetus
Personal Letter LV: Letter to Rufinianus
Personal Letter LVI: to the Emperor Jovian
Personal Letter LVII: First Letter to Orsisius
Personal Letter LX: to Adelphius[1], Bishop and Confessor: against the Arians
Personal Letter LXI: Letter to Maximus
Personal Letter LXII: to John and Antiochus
Personal Letter LXIII: Letter to the Presbyter Palladius
Personal Letter LXIV: to Diodorus (Fragment)
Personal Letter VIII: Second Letter to Orsisius
Personal Letter XLIX: letter to Dracontius
Personal Letter XLVI: letter to the Mareotis from Sardica
Personal Letter XLVII: Letter to the Church of Alexandria on the Same Occasion
Personal Letter XLVIII: Letter to Amun
To the Bishops of Egypt
Tome or Synodal Letter to the People of Antioch
Two Books against the Heathen
Apologia Contra Arianos
Apologia Contra Arianos
Apologia Contra Arianos
De Sententia Dionysii (On the Opinion of Dionysius)
De Synodis
Defence of His Flight
Defense Before Constantius
Discourses against the Arians
Encyclical Epistle to the Bishops Throughout the World
Festal Letter I
Festal Letter II
Festal Letter III
Festal Letter IV
Festal Letter V
Festal Letter VI
Festal Letter VII
Festal Letter X
Festal Letter XI
Festal Letter XII
Festal Letter XIII
Festal Letter XIV
Festal Letter XIX
Festal Letter XVII
Festal Letter XVIII
Festal Letter XX
From Festal Letter Xl
From Festal Letter XLII
From Festal Letter XLIII
From Festal Letter XLIV
From Festal Letter XLV
From Festal Letter XXII
From Festal Letter XXIV
From Festal Letter XXIX
From Festal Letter XXVII
From Festal Letter XXVIII
From Festal Letter XXXIX
History of the Arians
Life of Antony
On Luke X. 22 (Matt. XI. 27); (In Illud
Personal Letter L: First Letter to Lucifer
Personal Letter LI: Second Letter to Lucifer
Personal Letter LII: First Letter to Monks
Personal Letter LIII: Second Letter to Monks
Personal Letter LIV: to Serapion, Concerning the Death of Arius
Personal Letter LIX: to Epictetus
Personal Letter LV: Letter to Rufinianus
Personal Letter LVI: to the Emperor Jovian
Personal Letter LVII: First Letter to Orsisius
Personal Letter LX: to Adelphius[1], Bishop and Confessor: against the Arians
Personal Letter LXI: Letter to Maximus
Personal Letter LXII: to John and Antiochus
Personal Letter LXIII: Letter to the Presbyter Palladius
Personal Letter LXIV: to Diodorus (Fragment)
Personal Letter VIII: Second Letter to Orsisius
Personal Letter XLIX: letter to Dracontius
Personal Letter XLVI: letter to the Mareotis from Sardica
Personal Letter XLVII: Letter to the Church of Alexandria on the Same Occasion
Personal Letter XLVIII: Letter to Amun
To the Bishops of Egypt
Tome or Synodal Letter to the People of Antioch
Two Books against the Heathen
Two Epistles Concerning Virginity: the First Epistle of the Blessed Clement, the Disciple of Peter the Apostle
Two Epistles Concerning Virginity: the Second Epistle of the Same Clement
Two Epistles Concerning Virginity: the Second Epistle of the Same Clement
A Treatise against Two Letters of the Pelagians
Acts or Disputation against Fortunatus, the Manichaean
Against Lying
Against the Epistle of Manichaeus Called Fundamental
Against the Letters of Petilian
Concerning Faith of Things Not Seen (De Fide Rerum Quae Non Videntur)
Concerning the Nature of Good, against the Manichaeans
Enchiridion to Laurentius, or on Faith, Hope, and Love
Expositions on the Book of Psalms
Letter C
Letter CCI
Letter CCII
Letter CCIII
Letter CCIX
Letter Ccl
Letter CCLIV
Letter CCX
Letter CCXI
Letter CCXII
Letter CCXIX
Letter CCXLV
Letter CCXX
Letter CI
Letter CII
Letter CIII
Letter CIV
Letter Cl
Letter CLI
Letter CLIX
Letter CLXIV
Letter CLXIX
Letter CLXV
Letter CLXVI
Letter CLXXX
Letter CXCI
Letter CXCII
Letter CXCV
Letter CXI
Letter CXLIV
Letter CXLV
Letter CXLVI
Letter CXV
Letter CXVI
Letter CXVII
Letter CXXII
Letter CXXIV
Letter CXXV
Letter CXXVI
Letter CXXX
Letter CXXXI
Letter CXXXV
Letter I
Letter II
Letter III
Letter IV
Letter IX
Letter L
Letter LI
Letter LII
Letter LIII
Letter LIV
Letter LIX
Letter LV
Letter LVI
Letter LVII
Letter LVIII
Letter LX
Letter LXI
Letter LXII
Letter LXIII
Letter LXIV
Letter LXIX
Letter LXV
Letter LXVI
Letter LXVII
Letter LXX
Letter LXXI
Letter LXXII
Letter LXXIV
Letter LXXIX
Letter LXXV
Letter LXXVI
Letter LXXX
Letter LXXXI
Letter LXXXV
Letter V
Letter VI
Letter VII
Letter VIII
Letter X
Letter Xc
Letter XCI
Letter XCII
Letter XCIII
Letter XCIV
Letter XCIX
Letter XCV
Letter XCVI
Letter XCVII
Letter XI
Letter XII
Letter XIII
Letter XIV
Letter XIX
Letter Xl
Letter XLI
Letter XLII
Letter XLIII
Letter XLIV
Letter XLV
Letter XLVI
Letter XLVII
Letter XV
Letter XVI
Letter XVII
Letter XVIII
Letter Xvix
Letter XX
Letter XXI
Letter XXII
Letter XXIII
Letter XXIV
Letter XXIX
Letter XXV
Letter XXVI
Letter XXVII
Letter XXX
Letter XXXI
Letter XXXII
Letter XXXIV
Letter XXXIX
Letter XXXV
Letter XXXVI
Of Holy Virginity
Of the Morals of the Catholic Church and of the Morals of the Manichaeans
Of the Work of Monks
On Baptism, against the Donatists
On Care to Be Had for the Dead
On Catechizing the Uninstructed (De Catechizandis Rudibus)
On Christian Doctrine (De Doctrina Christiana)
On Continence
On Faith and the Creed (De Fide Et Symbolo)
On Grace and Free Will
On Lying
On Man's Perfection in Righteousness
On Marriage and Concupiscence
On Nature and Grace, against Pelagius
On Patience
On Rebuke and Grace
On the Creed: a Sermon to the Catechumens (Sermo Ad Catechumenos De Symbolo)
On the Good of Marriage (De Bono Conjugali)
On the Good of Widowhood
On the Grace of Christ, and on Original Sin
On the Merits and Forgiveness of Sins, and on the Baptism of Infants, to Marcellinus
On the Predestination of the Saints and on the Gift of Perseverance
On the Proceedings of Pelagius
On the Profit of Believing (De Utilitate Credendi)
On the Soul and Its Origin
On the Spirit and the Letter, to Marcellinus
On the Trinity
On Two Souls, against the Manichaeans
Our Lord's Sermon on the Mount
Reply to Faustus the Manichaean
Sermon C
Sermon CI
Sermon CII
Sermon CIII
Sermon CIX
Sermon CV
Sermon CVI
Sermon CVII
Sermon CVIII
Sermon CX
Sermon CXI
Sermon CXII
Sermon CXIII
Sermon CXIV
Sermon Cxl
Sermon CXLI
Sermon CXLII
Sermon CXLIV
Sermon CXLV
Sermon CXLVI
Sermon CXV
Sermon CXVI
Sermon CXVII
Sermon CXX
Sermon CXXI
Sermon CXXII
Sermon CXXIV
Sermon CXXIX
Sermon CXXV
Sermon CXXVI
Sermon CXXX
Sermon CXXXI
Sermon CXXXV
Sermon LI
Sermon LII
Sermon LIII
Sermon LIV
Sermon LIX
Sermon LV
Sermon LVI
Sermon LVII
Sermon LX
Sermon LXI
Sermon LXII
Sermon LXIII
Sermon LXIV
Sermon LXIX
Sermon LXIX
Sermon LXV
Sermon LXVI
Sermon LXVII
Sermon LXX
Sermon LXXI
Sermon LXXII
Sermon LXXIV
Sermon LXXIX
Sermon LXXV
Sermon LXXVI
Sermon LXXX
Sermon LXXXI
Sermon LXXXV
Sermon Xc
Sermon XCI
Sermon XCII
Sermon XCIII
Sermon XCIV
Sermon XCIX
Sermon XCV
Sermon XCVI
Sermon XCVII
The City of God (De Civitate Dei)
The Confessions
The Correction of the Donatists (Epistle CLXXXV)
The Harmony of the Gospels
Tractates on the Gospel of John
Treatise on the Epistle of St. John to the Parthians
Acts or Disputation against Fortunatus, the Manichaean
Against Lying
Against the Epistle of Manichaeus Called Fundamental
Against the Letters of Petilian
Concerning Faith of Things Not Seen (De Fide Rerum Quae Non Videntur)
Concerning the Nature of Good, against the Manichaeans
Enchiridion to Laurentius, or on Faith, Hope, and Love
Expositions on the Book of Psalms
Letter C
Letter CCI
Letter CCII
Letter CCIII
Letter CCIX
Letter Ccl
Letter CCLIV
Letter CCX
Letter CCXI
Letter CCXII
Letter CCXIX
Letter CCXLV
Letter CCXX
Letter CI
Letter CII
Letter CIII
Letter CIV
Letter Cl
Letter CLI
Letter CLIX
Letter CLXIV
Letter CLXIX
Letter CLXV
Letter CLXVI
Letter CLXXX
Letter CXCI
Letter CXCII
Letter CXCV
Letter CXI
Letter CXLIV
Letter CXLV
Letter CXLVI
Letter CXV
Letter CXVI
Letter CXVII
Letter CXXII
Letter CXXIV
Letter CXXV
Letter CXXVI
Letter CXXX
Letter CXXXI
Letter CXXXV
Letter I
Letter II
Letter III
Letter IV
Letter IX
Letter L
Letter LI
Letter LII
Letter LIII
Letter LIV
Letter LIX
Letter LV
Letter LVI
Letter LVII
Letter LVIII
Letter LX
Letter LXI
Letter LXII
Letter LXIII
Letter LXIV
Letter LXIX
Letter LXV
Letter LXVI
Letter LXVII
Letter LXX
Letter LXXI
Letter LXXII
Letter LXXIV
Letter LXXIX
Letter LXXV
Letter LXXVI
Letter LXXX
Letter LXXXI
Letter LXXXV
Letter V
Letter VI
Letter VII
Letter VIII
Letter X
Letter Xc
Letter XCI
Letter XCII
Letter XCIII
Letter XCIV
Letter XCIX
Letter XCV
Letter XCVI
Letter XCVII
Letter XI
Letter XII
Letter XIII
Letter XIV
Letter XIX
Letter Xl
Letter XLI
Letter XLII
Letter XLIII
Letter XLIV
Letter XLV
Letter XLVI
Letter XLVII
Letter XV
Letter XVI
Letter XVII
Letter XVIII
Letter Xvix
Letter XX
Letter XXI
Letter XXII
Letter XXIII
Letter XXIV
Letter XXIX
Letter XXV
Letter XXVI
Letter XXVII
Letter XXX
Letter XXXI
Letter XXXII
Letter XXXIV
Letter XXXIX
Letter XXXV
Letter XXXVI
Of Holy Virginity
Of the Morals of the Catholic Church and of the Morals of the Manichaeans
Of the Work of Monks
On Baptism, against the Donatists
On Care to Be Had for the Dead
On Catechizing the Uninstructed (De Catechizandis Rudibus)
On Christian Doctrine (De Doctrina Christiana)
On Continence
On Faith and the Creed (De Fide Et Symbolo)
On Grace and Free Will
On Lying
On Man's Perfection in Righteousness
On Marriage and Concupiscence
On Nature and Grace, against Pelagius
On Patience
On Rebuke and Grace
On the Creed: a Sermon to the Catechumens (Sermo Ad Catechumenos De Symbolo)
On the Good of Marriage (De Bono Conjugali)
On the Good of Widowhood
On the Grace of Christ, and on Original Sin
On the Merits and Forgiveness of Sins, and on the Baptism of Infants, to Marcellinus
On the Predestination of the Saints and on the Gift of Perseverance
On the Proceedings of Pelagius
On the Profit of Believing (De Utilitate Credendi)
On the Soul and Its Origin
On the Spirit and the Letter, to Marcellinus
On the Trinity
On Two Souls, against the Manichaeans
Our Lord's Sermon on the Mount
Reply to Faustus the Manichaean
Sermon C
Sermon CI
Sermon CII
Sermon CIII
Sermon CIX
Sermon CV
Sermon CVI
Sermon CVII
Sermon CVIII
Sermon CX
Sermon CXI
Sermon CXII
Sermon CXIII
Sermon CXIV
Sermon Cxl
Sermon CXLI
Sermon CXLII
Sermon CXLIV
Sermon CXLV
Sermon CXLVI
Sermon CXV
Sermon CXVI
Sermon CXVII
Sermon CXX
Sermon CXXI
Sermon CXXII
Sermon CXXIV
Sermon CXXIX
Sermon CXXV
Sermon CXXVI
Sermon CXXX
Sermon CXXXI
Sermon CXXXV
Sermon LI
Sermon LII
Sermon LIII
Sermon LIV
Sermon LIX
Sermon LV
Sermon LVI
Sermon LVII
Sermon LX
Sermon LXI
Sermon LXII
Sermon LXIII
Sermon LXIV
Sermon LXIX
Sermon LXIX
Sermon LXV
Sermon LXVI
Sermon LXVII
Sermon LXX
Sermon LXXI
Sermon LXXII
Sermon LXXIV
Sermon LXXIX
Sermon LXXV
Sermon LXXVI
Sermon LXXX
Sermon LXXXI
Sermon LXXXV
Sermon Xc
Sermon XCI
Sermon XCII
Sermon XCIII
Sermon XCIV
Sermon XCIX
Sermon XCV
Sermon XCVI
Sermon XCVII
The City of God (De Civitate Dei)
The Confessions
The Correction of the Donatists (Epistle CLXXXV)
The Harmony of the Gospels
Tractates on the Gospel of John
Treatise on the Epistle of St. John to the Parthians
Homily I: in the Beginning God Made the Heaven and the Earth
Homily II: "The earth was invisible and unfinished."
Homily III: on the Firmament
Homily IV: Upon the Gathering Together of the Waters
Homily IX: the Creation of Terrestrial Animals
Homily V: the Germination of the Earth
Homily VI: the Creation of Luminous Bodies
Homily VII: the Creation of Moving Creatures
Homily VIII: the Creation of Fowl and Water Animals
Letter C: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter Cc: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Letter CCCIII: to the Comes Privatarum
Letter Cccl: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCCLI: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCCLIII: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCCLIX: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCCLVI: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCCLX: of the Holy Trinity, the Incarnation, the Invocation of saints, and Their Images
Letter CCCLXVI: Basil to Urbicius the Monk, Concerning Continency
Letter CCCVI: to the Governor of Sebasteia
Letter CCCXLII: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCCXLIV: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCCXLVIII: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCCXXXIV: to a Writer
Letter CCCXXXIX: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCCXXXV: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCCXXXVII: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCI: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Letter CCII: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Letter CCIII: to the Bishops of the Sea Coast
Letter CCIV: to the Neocaesarcans
Letter CCIX: Without Address
Letter Ccl: to Patrophilus, Bishop of Aegae
Letter CCLI: to the People of Evaesae
Letter CCLIII: to the Presbyters of Antioch
Letter Cclil: to the Bishops of the Pontic Diocese
Letter CCLIV: to Pelagius, Bishop of the Syrian Laodicea
Letter CCLIX: to the Monks Palladius and Innocent
Letter CCLV: to Vitus, Bishop of Charrae
Letter CCLVI: to the Very Well Beloved and Reverend Brethren the presbyters Acacius, Aetius, Paulus, and Silvanus; the Deacons Silvinus and lucius, and the Rest of the Brethren the Monks, Basil, the Bishop
Letter CCLVII: to the Monks Harassed By the Arians
Letter CCLVIII: to Epiphanius the Bishop
Letter CCLX: to Optimus the Bishop
Letter CCLXI: to the Sozopolitans
Letter CCLXII: to the Monk Urbicius
Letter CCLXIII: to the Westerns
Letter CCLXIV: to Barses, Bishop of Edessa, in Exile
Letter CCLXIX: to the Wife of Ariathaeus, the General
Letter CCLXV: to Eulogius, Alexander, and Harpocration, Bishops of egypt, in Exile
Letter CCLXVI: to Petrus, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter CCLXVII: to Barses, Bishop of Edessa, in Exile
Letter CCLXVIII: to Eusebius, in Exile
Letter CCLXX: Without Address. Concerning Raptus
Letter CCLXXI: to Eusebius, My Comrade, to Recommend Cyriacus the presbyter
Letter CCLXXII: to Sophronius the Magister Officiorum
Letter CCLXXIII: Without Address. Concerning Hera
Letter CCLXXIV: to Himerius, the Master
Letter CCLXXIX: to Modestus the Prefect
Letter CCLXXV: Without Address. Concerning Hera
Letter CCLXXVI: to the Great Harmatius
Letter CCLXXVII: to the Learned Maximus
Letter CCLXXVIII: to Valerianus
Letter CCLXXX: to Modestus the Prefect
Letter CCLXXXI: to Modestus the Prefect
Letter CCLXXXII: to a Bishop
Letter CCLXXXIII: to a Widow
Letter CCLXXXIV: to the Assessor in the Case of Monks
Letter CCLXXXIX: Without Address. Concerning an Afflicted Woman
Letter CCLXXXV: Without Address
Letter CCLXXXVI: to the Commentariensis
Letter CCLXXXVII: Without Address
Letter CCLXXXVIII: Without Address
Letter CCV: to Elpidius the Bishop
Letter CCVI: to Elpidius the Bishop
Letter CCVII: to the Clergy of Neocaesarea
Letter CCVIII: to Eulancius
Letter CCX: to the Notables of Neocaesarea
Letter Ccxc: to Nectarius
Letter CCXCI: to Timotheus the Chorepiscopus
Letter CCXCII: to Palladius
Letter CCXCIII: to Julianus
Letter CCXCIV: to Festus and Magnus
Letter CCXCIX: to a Censitor
Letter CCXCV: to Monks
Letter CCXI: to Olympius
Letter CCXII: to Hilarius
Letter CCXIII: Without Address
Letter CCXIV: to Count Terentius
Letter CCXIX: to the Clergy of Samosata
Letter Ccxl: to the Presbyters of Nicopolis
Letter CCXLI: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CCXLII: to the Westerns
Letter CCXLIII: to the Bishops of Italy and Gaul Concerning the condition and Confusion of the Churches
Letter CCXLIV: to Patrophilus, Bishop of Aegae
Letter CCXLIX: Without Address. Commendatory
Letter CCXLV: to Theophilus the Bishop
Letter CCXLVI: to the Nicopolitans
Letter CCXLVII: to the Nicopolitans
Letter CCXLVIII: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Letter CCXV: to the Presbyter Dorotheus
Letter CCXVI: to Meletius, Bishop of Antioch
Letter CCXVII: to Amphilochius, the Canons
Letter CCXVIII: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Letter CCXX: to the Beraeans
Letter CCXXI: to the Beraeans
Letter CCXXII: to the People of Chalcis
Letter CCXXIII: against Eustathius of Sebasteia
Letter CCXXIV: to the Presbyter Genethlius
Letter CCXXIX: to the Clergy of Nicopolis
Letter CCXXV: to Demosthenes, As from the Synod of Bishops
Letter CCXXVI: to the Ascetics Under Him
Letter CCXXVII: Consolatory, to the Clergy of Colonia
Letter CCXXVIII: to the Magistrates of Colonia
Letter CCXXX: to the Magistrates of Nicopolis
Letter CCXXXI: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Letter CCXXXII: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Letter CCXXXIII: to Amphilochius, in Reply to Certain Questions
Letter CCXXXIV: to the Same, in Answer to Another Question
Letter CCXXXIX: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CCXXXV: to the Same, in Answer to Another Question
Letter CCXXXVI: to the Same Amphilochius
Letter CCXXXVII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CCXXXVIII: to the Presbyters of Nicopolis
Letter CI: Consolatory
Letter CII: to the Citizens of Satala
Letter CIV: to the Prefect Modestus
Letter CIX: to the Count Helladius
Letter Cl: to Amphilochius in the Name of Heraclidas
Letter CLI: to Eustathius the Physician
Letter CLII: to Victor, the Commander
Letter CLIII: to Victor the Ex-Consul
Letter CLIV: to Ascholius, Bishop of Thessalonica
Letter CLIX: to Eupaterius and His Daughter
Letter CLV: Without Address. in the Case of a Trainer
Letter CLVI: to the Presbyter Evagrius
Letter CLVII: to Amiochus
Letter CLVIII: to Antiochus
Letter CLX: to Diodorus
Letter CLXI: to Amphilochius on His Consecration As Bishop
Letter CLXII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CLXIII: to Count Jovinus
Letter CLXIV: to Ascholius
Letter CLXIX: Basil to Gregory
Letter CLXV: to Ascholius, Bishop of Thessalonica
Letter CLXVII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CLXVIII: to Antiochus
Letter CLXX: to Glycerius
Letter CLXXI: to Gregory
Letter CLXXII: to Sophronius, the Bishop
Letter CLXXIII: to Theodora the Canoness
Letter CLXXIV: to a Widow
Letter CLXXIX: to Arinthoeus
Letter CLXXV: to Count Magnenianus
Letter CLXXVI: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Letter CLXXVII: to Sophronius the Master
Letter CLXXVIII: to Aburgius
Letter CLXXX: to the Master Sophronius, on Behalf of Eunathius
Letter CLXXXI: to Otreius, Bishop of Melitene
Letter CLXXXII: to the Presbyters of Samosata
Letter CLXXXIII: to the Senate of Samosata
Letter CLXXXIV: to Eustathius, Bishop of Himmeria
Letter CLXXXV: to Theodotus, Bishop of Beroea
Letter CLXXXVI: to Antipater, the Governor
Letter CLXXXVIII: (Canonica Prima) to Amphilochius, Concerning the canons
Letter CV: to the Deaconesses, the Daughters of Count Terentius
Letter CVI: to a Soldier
Letter CVII: to the Widow Julitta
Letter CVIII: to the Guardian of the Heirs of Julitta
Letter CX: to the Prefect Modestus
Letter Cxc: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Letter CXCI: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Letter CXCII: to Sophronius the Master
Letter CXCIII: to Meletius the Physician
Letter CXCIV: to Zoilus
Letter CXCIX: Canonica Secunda. to Amphilochius, Concerning the Canons
Letter CXCV: to Euphronius, Bishop of Colonia Armenioe
Letter CXCVI: to Aburgius
Letter CXCVII: to Ambrose, Bishop of Milan
Letter CXCVIII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CXI: to Modestus, the Prefect
Letter CXII: to Andronicus, a General
Letter CXIII: to the Presbyters of Tarsus
Letter CXIV: to Cyriacus, At Tarsus
Letter CXIX: to Eustathius, Bishop of Sebasteia
Letter Cxl: to the Church of Antioch
Letter CXLI: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CXLII: to the Prefects' Accountant
Letter CXLIII: to Another Accountant
Letter CXLIV: to the Prefects' Officer
Letter CXLIX: to Trajan
Letter CXLV: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CXLVI: to Antiochus
Letter CXLVII: to Aburgius
Letter CXLVIII: to Trajan
Letter CXV: to the Heretic Simplicia
Letter CXVI: to Firminius
Letter CXVIII: to Jovinus, Bishop of Perrha
Letter CXX: to Meletius, Bishop of Antioch
Letter CXXI: to Theodotus, Bishop of Nicopolis
Letter CXXII: to Poemenius, Bishop of Satala
Letter CXXIII: to Urbicius, the Monk
Letter CXXIV: to Theodorus
Letter CXXIX: to Meletius Bishop of Antioch
Letter CXXV
Letter CXXVI: to Atarbius
Letter CXXVII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CXXVIII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CXXX: to Theodotus Bishop of Nicopolis
Letter CXXXI: to Olympius
Letter CXXXII: to Abramius, Bishop of Batnoe
Letter CXXXIII: to Peter, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter CXXXIV: to the Presbyter Poeonius
Letter CXXXIX: to the Alexandrians
Letter CXXXV: to Diodorus, Presbyter of Antioch
Letter CXXXVI: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CXXXVII: to Antipater, on His Assuming the Governorship of cappadocia
Letter CXXXVIII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter I: to Eustathius the Philosopher
Letter II: Basil to Gregory
Letter III: to Candidianus
Letter IV: to Olympius
Letter IX: to Maximus the Philosopher
Letter LI: to Bishop Bosporius
Letter LII: to the Canonicae
Letter LIII: to the Chorepiscopi
Letter LIV: to the Chorepiscopi
Letter LIX: to Gregory, His Uncle
Letter LV: to Paregorius, the Presbyter
Letter LVI: to Pergamius
Letter LVII: to Meletius, Bishop of Antioch
Letter LVIII: to Gregory My Brother
Letter LX: to Gregory His Uncle
Letter LXI: to Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter LXII: to the Church of Parnassus
Letter LXIII: to the Governor of Neocoesarea
Letter LXIV: to Hesychius
Letter LXIX: to Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter LXV: to Atarbius
Letter LXVI: to Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter LXVII: to Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter LXVIII: to Meletius, Bishop of Antioch
Letter LXX: Without Address [Certainly to Pope Damasus]
Letter LXXI: Basil to Gregory
Letter LXXII: to Hesychius
Letter LXXIII: to Callisthenes
Letter LXXIV: to Martinianus
Letter LXXIX: to Eustathius Bishop of Sebastia
Letter LXXV: to Aburgius
Letter LXXVI: to Saphronius the Master
Letter LXXVII: Without Inscription: about Therasius
Letter LXXVIII: Without Inscription, on Behalf of Elpidius
Letter LXXX: to Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter LXXXII: to Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter LXXXIII: to a Magistrate
Letter LXXXIV: to the President
Letter LXXXIX: to Meletius, Bishop of Antioch
Letter LXXXV: that the Oath Ought Not to Be Taken
Letter LXXXVI: to the Governor
Letter LXXXVII: Without Address on the Same Subject
Letter LXXXVIII: Without Address on the Subject of the Exaction of taxes
Letter V: to Nectarius
Letter VI: to the Wife of Nectarius
Letter VII: to Gregory My Friend
Letter X: to a Widow
Letter Xc: to the Holy Brethren the Bishops of the West
Letter XCI: to Valerianus, Bishop of Illyricum
Letter XCII: to the Italians and Gauls
Letter XCIII: to the Patrician Coesaria, Concerning Communion
Letter XCIV: to Elias, Governor of the Province
Letter XCIX: to Count Terentius
Letter XCV: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter XCVII: to the Senate of Tyana
Letter XCVIII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter XI: Without Address. to Some Friends
Letter XII: to Olympius
Letter XIII: to Olympius
Letter XIV: to Gregory His Friend
Letter XIX: to Gregory My Friend
Letter XLII: to Chilo, His Disciple
Letter XLIV: to a Lapsed Monk
Letter XLIX: to Arcadius the Bishop
Letter XLV: to a Lapsed Monk
Letter XLVI: to a Fallen Virgin
Letter XLVIII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter XV: to Arcadius, Imperial Treasurer
Letter XVII: to Origenes
Letter XVIII: to Macarius and John
Letter XX: to Leontius the Sophist
Letter XXI: to Leontius the Sophist
Letter XXII: Without Address. on the Perfection of the Life of solitaries
Letter XXIII: to a Solitary
Letter XXIV: to Athanasius, Father of Athanasius Bishop of Ancyra
Letter XXIX: to the Church of Ancyra
Letter XXV: to Athanasius, Bishop Ancyra
Letter XXVI: to Caesarius, Brother of Gregory
Letter XXVII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter XXVIII: to the Church of Neocoesarea
Letter XXX: to Eusebius of Samosata
Letter XXXI: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter XXXII: to Sophronius the Master
Letter XXXIII: to Aburgius
Letter XXXIV: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter XXXV: Without Address
Letter XXXVI: Without Address
Letter XXXVII: Without Address
Treatise De Spiritu Sancto
Homily II: "The earth was invisible and unfinished."
Homily III: on the Firmament
Homily IV: Upon the Gathering Together of the Waters
Homily IX: the Creation of Terrestrial Animals
Homily V: the Germination of the Earth
Homily VI: the Creation of Luminous Bodies
Homily VII: the Creation of Moving Creatures
Homily VIII: the Creation of Fowl and Water Animals
Letter C: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter Cc: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Letter CCCIII: to the Comes Privatarum
Letter Cccl: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCCLI: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCCLIII: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCCLIX: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCCLVI: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCCLX: of the Holy Trinity, the Incarnation, the Invocation of saints, and Their Images
Letter CCCLXVI: Basil to Urbicius the Monk, Concerning Continency
Letter CCCVI: to the Governor of Sebasteia
Letter CCCXLII: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCCXLIV: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCCXLVIII: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCCXXXIV: to a Writer
Letter CCCXXXIX: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCCXXXV: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCCXXXVII: Basil to Libanius
Letter CCI: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Letter CCII: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Letter CCIII: to the Bishops of the Sea Coast
Letter CCIV: to the Neocaesarcans
Letter CCIX: Without Address
Letter Ccl: to Patrophilus, Bishop of Aegae
Letter CCLI: to the People of Evaesae
Letter CCLIII: to the Presbyters of Antioch
Letter Cclil: to the Bishops of the Pontic Diocese
Letter CCLIV: to Pelagius, Bishop of the Syrian Laodicea
Letter CCLIX: to the Monks Palladius and Innocent
Letter CCLV: to Vitus, Bishop of Charrae
Letter CCLVI: to the Very Well Beloved and Reverend Brethren the presbyters Acacius, Aetius, Paulus, and Silvanus; the Deacons Silvinus and lucius, and the Rest of the Brethren the Monks, Basil, the Bishop
Letter CCLVII: to the Monks Harassed By the Arians
Letter CCLVIII: to Epiphanius the Bishop
Letter CCLX: to Optimus the Bishop
Letter CCLXI: to the Sozopolitans
Letter CCLXII: to the Monk Urbicius
Letter CCLXIII: to the Westerns
Letter CCLXIV: to Barses, Bishop of Edessa, in Exile
Letter CCLXIX: to the Wife of Ariathaeus, the General
Letter CCLXV: to Eulogius, Alexander, and Harpocration, Bishops of egypt, in Exile
Letter CCLXVI: to Petrus, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter CCLXVII: to Barses, Bishop of Edessa, in Exile
Letter CCLXVIII: to Eusebius, in Exile
Letter CCLXX: Without Address. Concerning Raptus
Letter CCLXXI: to Eusebius, My Comrade, to Recommend Cyriacus the presbyter
Letter CCLXXII: to Sophronius the Magister Officiorum
Letter CCLXXIII: Without Address. Concerning Hera
Letter CCLXXIV: to Himerius, the Master
Letter CCLXXIX: to Modestus the Prefect
Letter CCLXXV: Without Address. Concerning Hera
Letter CCLXXVI: to the Great Harmatius
Letter CCLXXVII: to the Learned Maximus
Letter CCLXXVIII: to Valerianus
Letter CCLXXX: to Modestus the Prefect
Letter CCLXXXI: to Modestus the Prefect
Letter CCLXXXII: to a Bishop
Letter CCLXXXIII: to a Widow
Letter CCLXXXIV: to the Assessor in the Case of Monks
Letter CCLXXXIX: Without Address. Concerning an Afflicted Woman
Letter CCLXXXV: Without Address
Letter CCLXXXVI: to the Commentariensis
Letter CCLXXXVII: Without Address
Letter CCLXXXVIII: Without Address
Letter CCV: to Elpidius the Bishop
Letter CCVI: to Elpidius the Bishop
Letter CCVII: to the Clergy of Neocaesarea
Letter CCVIII: to Eulancius
Letter CCX: to the Notables of Neocaesarea
Letter Ccxc: to Nectarius
Letter CCXCI: to Timotheus the Chorepiscopus
Letter CCXCII: to Palladius
Letter CCXCIII: to Julianus
Letter CCXCIV: to Festus and Magnus
Letter CCXCIX: to a Censitor
Letter CCXCV: to Monks
Letter CCXI: to Olympius
Letter CCXII: to Hilarius
Letter CCXIII: Without Address
Letter CCXIV: to Count Terentius
Letter CCXIX: to the Clergy of Samosata
Letter Ccxl: to the Presbyters of Nicopolis
Letter CCXLI: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CCXLII: to the Westerns
Letter CCXLIII: to the Bishops of Italy and Gaul Concerning the condition and Confusion of the Churches
Letter CCXLIV: to Patrophilus, Bishop of Aegae
Letter CCXLIX: Without Address. Commendatory
Letter CCXLV: to Theophilus the Bishop
Letter CCXLVI: to the Nicopolitans
Letter CCXLVII: to the Nicopolitans
Letter CCXLVIII: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Letter CCXV: to the Presbyter Dorotheus
Letter CCXVI: to Meletius, Bishop of Antioch
Letter CCXVII: to Amphilochius, the Canons
Letter CCXVIII: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Letter CCXX: to the Beraeans
Letter CCXXI: to the Beraeans
Letter CCXXII: to the People of Chalcis
Letter CCXXIII: against Eustathius of Sebasteia
Letter CCXXIV: to the Presbyter Genethlius
Letter CCXXIX: to the Clergy of Nicopolis
Letter CCXXV: to Demosthenes, As from the Synod of Bishops
Letter CCXXVI: to the Ascetics Under Him
Letter CCXXVII: Consolatory, to the Clergy of Colonia
Letter CCXXVIII: to the Magistrates of Colonia
Letter CCXXX: to the Magistrates of Nicopolis
Letter CCXXXI: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Letter CCXXXII: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Letter CCXXXIII: to Amphilochius, in Reply to Certain Questions
Letter CCXXXIV: to the Same, in Answer to Another Question
Letter CCXXXIX: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CCXXXV: to the Same, in Answer to Another Question
Letter CCXXXVI: to the Same Amphilochius
Letter CCXXXVII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CCXXXVIII: to the Presbyters of Nicopolis
Letter CI: Consolatory
Letter CII: to the Citizens of Satala
Letter CIV: to the Prefect Modestus
Letter CIX: to the Count Helladius
Letter Cl: to Amphilochius in the Name of Heraclidas
Letter CLI: to Eustathius the Physician
Letter CLII: to Victor, the Commander
Letter CLIII: to Victor the Ex-Consul
Letter CLIV: to Ascholius, Bishop of Thessalonica
Letter CLIX: to Eupaterius and His Daughter
Letter CLV: Without Address. in the Case of a Trainer
Letter CLVI: to the Presbyter Evagrius
Letter CLVII: to Amiochus
Letter CLVIII: to Antiochus
Letter CLX: to Diodorus
Letter CLXI: to Amphilochius on His Consecration As Bishop
Letter CLXII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CLXIII: to Count Jovinus
Letter CLXIV: to Ascholius
Letter CLXIX: Basil to Gregory
Letter CLXV: to Ascholius, Bishop of Thessalonica
Letter CLXVII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CLXVIII: to Antiochus
Letter CLXX: to Glycerius
Letter CLXXI: to Gregory
Letter CLXXII: to Sophronius, the Bishop
Letter CLXXIII: to Theodora the Canoness
Letter CLXXIV: to a Widow
Letter CLXXIX: to Arinthoeus
Letter CLXXV: to Count Magnenianus
Letter CLXXVI: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Letter CLXXVII: to Sophronius the Master
Letter CLXXVIII: to Aburgius
Letter CLXXX: to the Master Sophronius, on Behalf of Eunathius
Letter CLXXXI: to Otreius, Bishop of Melitene
Letter CLXXXII: to the Presbyters of Samosata
Letter CLXXXIII: to the Senate of Samosata
Letter CLXXXIV: to Eustathius, Bishop of Himmeria
Letter CLXXXV: to Theodotus, Bishop of Beroea
Letter CLXXXVI: to Antipater, the Governor
Letter CLXXXVIII: (Canonica Prima) to Amphilochius, Concerning the canons
Letter CV: to the Deaconesses, the Daughters of Count Terentius
Letter CVI: to a Soldier
Letter CVII: to the Widow Julitta
Letter CVIII: to the Guardian of the Heirs of Julitta
Letter CX: to the Prefect Modestus
Letter Cxc: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Letter CXCI: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Letter CXCII: to Sophronius the Master
Letter CXCIII: to Meletius the Physician
Letter CXCIV: to Zoilus
Letter CXCIX: Canonica Secunda. to Amphilochius, Concerning the Canons
Letter CXCV: to Euphronius, Bishop of Colonia Armenioe
Letter CXCVI: to Aburgius
Letter CXCVII: to Ambrose, Bishop of Milan
Letter CXCVIII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CXI: to Modestus, the Prefect
Letter CXII: to Andronicus, a General
Letter CXIII: to the Presbyters of Tarsus
Letter CXIV: to Cyriacus, At Tarsus
Letter CXIX: to Eustathius, Bishop of Sebasteia
Letter Cxl: to the Church of Antioch
Letter CXLI: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CXLII: to the Prefects' Accountant
Letter CXLIII: to Another Accountant
Letter CXLIV: to the Prefects' Officer
Letter CXLIX: to Trajan
Letter CXLV: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CXLVI: to Antiochus
Letter CXLVII: to Aburgius
Letter CXLVIII: to Trajan
Letter CXV: to the Heretic Simplicia
Letter CXVI: to Firminius
Letter CXVIII: to Jovinus, Bishop of Perrha
Letter CXX: to Meletius, Bishop of Antioch
Letter CXXI: to Theodotus, Bishop of Nicopolis
Letter CXXII: to Poemenius, Bishop of Satala
Letter CXXIII: to Urbicius, the Monk
Letter CXXIV: to Theodorus
Letter CXXIX: to Meletius Bishop of Antioch
Letter CXXV
Letter CXXVI: to Atarbius
Letter CXXVII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CXXVIII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CXXX: to Theodotus Bishop of Nicopolis
Letter CXXXI: to Olympius
Letter CXXXII: to Abramius, Bishop of Batnoe
Letter CXXXIII: to Peter, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter CXXXIV: to the Presbyter Poeonius
Letter CXXXIX: to the Alexandrians
Letter CXXXV: to Diodorus, Presbyter of Antioch
Letter CXXXVI: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CXXXVII: to Antipater, on His Assuming the Governorship of cappadocia
Letter CXXXVIII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter I: to Eustathius the Philosopher
Letter II: Basil to Gregory
Letter III: to Candidianus
Letter IV: to Olympius
Letter IX: to Maximus the Philosopher
Letter LI: to Bishop Bosporius
Letter LII: to the Canonicae
Letter LIII: to the Chorepiscopi
Letter LIV: to the Chorepiscopi
Letter LIX: to Gregory, His Uncle
Letter LV: to Paregorius, the Presbyter
Letter LVI: to Pergamius
Letter LVII: to Meletius, Bishop of Antioch
Letter LVIII: to Gregory My Brother
Letter LX: to Gregory His Uncle
Letter LXI: to Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter LXII: to the Church of Parnassus
Letter LXIII: to the Governor of Neocoesarea
Letter LXIV: to Hesychius
Letter LXIX: to Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter LXV: to Atarbius
Letter LXVI: to Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter LXVII: to Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter LXVIII: to Meletius, Bishop of Antioch
Letter LXX: Without Address [Certainly to Pope Damasus]
Letter LXXI: Basil to Gregory
Letter LXXII: to Hesychius
Letter LXXIII: to Callisthenes
Letter LXXIV: to Martinianus
Letter LXXIX: to Eustathius Bishop of Sebastia
Letter LXXV: to Aburgius
Letter LXXVI: to Saphronius the Master
Letter LXXVII: Without Inscription: about Therasius
Letter LXXVIII: Without Inscription, on Behalf of Elpidius
Letter LXXX: to Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter LXXXII: to Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter LXXXIII: to a Magistrate
Letter LXXXIV: to the President
Letter LXXXIX: to Meletius, Bishop of Antioch
Letter LXXXV: that the Oath Ought Not to Be Taken
Letter LXXXVI: to the Governor
Letter LXXXVII: Without Address on the Same Subject
Letter LXXXVIII: Without Address on the Subject of the Exaction of taxes
Letter V: to Nectarius
Letter VI: to the Wife of Nectarius
Letter VII: to Gregory My Friend
Letter X: to a Widow
Letter Xc: to the Holy Brethren the Bishops of the West
Letter XCI: to Valerianus, Bishop of Illyricum
Letter XCII: to the Italians and Gauls
Letter XCIII: to the Patrician Coesaria, Concerning Communion
Letter XCIV: to Elias, Governor of the Province
Letter XCIX: to Count Terentius
Letter XCV: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter XCVII: to the Senate of Tyana
Letter XCVIII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter XI: Without Address. to Some Friends
Letter XII: to Olympius
Letter XIII: to Olympius
Letter XIV: to Gregory His Friend
Letter XIX: to Gregory My Friend
Letter XLII: to Chilo, His Disciple
Letter XLIV: to a Lapsed Monk
Letter XLIX: to Arcadius the Bishop
Letter XLV: to a Lapsed Monk
Letter XLVI: to a Fallen Virgin
Letter XLVIII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter XV: to Arcadius, Imperial Treasurer
Letter XVII: to Origenes
Letter XVIII: to Macarius and John
Letter XX: to Leontius the Sophist
Letter XXI: to Leontius the Sophist
Letter XXII: Without Address. on the Perfection of the Life of solitaries
Letter XXIII: to a Solitary
Letter XXIV: to Athanasius, Father of Athanasius Bishop of Ancyra
Letter XXIX: to the Church of Ancyra
Letter XXV: to Athanasius, Bishop Ancyra
Letter XXVI: to Caesarius, Brother of Gregory
Letter XXVII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter XXVIII: to the Church of Neocoesarea
Letter XXX: to Eusebius of Samosata
Letter XXXI: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter XXXII: to Sophronius the Master
Letter XXXIII: to Aburgius
Letter XXXIV: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Letter XXXV: Without Address
Letter XXXVI: Without Address
Letter XXXVII: Without Address
Treatise De Spiritu Sancto
Exhortation to the Heathen
Fragments of Clemens Alexandrinus
The Instructor [Paedagogus.]
The Stromata, or Miscellanies, Books I-II
The Stromata, or Miscellanies, Books III-V
The Stromata, or Miscellanies, Books VI-VIII
Who Is the Rich Man that Shall Be Saved?
Fragments of Clemens Alexandrinus
The Instructor [Paedagogus.]
The Stromata, or Miscellanies, Books I-II
The Stromata, or Miscellanies, Books III-V
The Stromata, or Miscellanies, Books VI-VIII
Who Is the Rich Man that Shall Be Saved?
An Address to Demetrianus
Correspondence Between Caldonius and Cyprian, Concerning Whether or Not the Lapsed Christians Who Seek Forgiveness Ought to Be Brought Into Communion
Correspondence Between Cyprian and Nine Bishops of Numidia
Correspondence Between Cyprian and the Roman Clergy Concerning the Reconciliation of the Lapsed With the Church
Correspondence Between Cyprian and the Schismatic Confessors, Concerning Their Return to the Church
Correspondence Between Pope Cornelius and Cyprian Concerning the Return of the Confessors to the Church
Correspondence Between Pope Cornelius and Cyprian, Concerning the Crimes of Novatian
Correspondence Between the Confessors of Carthage and Cyprian, Concerning Certificates Issued to the Lapsed to Bring Them Back Into Communion
Epistle I: to Donatus
Epistle II: from the Roman Clergy to the Carthaginian Clergy, about the Retirement of the Blessed Cyprian
Epistle III: to the Presbyters and Deacons Abiding At Rome
Epistle IV: to the Presbyters and Deacons
Epistle IX: to the Clergy, Concerning Certain Presbyters Who Had Rashly Granted Peace to the Lapsed Before the Persecution Had Been Appeased, and Without the Privity of the Bishops
Epistle LI: to Antonianus about Cornelius and Novatian
Epistle LII: to Fortunatus and His Other Colleagues, Concerning Those Who Had Been Overcome By Tortures
Epistle LIII: to Cornelius, Concerning Granting Peace to the Lapsed
Epistle LIV: to Cornelius, Concerning Fortunatus and Felicissimus, or against the Heretics
Epistle LIX: to the Numidian Bishops, on the Redemption of Their Brethren from Captivity Among the Barbarians
Epistle LV: to the People of Thibaris, Exhorting to Martyrdom
Epistle LVI: to Cornelius in Exile, Concerning His Confession
Epistle LVII: to Lucius the Bishop of Rome, Returned from Banishment
Epistle LVIII: to Fidus, on the Baptism of Infants
Epistle LX: to Euchratius, about an Actor
Epistle LXI: to Pomponius, Concerning Some Virgins
Epistle LXII: Caecilius, on the Sacrament of the Cup of the Lord
Epistle LXIII: to Epictetus and to the Congregation of Assurae, Concerning Fortunatianus, Formerly Their Bishop
Epistle LXIV: to Rogatianus, Concerning the Deacon Who Contended against the Bishop
Epistle LXIX: to Januarius and Other Numidian Bishops, on Baptizing Heretics
Epistle LXV: to the Clergy and People Abiding At Furni, about Victor, Who Had Made the Presbyter Faustinus a Guardian
Epistle LXVI: to Father Stephanus, Concerning Marcianus of Arles, Who Had Joined Himself to Novatian
Epistle LXVII: to the Clergy and People Abiding in Spain, Concerning Basilides and Martial
Epistle LXVIII: to Florentius Pupianus, on Calumniators
Epistle LXX: to Quintus, Concerning the Baptism of Heretics
Epistle LXXI: to Stephen, Concerning a Council
Epistle LXXII: to Jubaianus, Concerning the Baptism of Heretics
Epistle LXXIII: to Pompey, against the Epistle of Stephen about the Baptism of Heretics
Epistle LXXV: to Magnus, on Baptizing the Novatians, and Those Who Obtain Grace on a Sick-Bed
Epistle LXXX: Cyprian to Sergius, Rogatianus, and the Other Confessors in Prison
Epistle LXXXI: to Successus on the Tidings Brought from Rome, Telling of the Persecution
Epistle LXXXII: to the Clergy and People Concerning His Retirement, a Little Before His Martyrdom
Epistle V: to the Presbyters and Deacons
Epistle VI: to Rogatianus the Presbyter, and the Other Confessors
Epistle VII: to the Clergy, Concerning Prayer to God
Epistle VIII: to the Martyrs and Confessors
Epistle X: to the Martyrs and Confessors Who Sought that Peace Should Be Granted to the Lapsed
Epistle XI: to the People
Epistle XII: to the Clergy, Concerning the Lapsed and Catechumens, that They Should Not Be Left Without Superintendence
Epistle XIII: to the Clergy, Concerning Those Who Are in Haste to Receive Peace
Epistle XIV: to the Presbyters and Deacons Assembled At Rome. Argument.—he Gives an Account of His Withdrawal and of the Things which He Did Therein, Having Sent to Rome for His Justification, Copies of the Letters which He Had written to His People; Nay, He Makes Use of the Same Words which He Had employed in Them
Epistle Xl: to Cornelius, on His Refusal to Receive Novatian's Ordination
Epistle XLIII: to the Roman Confessors, that They Should Return to Unity
Epistle XLIV: to Cornelius, Concerning Polycarp the Adrumetine
Epistle XV: to Moyses and Maximus, and the Rest of the Confessors
Epistle XXII: to the Clergy Abiding At Rome, Concerning Many of the Confessors, and Concerning the Forwardness of Lucian and the Modesty of Celerinus the Confessor
Epistle XXIII: to the Clergy, on the Letters Sent to Rome, and about the Appointment of Saturus As Reader, and Optatus As Sub-Deacon
Epistle XXIV: to Moyses and Maximus and the Rest of the Confessors
Epistle XXVI: Cyprian to the Lapsed
Epistle XXVII: to the Presbyters and Deacons
Exhortation to Repentance
Of the Discipline and Advantage of Chastity
On Jealousy and Envy
On the Advantage of Patience
On the Dress of Virgins
On the Glory of Martyrdom
On the Lapsed
On the Lord's Prayer
On the Mortality (Or Plague)
On the Public Shows
On the Unity of the Church
On the Vanity of Idols: Showing that the Idols Are Not Gods, and that God is One, and that through Christ Salvation Is Given to Believers
On Works and Alms
The Seventh Council of Carthage, Under Cyprian. Concerning the Baptism of Heretics. the Judgment of Eighty-Seven Bishops on the Baptism of Heretics
Three Books of Testimonies against the Jews
Three Epistles Concerning the Excommunication of Felicissimus
Three Epistles from Cyprian to the Clergy of Carthage Concerning Three Ordinations He Has Performed
Two Epistles from Cyprian to Pope Cornelius Regarding His Election As Vicar of Christ
Correspondence Between Caldonius and Cyprian, Concerning Whether or Not the Lapsed Christians Who Seek Forgiveness Ought to Be Brought Into Communion
Correspondence Between Cyprian and Nine Bishops of Numidia
Correspondence Between Cyprian and the Roman Clergy Concerning the Reconciliation of the Lapsed With the Church
Correspondence Between Cyprian and the Schismatic Confessors, Concerning Their Return to the Church
Correspondence Between Pope Cornelius and Cyprian Concerning the Return of the Confessors to the Church
Correspondence Between Pope Cornelius and Cyprian, Concerning the Crimes of Novatian
Correspondence Between the Confessors of Carthage and Cyprian, Concerning Certificates Issued to the Lapsed to Bring Them Back Into Communion
Epistle I: to Donatus
Epistle II: from the Roman Clergy to the Carthaginian Clergy, about the Retirement of the Blessed Cyprian
Epistle III: to the Presbyters and Deacons Abiding At Rome
Epistle IV: to the Presbyters and Deacons
Epistle IX: to the Clergy, Concerning Certain Presbyters Who Had Rashly Granted Peace to the Lapsed Before the Persecution Had Been Appeased, and Without the Privity of the Bishops
Epistle LI: to Antonianus about Cornelius and Novatian
Epistle LII: to Fortunatus and His Other Colleagues, Concerning Those Who Had Been Overcome By Tortures
Epistle LIII: to Cornelius, Concerning Granting Peace to the Lapsed
Epistle LIV: to Cornelius, Concerning Fortunatus and Felicissimus, or against the Heretics
Epistle LIX: to the Numidian Bishops, on the Redemption of Their Brethren from Captivity Among the Barbarians
Epistle LV: to the People of Thibaris, Exhorting to Martyrdom
Epistle LVI: to Cornelius in Exile, Concerning His Confession
Epistle LVII: to Lucius the Bishop of Rome, Returned from Banishment
Epistle LVIII: to Fidus, on the Baptism of Infants
Epistle LX: to Euchratius, about an Actor
Epistle LXI: to Pomponius, Concerning Some Virgins
Epistle LXII: Caecilius, on the Sacrament of the Cup of the Lord
Epistle LXIII: to Epictetus and to the Congregation of Assurae, Concerning Fortunatianus, Formerly Their Bishop
Epistle LXIV: to Rogatianus, Concerning the Deacon Who Contended against the Bishop
Epistle LXIX: to Januarius and Other Numidian Bishops, on Baptizing Heretics
Epistle LXV: to the Clergy and People Abiding At Furni, about Victor, Who Had Made the Presbyter Faustinus a Guardian
Epistle LXVI: to Father Stephanus, Concerning Marcianus of Arles, Who Had Joined Himself to Novatian
Epistle LXVII: to the Clergy and People Abiding in Spain, Concerning Basilides and Martial
Epistle LXVIII: to Florentius Pupianus, on Calumniators
Epistle LXX: to Quintus, Concerning the Baptism of Heretics
Epistle LXXI: to Stephen, Concerning a Council
Epistle LXXII: to Jubaianus, Concerning the Baptism of Heretics
Epistle LXXIII: to Pompey, against the Epistle of Stephen about the Baptism of Heretics
Epistle LXXV: to Magnus, on Baptizing the Novatians, and Those Who Obtain Grace on a Sick-Bed
Epistle LXXX: Cyprian to Sergius, Rogatianus, and the Other Confessors in Prison
Epistle LXXXI: to Successus on the Tidings Brought from Rome, Telling of the Persecution
Epistle LXXXII: to the Clergy and People Concerning His Retirement, a Little Before His Martyrdom
Epistle V: to the Presbyters and Deacons
Epistle VI: to Rogatianus the Presbyter, and the Other Confessors
Epistle VII: to the Clergy, Concerning Prayer to God
Epistle VIII: to the Martyrs and Confessors
Epistle X: to the Martyrs and Confessors Who Sought that Peace Should Be Granted to the Lapsed
Epistle XI: to the People
Epistle XII: to the Clergy, Concerning the Lapsed and Catechumens, that They Should Not Be Left Without Superintendence
Epistle XIII: to the Clergy, Concerning Those Who Are in Haste to Receive Peace
Epistle XIV: to the Presbyters and Deacons Assembled At Rome. Argument.—he Gives an Account of His Withdrawal and of the Things which He Did Therein, Having Sent to Rome for His Justification, Copies of the Letters which He Had written to His People; Nay, He Makes Use of the Same Words which He Had employed in Them
Epistle Xl: to Cornelius, on His Refusal to Receive Novatian's Ordination
Epistle XLIII: to the Roman Confessors, that They Should Return to Unity
Epistle XLIV: to Cornelius, Concerning Polycarp the Adrumetine
Epistle XV: to Moyses and Maximus, and the Rest of the Confessors
Epistle XXII: to the Clergy Abiding At Rome, Concerning Many of the Confessors, and Concerning the Forwardness of Lucian and the Modesty of Celerinus the Confessor
Epistle XXIII: to the Clergy, on the Letters Sent to Rome, and about the Appointment of Saturus As Reader, and Optatus As Sub-Deacon
Epistle XXIV: to Moyses and Maximus and the Rest of the Confessors
Epistle XXVI: Cyprian to the Lapsed
Epistle XXVII: to the Presbyters and Deacons
Exhortation to Repentance
Of the Discipline and Advantage of Chastity
On Jealousy and Envy
On the Advantage of Patience
On the Dress of Virgins
On the Glory of Martyrdom
On the Lapsed
On the Lord's Prayer
On the Mortality (Or Plague)
On the Public Shows
On the Unity of the Church
On the Vanity of Idols: Showing that the Idols Are Not Gods, and that God is One, and that through Christ Salvation Is Given to Believers
On Works and Alms
The Seventh Council of Carthage, Under Cyprian. Concerning the Baptism of Heretics. the Judgment of Eighty-Seven Bishops on the Baptism of Heretics
Three Books of Testimonies against the Jews
Three Epistles Concerning the Excommunication of Felicissimus
Three Epistles from Cyprian to the Clergy of Carthage Concerning Three Ordinations He Has Performed
Two Epistles from Cyprian to Pope Cornelius Regarding His Election As Vicar of Christ
Catechetical Lecture I
Catechetical Lecture II
Catechetical Lecture III
Catechetical Lecture IV
Catechetical Lecture IX
Catechetical Lecture V
Catechetical Lecture VI
Catechetical Lecture VII
Catechetical Lecture VIII
Catechetical Lecture X
Catechetical Lecture XI
Catechetical Lecture XII
Catechetical Lecture XIII
Catechetical Lecture XIV
Catechetical Lecture XIX
Catechetical Lecture XV
Catechetical Lecture XVI
Catechetical Lecture XVII
Catechetical Lecture XVIII
Catechetical Lecture XX
Catechetical Lecture XXI
Catechetical Lecture XXII
Catechetical Lecture XXIII
Catechetical Lecture II
Catechetical Lecture III
Catechetical Lecture IV
Catechetical Lecture IX
Catechetical Lecture V
Catechetical Lecture VI
Catechetical Lecture VII
Catechetical Lecture VIII
Catechetical Lecture X
Catechetical Lecture XI
Catechetical Lecture XII
Catechetical Lecture XIII
Catechetical Lecture XIV
Catechetical Lecture XIX
Catechetical Lecture XV
Catechetical Lecture XVI
Catechetical Lecture XVII
Catechetical Lecture XVIII
Catechetical Lecture XX
Catechetical Lecture XXI
Catechetical Lecture XXII
Catechetical Lecture XXIII
Fifteen Hymns for the Feast of the Epiphany
Homily I: on Our Lord
Homily II: on Admonition and Repentance
Homily II: on the Sinful Woman
Nineteen Hymns on the Nativity of Christ in the Flesh
The Nisibene Hymns
The Pearl, Seven Hymns on the Faith
Homily I: on Our Lord
Homily II: on Admonition and Repentance
Homily II: on the Sinful Woman
Nineteen Hymns on the Nativity of Christ in the Flesh
The Nisibene Hymns
The Pearl, Seven Hymns on the Faith
Church History
Church History: Book I
Church History: Book II
Church History: Book III
Church History: Book IV
Church History: Book V
Church History: Book VI
Letter to the People of His Diocese
Oration in Praise of the Emperor Constantine, Pronounced on the Thirtieth Anniversary of His Reign
The Life of the Blessed Emperor Constantine
The Oration of the Emperor Constantine, which He Addressed
Church History: Book I
Church History: Book II
Church History: Book III
Church History: Book IV
Church History: Book V
Church History: Book VI
Letter to the People of His Diocese
Oration in Praise of the Emperor Constantine, Pronounced on the Thirtieth Anniversary of His Reign
The Life of the Blessed Emperor Constantine
The Oration of the Emperor Constantine, which He Addressed
Epistle : to Theodore, Bishop of Tyana
Epistle CCII: to Nectarius, Bishop of Constantinople
Epistle CI: to Cledonius the Priest against Apollinarius
Epistle CII: against Apollinarius; the Second Letter to Cledonius
Epistle CIV: to Olympius
Epistle CLI: to Nectarius Archbishop of Constantinople
Epistle CLII: to Theodore, Bishop of Tyana
Epistle CLIII: to Bosporius, Bishop of Colonia
Epistle CLIV: to Olympius
Epistle CLVII: to Theodore, Bishop of Tyana
Epistle CLXIII: to Theodore, Bishop of Tyana
Epistle CLXXI: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Epistle CLXXXV: to Nectarius Archbishop of Constantinople
Epistle CLXXXVI: to Nectarius Archbishop of Constantinople
Epistle CV: to Olympius
Epistle CVI: to Olympius
Epistle CXCVII: a Letter of Condolence on the Death of His Sister Theosebia
Epistle Cxl: to Olympius
Epistle CXLI: to Olympius
Epistle CXLII: to Olympius
Epistle CXLIII: to Olympius
Epistle CXLIV: to Olympius
Epistle CXLV: to Verianus
Epistle CXLVI: to Olympius
Epistle CXV: to Theodore, Bishop of Tyana
Epistle CXXI: to Theodore, Bishop of Tyana
Epistle CXXII: to Theodore, Bishop of Tyana
Epistle CXXIV: to Theodore, Bishop of Tyana
Epistle CXXV: to Olympius
Epistle CXXVI: to Olympius
Epistle CXXXI: to Olympius
Epistle CXXXIX
Epistle CXXXV: to Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople
Epistle I
Epistle I: to Basil His Comrade
Epistle II
Epistle IV
Epistle IX: to Amphilochius the Younge
Epistle LI: to Nicobulus
Epistle LII: to Nicobulus
Epistle LIII: to Nicobulus
Epistle LIV: to Nicobulus
Epistle LIX: to Basil
Epistle LV: to Nicobulus
Epistle LVIII: to Basil
Epistle LX: to Basil
Epistle LXII: to Amphilochius the Younger
Epistle LXIII: to Amphilochius the Elder
Epistle LXIV
Epistle LXV
Epistle LXVI
Epistle LXXVI
Epistle LXXVII: to Theodore, Bishop of Tyana
Epistle LXXXI
Epistle LXXXVIII: to Nectarius Archbishop of Constantinople
Epistle V
Epistle VI
Epistle VII: to Caesarius
Epistle VIII
Epistle XCI: to Nectarius Archbishop of Constantinople
Epistle XCIII: to Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople
Epistle XII: to Nicobulus
Epistle XIII: to Amphilochius the Younger
Epistle XIX
Epistle Xl: to the Great Basil
Epistle XLI: to the People of Caesarea, in His Father's Name
Epistle XLII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Epistle XLIII: to the Bishops
Epistle XLIV
Epistle XLIX: to Basil
Epistle XLV
Epistle XLVI: to Basil
Epistle XLVII: to Basil
Epistle XLVIII: to Basil
Epistle XVI: to Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea
Epistle XVII: to Eusebius, Archbishop of Caesarea
Epistle XVIII: to Eusebius of Caesarea
Epistle XX
Epistle XXI: to Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople
Epistle XXII: to Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople
Epistle XXIX: to Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople
Epistle XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXIII: to Amphilochius the Younger
Epistle XXXIX: to Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople
Epistle XXXVII: to Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople
Epistles XIV and XXIII
Oration I
Oration II
Oration VII
Oration VIII
Oration XII
Oration Xl
Oration XLI
Oration XLII
Oration XLIII
Oration XLV
Oration XVI
Oration XVIII
Oration XXI
Oration XXIX: the Third Theological Oration
Oration XXVII: the First Theological Oration
Oration XXVIII: the Second Theological Oration
Oration XXX: the Fourth Theological Oration
Oration XXXI: the Fifth Theological Oration
Oration XXXIII
Oration XXXIV
Oration XXXIX
Oration XXXVII
Epistle CCII: to Nectarius, Bishop of Constantinople
Epistle CI: to Cledonius the Priest against Apollinarius
Epistle CII: against Apollinarius; the Second Letter to Cledonius
Epistle CIV: to Olympius
Epistle CLI: to Nectarius Archbishop of Constantinople
Epistle CLII: to Theodore, Bishop of Tyana
Epistle CLIII: to Bosporius, Bishop of Colonia
Epistle CLIV: to Olympius
Epistle CLVII: to Theodore, Bishop of Tyana
Epistle CLXIII: to Theodore, Bishop of Tyana
Epistle CLXXI: to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium
Epistle CLXXXV: to Nectarius Archbishop of Constantinople
Epistle CLXXXVI: to Nectarius Archbishop of Constantinople
Epistle CV: to Olympius
Epistle CVI: to Olympius
Epistle CXCVII: a Letter of Condolence on the Death of His Sister Theosebia
Epistle Cxl: to Olympius
Epistle CXLI: to Olympius
Epistle CXLII: to Olympius
Epistle CXLIII: to Olympius
Epistle CXLIV: to Olympius
Epistle CXLV: to Verianus
Epistle CXLVI: to Olympius
Epistle CXV: to Theodore, Bishop of Tyana
Epistle CXXI: to Theodore, Bishop of Tyana
Epistle CXXII: to Theodore, Bishop of Tyana
Epistle CXXIV: to Theodore, Bishop of Tyana
Epistle CXXV: to Olympius
Epistle CXXVI: to Olympius
Epistle CXXXI: to Olympius
Epistle CXXXIX
Epistle CXXXV: to Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople
Epistle I
Epistle I: to Basil His Comrade
Epistle II
Epistle IV
Epistle IX: to Amphilochius the Younge
Epistle LI: to Nicobulus
Epistle LII: to Nicobulus
Epistle LIII: to Nicobulus
Epistle LIV: to Nicobulus
Epistle LIX: to Basil
Epistle LV: to Nicobulus
Epistle LVIII: to Basil
Epistle LX: to Basil
Epistle LXII: to Amphilochius the Younger
Epistle LXIII: to Amphilochius the Elder
Epistle LXIV
Epistle LXV
Epistle LXVI
Epistle LXXVI
Epistle LXXVII: to Theodore, Bishop of Tyana
Epistle LXXXI
Epistle LXXXVIII: to Nectarius Archbishop of Constantinople
Epistle V
Epistle VI
Epistle VII: to Caesarius
Epistle VIII
Epistle XCI: to Nectarius Archbishop of Constantinople
Epistle XCIII: to Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople
Epistle XII: to Nicobulus
Epistle XIII: to Amphilochius the Younger
Epistle XIX
Epistle Xl: to the Great Basil
Epistle XLI: to the People of Caesarea, in His Father's Name
Epistle XLII: to Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Epistle XLIII: to the Bishops
Epistle XLIV
Epistle XLIX: to Basil
Epistle XLV
Epistle XLVI: to Basil
Epistle XLVII: to Basil
Epistle XLVIII: to Basil
Epistle XVI: to Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea
Epistle XVII: to Eusebius, Archbishop of Caesarea
Epistle XVIII: to Eusebius of Caesarea
Epistle XX
Epistle XXI: to Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople
Epistle XXII: to Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople
Epistle XXIX: to Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople
Epistle XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXIII: to Amphilochius the Younger
Epistle XXXIX: to Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople
Epistle XXXVII: to Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople
Epistles XIV and XXIII
Oration I
Oration II
Oration VII
Oration VIII
Oration XII
Oration Xl
Oration XLI
Oration XLII
Oration XLIII
Oration XLV
Oration XVI
Oration XVIII
Oration XXI
Oration XXIX: the Third Theological Oration
Oration XXVII: the First Theological Oration
Oration XXVIII: the Second Theological Oration
Oration XXX: the Fourth Theological Oration
Oration XXXI: the Fifth Theological Oration
Oration XXXIII
Oration XXXIV
Oration XXXIX
Oration XXXVII
A Declaration of Faith
A Metaphrase of the Book of Ecclesiastes
Canonical Epistle
Four Homilies (Dubious)
On All the Saints (Spurious)
On the Gospel According to Matthew (Spurious)
The Oration and Panegyric Addressed to Origen
A Metaphrase of the Book of Ecclesiastes
Canonical Epistle
Four Homilies (Dubious)
On All the Saints (Spurious)
On the Gospel According to Matthew (Spurious)
The Oration and Panegyric Addressed to Origen
A Sectional Confession of Faith
On the Subject of the Soul
On the Trinity (Fragment from the Discourse)
Twelve Topics on the Faith
On the Subject of the Soul
On the Trinity (Fragment from the Discourse)
Twelve Topics on the Faith
Against Eunomius, Book II
Against Eunomius, Book III
Against Eunomius, Book IV
Against Eunomius, Book IX
Against Eunomius, Book V
Against Eunomius, Book VI
Against Eunomius, Book VII
Against Eunomius, Book VIII
Against Eunomius, Book X
Against Eunomius, Book XI
Against Eunomius, Book XII
Againt Eunomius, Book I
Funeral Oration on Meletius
Letter I: to Eusebius
Letter II: to the City of Sebasteia
Letter III: to Ablabius
Letter IV: to Cynegius
Letter IX: an Invitation
Letter V: a Testimonial
Letter VI: to Stagirius
Letter VII: to a Friend
Letter VIII: to a Student of the Classics
Letter X: to Libanius
Letter XI: to Libanius
Letter XII: on His Work against Eunomius
Letter XIII: to the Church At Niicomedia
Letter XIV: to the Bishop of Melitene
Letter XV: to Adelphius the Lawyer
Letter XVI: to Amphilochius
Letter XVII: to Eustathia, Ambrosia, and Basilissa
Letter XVIII: to Flavian
On Infants' Early Deaths
On Pilgrimages
On the Baptism of Christ:a Sermon for the Day of the Lights
On the Faithto Simplicius
On the Holy Spirit against the Followers of Macedonius (Fragment)
On the Holy Trinity, and of the Godhead of the Holy Spirit
On the Making of Man
On the Soul and the Resurrection
On Virginity
The Great Catechism
Against Eunomius, Book III
Against Eunomius, Book IV
Against Eunomius, Book IX
Against Eunomius, Book V
Against Eunomius, Book VI
Against Eunomius, Book VII
Against Eunomius, Book VIII
Against Eunomius, Book X
Against Eunomius, Book XI
Against Eunomius, Book XII
Againt Eunomius, Book I
Funeral Oration on Meletius
Letter I: to Eusebius
Letter II: to the City of Sebasteia
Letter III: to Ablabius
Letter IV: to Cynegius
Letter IX: an Invitation
Letter V: a Testimonial
Letter VI: to Stagirius
Letter VII: to a Friend
Letter VIII: to a Student of the Classics
Letter X: to Libanius
Letter XI: to Libanius
Letter XII: on His Work against Eunomius
Letter XIII: to the Church At Niicomedia
Letter XIV: to the Bishop of Melitene
Letter XV: to Adelphius the Lawyer
Letter XVI: to Amphilochius
Letter XVII: to Eustathia, Ambrosia, and Basilissa
Letter XVIII: to Flavian
On Infants' Early Deaths
On Pilgrimages
On the Baptism of Christ:a Sermon for the Day of the Lights
On the Faithto Simplicius
On the Holy Spirit against the Followers of Macedonius (Fragment)
On the Holy Trinity, and of the Godhead of the Holy Spirit
On the Making of Man
On the Soul and the Resurrection
On Virginity
The Great Catechism
Epistle CIX: to Brunichild, Queen of the Franks
Epistle CV: to Serenus, Bishop of Massilia (Marseilles)
Epistle CVI: to Syagrius, Etherius, Virgilius, and Desiderius
Epistle CVII: to Aregius, Bishop of Vapincum
Epistle CVIII: to Syagrius, Bishop
Epistle CX: to Theoderic and Theodebert, Kings of the Franks
Epistle CXI: to Virgilius, Bishop of Arelate (Arles)
Epistle CXIV: to Virgilius and Syagrius, Bishops
Epistle CXV: to Syagrius, Bishop of Augustodunum
Epistle CXVI: to Theoderic and Theodebert, Kings of the Franks
Epistle CXVII: to Brunichild, Queen of the Franks
Epistle CXX: to Claudius in Spain
Epistle CXXI: to Leander, Bishop of Hispalis (Seville)
Epistle CXXII: to Rechared, King of the Visigoths
Epistle CXXIII: to Venantius and Italica
Epistle CXXV: to Maximus, Bishop of Salona
Epistle I: to All the Bishops of Sicily
Epistle I: to Constantius, Bishop
Epistle I: to Dominicus, Bishop of Carthage
Epistle I: to Januarius, Bishop of Caralis
Epistle I: to John, Abbot
Epistle I: to Marinianus, Bishop
Epistle I: to Peter, Bishop
Epistle I: to Peter, Subdeacon
Epistle I: to the Roman Citizens
Epistle II: to Anastasius, Bishop of Antioch
Epistle II: to Columbus, Bishop
Epistle II: to Constantius, Bishop
Epistle II: to Felix, Bishop, and Cyriacus, Abbot
Epistle II: to Justinus, Praetor of Sicily
Epistle II: to Paulus, Bishop
Epistle II: to the Clergy and People of Ravenna
Epistle II: to Vitalis, Guardian (Defensorem) of Sardina
Epistle II: to Vitalis, Guardian of Sardinia
Epistle III: to Constantius, Bishop
Epistle III: to Donus, Bishop of Messana
Epistle III: to Januarius, Bishop of Caralis
Epistle III: to John, Abbot
Epistle III: to Maximus of Salona
Epistle III: to Paul, Scholasticus
Epistle III: to Velox, Magister Militium
Epistle IV: to Constantius, Bishop
Epistle IV: to Cyriacus, Bishop
Epistle IV: to Fantinus, Guardian (Defensorem) of Panormus
Epistle IV: to Januarius, Bishop of Caralis
Epistle IV: to John, Bishop of Constantinople
Epistle IV: to Queen Theodelinda
Epistle IX: to Antoninus, Subdeacon
Epistle IX: to Callinicus, Exarch of Italy
Epistle IX: to Donus, Bishop
Epistle IX: to Januarius, Bishop
Epistle IX: to Peter the Subdeacon
Epistle IX: to Thalassia, Abbess
Epistle IX: to the Neapolitans
Epistle L: to Adrian, Notary
Epistle L: to Anthemius the Subdeacon
Epistle L: to Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria
Epistle L: to Queen Brunichild
Epistle LI: to Maximianus, Bishop
Epistle LI: to the Brethren Going to England
Epistle LII: to All Bishops
Epistle LII: to John, Archbishop
Epistle LII: to Natalis, Bishop
Epistle LII: to Pelagius and Serenus, Bishops
Epistle LII: to Symmachus the Defensor
Epistle LIII: to John, Bishop
Epistle LIII: to Virgilius, Bishop
Epistle LIII: to Virgilius, Bishop
Epistle LIV: to All the Bishops of the Kingdom of Childebert
Epistle LIV: to Desiderius and Syagrius, Bishops
Epistle LIV: to Desiderius, Bishop of Gaul
Epistle LIX: to Brunichild, Queen of the Franks
Epistle LIX: to John, Bishop of Syracuse
Epistle LIX: to Secundius, Bishop
Epistle LIX: to Theoderic, King of the Franks
Epistle LV: to Fantinus, Guardian, of Panormus
Epistle LV: to King Childebert
Epistle LV: to Protasius, Bishop
Epistle LV: to Virgilius, Bishop of Arelate (Arles)
Epistle LVI: to Aetherius, Bishop of Lugdunum (Lyons)
Epistle LVI: to John, Bishop
Epistle LVI: to Marinianus, Bishop
Epistle LVI: to Peter, Subdeacon
Epistle LVI: to Stephen, Abbot
Epistle LVII: to Aregius, Bishop of Vapincum
Epistle LVII: to Arigius, Patrician
Epistle LVII: to John, Bishop
Epistle LVII: to Severus, Bishop
Epistle LVIII: to All the Bishops Throughout Helladia
Epistle LVIII: to Arsicinus Duke, the Clergy, Nobility, and Common People of the City of Ariminum
Epistle LVIII: to Diverse Bishops of Gaul
Epistle LVIII: to Martin, Scholasticus
Epistle LVIII: to Theodoric and Theodebert
Epistle LX: to Eulogius, Bishop
Epistle LX: to Italica, Patrician
Epistle LX: to Romanus and Other Guardians of the Ecclesiastical Patrimony
Epistle LX: to Theodebert, King of the Franks
Epistle LXI: to Castorius, Notary
Epistle LXI: to Clotaire, King of the Franks
Epistle LXI: to Gennadius, Patrician and Exarch of Africa
Epistle LXII: to Brunichild, Queen of the Franks
Epistle LXII: to Januarius, Archbishop of Caralis (Cagliari) in Sardinia
Epistle LXII: to Peter, Subdeacon
Epistle LXII: to Romanus, Guardian
Epistle LXII: to the Neapolitans
Epistle LXIII: to Brunichild, Queen of the Franks
Epistle LXIII: to Dominicus, Bishop of Carthage
Epistle LXIII: to Gennadius, Patrician
Epistle LXIII: to Januarius, Archbishop of Caralis (Cagliari) in Sardinia
Epistle LXIV: to Augustine, Bishop of the Angli
Epistle LXIX: to Brunichild, Queen of the Franks
Epistle LXV: to Augustine, Bishop of the Angli
Epistle LXV: to Januarius, Bishop of Calaris
Epistle LXV: to Mauricius, Augustus
Epistle LXV: to Mauricius, Emperor
Epistle LXVI: to Athanasius, Presbyter
Epistle LXVI: to Edilbert, King of the Angli
Epistle LXVI: to Felix, Bishop of Messana (Messene)
Epistle LXVI: to Theodorus, Physician
Epistle LXVII: to Constantius, Bishop of Milan
Epistle LXVII: to Domitian, Metropolitan
Epistle LXVII: to Eusebius of Thessalonica
Epistle LXVII: to Peter, Subdeacon
Epistle LXVII: to Quiricus, Bishop
Epistle LXVIII: to Virgilius, Bishop of Arelate (Arles)
Epistle LXXIV: to Gennadius, Patrician and Exarch of Africa
Epistle LXXIX: to Marinianus, Bishop of Ravenna
Epistle LXXIX: to Martinus, Bishop in Corsica
Epistle LXXV: to Gennadius, Patrician, and Exarch Throughout Africa
Epistle LXXVI: to Mellitus, Abbot
Epistle LXXVII: to All the Bishops of Numidia
Epistle LXXVII: to Boniface, Guardian, in Corsica
Epistle LXXVIII: to Barbara and Antonina
Epistle LXXVIII: to Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria
Epistle LXXVIII: to Leo, Bishop in Corsica
Epistle LXXX: to Castorius, Notary
Epistle LXXX: to the Clergy and Nobles of Corsica
Epistle LXXXI: to Maximus, Bishop of Salona
Epistle LXXXII: to Anatolius, Constantinopolitan Deacon
Epistle V: to Boniface, Bishop
Epistle V: to Cyriacus, Bishop
Epistle V: to Dominicus, Bishop
Epistle V: to Etherius, Bishop of Lugdunum (Lyons)
Epistle V: to Marcellus, Pro-Consul of Dalmatia
Epistle V: to Peter, Subdeacon
Epistle V: to Queen Brunichild
Epistle V: to Theoctista, Sister of the Emperor
Epistle V: to Various Metropolitans and Bishops
Epistle VI: to Amos, Patriarch of Jerusalem
Epistle VI: to Brunichild, Queen of the Franks
Epistle VI: to Cyprian, Deacon
Epistle VI: to Januarius, Bishop of Caralis
Epistle VI: to John, Bishop
Epistle VI: to King Childebert
Epistle VI: to Mauricius Augustus
Epistle VI: to Narses, Patrician
Epistle VI: to the Neapolitans
Epistle VII: to Alcyson, Bishop of Corcyra
Epistle VII: to Anastasius, Patriarch of Antioch
Epistle VII: to Candidus, Presbyter
Epistle VII: to Gennadius, Patrician
Epistle VII: to Januarius, Bishop of Caralis
Epistle VII: to John, Bishop
Epistle VII: to Maximianus, Bishop of Syracuse
Epistle VII: to Peter, Domitian, and Elpidius
Epistle VII: to Theoderic, King of the Franks
Epistle VIII: to Boniface, Deacon
Epistle VIII: to Columbus, Bishop of Numidia
Epistle VIII: to Cyprian, Deacon
Epistle VIII: to Januarius, Bishop
Epistle VIII: to Natalis, Bishop
Epistle VIII: to Senator, Abbot
Epistle VIII: to the Bishops of Epirus
Epistle VIII: to the Bishops of Sardinia
Epistle X: to All the Bishops of Dalmatia
Epistle X: to Bacauda and Agnellus, Bishops
Epistle X: to Marinianus, Bishop of Ravenna
Epistle X: to Paulus, Bishop of Naples
Epistle X: to Romanus, Guardian
Epistle X: to Sabinianus, Bishop of Jadera
Epistle X: to Savinus, Subdeacon
Epistle XCI: to Fortunatus, Bishop of Neapolis (Naples)
Epistle XCIII: to Gulfaris, Magister Militum
Epistle XCIV: to Romanus the Guardian
Epistle XCVIII: to Theodore, Curator of Ravenna
Epistle XI: to Brunichild, Queen
Epistle XI: to Clementina, Patrician
Epistle XI: to John, Bishop
Epistle XI: to Maximianus, Bishop
Epistle XI: to Rufinus, Bishop of Ephesus
Epistle XII: to Castorius, Bishop of Ariminum
Epistle XII: to Conon, Abbot of Lirinus (Lerins)
Epistle XII: to John, Bishop of Syracuse
Epistle XII: to John, Bishop of Urbs Vetus
Epistle XII: to Maximianus, Bishop
Epistle XII: to Montana and Thomas
Epistle XII: to Paschasius, Bishop of Neapolis (Naples)
Epistle XII: to Respecta, Abbess
Epistle XII: to Theodelinda, Queen of the Lombards
Epistle XIII: to Alcyson, Bishop of Corcyra
Epistle XIII: to Columbus
Epistle XIII: to Fortunatus, Bishop
Epistle XIII: to Serenus, Bishop of Massilia (Marseilles)
Epistle XIV: to Boniface, First Guardian
Epistle XIV: to the Count Narses
Epistle XIX: to All the Bishops of Dalmatia
Epistle XIX: to Anthemius, Subdeacon
Epistle XIX: to Marinianus, Archbishop
Epistle XIX: to Natalis, Bishop of Salona
Epistle XIX: to Sabinianus, Deacon
Epistle XIX: to the Husbandsmen of the Syracusan Patrimony
Epistle Xl: to Cyriacus, Patriarch of Constantinople
Epistle Xl: to Eulogius, Bishop
Epistle Xl: to Marinianus, Bishop of Ravenna
Epistle Xl: to Mauricius Augustus
Epistle XLI: to Castorius, Bishop
Epistle XLI: to Constantina Augusta
Epistle XLI: to Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria
Epistle XLI: to Julianus, Scribo
Epistle XLI: to Peter, Subdeacon
Epistle XLII: to Agilulph, King of the Lombards
Epistle XLII: to Anthemius, Subdeacon
Epistle XLII: to Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria
Epistle XLII: to Eusebius, Archbishop of Thessalonica
Epistle XLII: to Luminosus, Abbot
Epistle XLII: to Marinianus, Bishop
Epistle XLII: to Sebastian, Bishop
Epistle XLIII: to Eulogius and Anastasius, Bishops
Epistle XLIII: to Leander, Bishop of Hispalis
Epistle XLIII: to Marinianus, Bishop
Epistle XLIII: to Theodelinda, Queen of the Lombards
Epistle XLIII: to Venantius, Patrician
Epistle XLIV: to John, Bishop
Epistle XLIV: to Peter, Subdeacon of Sicily
Epistle XLIV: to Rusticiana, Patrician
Epistle XLIX: to Adeodatus, Bishop
Epistle XLIX: to Anastasius, Bishop of Antioch
Epistle XLIX: to Honoratus, Deacon
Epistle XLIX: to Januarius, Archbishop
Epistle XLIX: to Leander, Bishop
Epistle XLIX: to Palladius, Bishop
Epistle XLV: to Andrew, Bishop
Epistle XLV: to Theoctista, Patrician
Epistle XLVI: to Felix, Bishop of Pisaurum (Pesaro)
Epistle XLVI: to Isacius, Bishop of Jerusalem
Epistle XLVI: to John, Bishop
Epistle XLVI: to John, Bishop
Epistle XLVI: to Peter, Subdeacon of Sicily
Epistle XLVI: to Rusticiana, Patrician
Epistle XLVII: to Anatolius, Deacon At Constantinople
Epistle XLVII: to Dominicus, Bishop
Epistle XLVII: to Sabinianus, Deacon
Epistle XLVII: to the Clergy of the Church of Salona
Epistle XLVII: to Virgilius, Bishop of Arelate (Arles) and Theodorus, bishop of Massilia (Marseilles)
Epistle XLVIII: to Andrew, Scholasticus
Epistle XLVIII: to Columbus, Bishop
Epistle XLVIII: to Columbus, Bishop
Epistle XLVIII: to Theodorus, Duke of Sardinia
Epistle XLVIII: to Urbicus, Abbot
Epistle XV: to Clementina, Patrician
Epistle XV: to George, Presbyter
Epistle XV: to Januarius, Bishop
Epistle XV: to John, Bishop
Epistle XV: to John, Bishop
Epistle XV: to Marinianus, Bishop of Ravenna
Epistle XV: to Paul, Bishop
Epistle XV: to Scholasticus, Judge
Epistle XVI: to Mauricius Augustus
Epistle XVI: to Severus, Bishop of Aquileia
Epistle XVII: to All the Bishops of Italy
Epistle XVII: to Cyprian, Deacon
Epistle XVII: to Demetrian and Valerian
Epistle XVII: to Felix, Bishop of Messane
Epistle XVII: to Maurentius
Epistle XVII: to Sabinianus, Bishop
Epistle XVII: to Theotistus
Epistle XVIII: to Agnellus, Bishop of Terracina
Epistle XVIII: to Certain Bishops of Sicily
Epistle XVIII: to Clementina, Patrician
Epistle XVIII: to John, Bishop
Epistle XVIII: to John, Bishop
Epistle XVIII: to Maurus, Abbot
Epistle XVIII: to Natalis, Bishop of Salona
Epistle XVIII: to Peter the Subdeacon
Epistle XVIII: to Romanus, Guardian
Epistle XX: to Antoninus, Subdeacon
Epistle XX: to Honoratus, Deacon of Salona
Epistle XX: to Marinianus, Bishop of Ravenna
Epistle XX: to Mauricius Augustus
Epistle XX: to Maximus, Pretender
Epistle XX: to the Clergy and People of Ariminum
Epistle XXI: to Constantina Augusta
Epistle XXI: to John, Bishop of Syracuse
Epistle XXI: to Natalis, Bishop of Salona
Epistle XXI: to Venantius, Bishop
Epistle XXII: to All the Bishops of Illyricum
Epistle XXII: to Antoninus, Subdeacon
Epistle XXII: to Peter, Bishop
Epistle XXII: to Rusticiana, Patrician
Epistle XXII: to Rusticiana, Patrician Lady
Epistle XXIII: to Adrian, Notary of Sicily
Epistle XXIII: to Castorius, Notary
Epistle XXIII: to Fantinus, Guardian
Epistle XXIII: to Fortunatus and Anthemius
Epistle XXIII: to Hospito, Duke of the Barbaricini
Epistle XXIII: to John, Bishop
Epistle XXIII: to John, Bishop of Syracuse
Epistle XXIV: to Fortunatus, Bishop of Neapolis (Naples)
Epistle XXIV: to John, Subdeacon of Ravenna
Epistle XXIV: to Marinianus, Bishop
Epistle XXIV: to Romanus, Guardian
Epistle XXIV: to Sabinianus, Bishop of Jadera
Epistle XXIV: to Zabardas, Duke of Sardinia
Epistle XXIX: to Aristobulus, Ex-Prefect and Antigraphus
Epistle XXIX: to Bertha, Queen of the Angli
Epistle XXIX: to Eulogius, Bishop of Alexandria
Epistle XXIX: to Januarius, Bishop
Epistle XXIX: to Marinianus, Bishop
Epistle XXIX: to Maurilius and Vitalianus
Epistle XXIX: to the Presbyters and Clergy of Mediolanum (Milan)
Epistle XXIX: to Victor, Bishop
Epistle XXIX: to Vincomalus, Guardian
Epistle XXV: to Gregoria
Epistle XXV: to Januarius, Bishop of Caralis
Epistle XXV: to John, Bishop of Constantinople, and the Other Patriarchs
Epistle XXV: to Maximus of Salona
Epistle XXV: to Romanus, Guardian
Epistle XXV: to Severus, Bishop
Epistle XXV: to the Nobles and Proprietors in Sardinia
Epistle XXVI: to Anthemius, Subdeacon
Epistle XXVI: to Januarius, Bishop
Epistle XXVI: to John, Bishop
Epistle XXVI: to Romanus, Guardian
Epistle XXVI: to the People of Ravenna
Epistle XXVI: to the Salonitans
Epistle XXVI: to Theoctista, Patrician
Epistle XXVII: to Anastasius, Archbishop of Corinth
Epistle XXVII: to Anastasius, Bishop
Epistle XXVII: to Anthemius, Subdeacon
Epistle XXVII: to Januarius, Bishop
Epistle XXVII: to Romanus, Guardian
Epistle XXVII: to Rusticiana, Patrician
Epistle XXVII: to the Clergy and People of Jadera
Epistle XXVIII: to Augustine, Bishop of the Angli
Epistle XXVIII: to Columbus, Bishop of Numidia
Epistle XXVIII: to Sebastian, Bishop of Rhisinum [In Dalmatia]
Epistle XXVIII: to Theodore, Physician
Epistle XXX: to Constantina Augusta
Epistle XXX: to Eulogius, Bishop of Alexandria
Epistle XXX: to John, Subdeacon
Epistle XXX: to Mauricius Augustus
Epistle XXX: to Maurilius and Vitalianus
Epistle XXX: to Narses, the Religious
Epistle XXX: to Secundus
Epistle XXX: to Venantius, Ex-Monk, Patrician of Syracuse
Epistle XXXI: to Cyriacus, Bishop
Epistle XXXI: to Libertinus, Ex-Praetor
Epistle XXXI: to Phocas, Emperor
Epistle XXXI: to Romanus
Epistle XXXI: to Theodorus, Physician
Epistle XXXII: to All the Bishops of the Council of Bizacium
Epistle XXXII: to Anastasius, Presbyter
Epistle XXXII: to Fortunatus, Bishop
Epistle XXXII: to Honoratus, Archdeacon
Epistle XXXII: to Marinianus, Bishop of Ravenna
Epistle XXXII: to Narses the Patrician
Epistle XXXII: to Peter, Subdeacon of Sicily
Epistle XXXIII: to Andrew
Epistle XXXIII: to Anthemius, Subdeacon
Epistle XXXIII: to Dominicus
Epistle XXXIII: to Dynamius, Patrician
Epistle XXXIII: to Justinus, Praetor
Epistle XXXIII: to Marinianus, Bishop of Ravenna
Epistle XXXIII: to Mauricius Augustus
Epistle XXXIII: to Romanus, Patrician, and Exarch of Italy
Epistle XXXIV: to Castorius, Notary
Epistle XXXIV: to Eulogius, Bishop
Epistle XXXIV: to John, Bishop of Scyllacium
Epistle XXXIV: to Maximianus, Bishop of Syracuse
Epistle XXXIV: to Pantaleo, Notary
Epistle XXXIV: to Venantius, Ex-Monk, Patrician of Syracuse
Epistle XXXIV: to Victor and Columbus, Bishops of Africa
Epistle XXXIX: to Anastasius, Bishop
Epistle XXXIX: to Anthemius, Subdeacon
Epistle XXXIX: to Constantius, Bishop
Epistle XXXIX: to Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria
Epistle XXXIX: to John, Bishop
Epistle XXXIX: to Leontia, Empress
Epistle XXXV: to Anthemius, Subdeacon
Epistle XXXV: to Barbara and Antonina
Epistle XXXV: to Dominicus, Bishop
Epistle XXXV: to Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria
Epistle XXXV: to Leontius, Ex-Consul
Epistle XXXV: to Peter, Bishop of Terracina
Epistle XXXV: to Peter, Subdeacon
Epistle XXXVI: to Fortunatus, Bishop of Neapolis
Epistle XXXVI: to John, Bishop of Syracuse
Epistle XXXVI: to Leo, Bishop
Epistle XXXVI: to Maximus, Bishop of Salona
Epistle XXXVI: to Peter the Subdeacon
Epistle XXXVI: to Sabinus, Guardian
Epistle XXXVI: to Severus, Scholasticus
Epistle XXXVI: to the Abbot Eusebius
Epistle XXXVII: to Columbus, Bishop
Epistle XXXVII: to Innocent, Praefect of Africa
Epistle XXXVII: to John, Bishop of Squillacium (Squillace, in Calabria)
Epistle XXXVII: to Romanus, Guardian
Epistle XXXVIII: to Donus, Bishop
Epistle XXXVIII: to Libertinus, Praefect
Epistle XXXVIII: to Phocas, Emperor
Epistle XXXVIII: to Queen Theodelinda
Epistle XXXVIII: to Vitus, Guardian
The Book of Pastoral Rule
Epistle CV: to Serenus, Bishop of Massilia (Marseilles)
Epistle CVI: to Syagrius, Etherius, Virgilius, and Desiderius
Epistle CVII: to Aregius, Bishop of Vapincum
Epistle CVIII: to Syagrius, Bishop
Epistle CX: to Theoderic and Theodebert, Kings of the Franks
Epistle CXI: to Virgilius, Bishop of Arelate (Arles)
Epistle CXIV: to Virgilius and Syagrius, Bishops
Epistle CXV: to Syagrius, Bishop of Augustodunum
Epistle CXVI: to Theoderic and Theodebert, Kings of the Franks
Epistle CXVII: to Brunichild, Queen of the Franks
Epistle CXX: to Claudius in Spain
Epistle CXXI: to Leander, Bishop of Hispalis (Seville)
Epistle CXXII: to Rechared, King of the Visigoths
Epistle CXXIII: to Venantius and Italica
Epistle CXXV: to Maximus, Bishop of Salona
Epistle I: to All the Bishops of Sicily
Epistle I: to Constantius, Bishop
Epistle I: to Dominicus, Bishop of Carthage
Epistle I: to Januarius, Bishop of Caralis
Epistle I: to John, Abbot
Epistle I: to Marinianus, Bishop
Epistle I: to Peter, Bishop
Epistle I: to Peter, Subdeacon
Epistle I: to the Roman Citizens
Epistle II: to Anastasius, Bishop of Antioch
Epistle II: to Columbus, Bishop
Epistle II: to Constantius, Bishop
Epistle II: to Felix, Bishop, and Cyriacus, Abbot
Epistle II: to Justinus, Praetor of Sicily
Epistle II: to Paulus, Bishop
Epistle II: to the Clergy and People of Ravenna
Epistle II: to Vitalis, Guardian (Defensorem) of Sardina
Epistle II: to Vitalis, Guardian of Sardinia
Epistle III: to Constantius, Bishop
Epistle III: to Donus, Bishop of Messana
Epistle III: to Januarius, Bishop of Caralis
Epistle III: to John, Abbot
Epistle III: to Maximus of Salona
Epistle III: to Paul, Scholasticus
Epistle III: to Velox, Magister Militium
Epistle IV: to Constantius, Bishop
Epistle IV: to Cyriacus, Bishop
Epistle IV: to Fantinus, Guardian (Defensorem) of Panormus
Epistle IV: to Januarius, Bishop of Caralis
Epistle IV: to John, Bishop of Constantinople
Epistle IV: to Queen Theodelinda
Epistle IX: to Antoninus, Subdeacon
Epistle IX: to Callinicus, Exarch of Italy
Epistle IX: to Donus, Bishop
Epistle IX: to Januarius, Bishop
Epistle IX: to Peter the Subdeacon
Epistle IX: to Thalassia, Abbess
Epistle IX: to the Neapolitans
Epistle L: to Adrian, Notary
Epistle L: to Anthemius the Subdeacon
Epistle L: to Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria
Epistle L: to Queen Brunichild
Epistle LI: to Maximianus, Bishop
Epistle LI: to the Brethren Going to England
Epistle LII: to All Bishops
Epistle LII: to John, Archbishop
Epistle LII: to Natalis, Bishop
Epistle LII: to Pelagius and Serenus, Bishops
Epistle LII: to Symmachus the Defensor
Epistle LIII: to John, Bishop
Epistle LIII: to Virgilius, Bishop
Epistle LIII: to Virgilius, Bishop
Epistle LIV: to All the Bishops of the Kingdom of Childebert
Epistle LIV: to Desiderius and Syagrius, Bishops
Epistle LIV: to Desiderius, Bishop of Gaul
Epistle LIX: to Brunichild, Queen of the Franks
Epistle LIX: to John, Bishop of Syracuse
Epistle LIX: to Secundius, Bishop
Epistle LIX: to Theoderic, King of the Franks
Epistle LV: to Fantinus, Guardian, of Panormus
Epistle LV: to King Childebert
Epistle LV: to Protasius, Bishop
Epistle LV: to Virgilius, Bishop of Arelate (Arles)
Epistle LVI: to Aetherius, Bishop of Lugdunum (Lyons)
Epistle LVI: to John, Bishop
Epistle LVI: to Marinianus, Bishop
Epistle LVI: to Peter, Subdeacon
Epistle LVI: to Stephen, Abbot
Epistle LVII: to Aregius, Bishop of Vapincum
Epistle LVII: to Arigius, Patrician
Epistle LVII: to John, Bishop
Epistle LVII: to Severus, Bishop
Epistle LVIII: to All the Bishops Throughout Helladia
Epistle LVIII: to Arsicinus Duke, the Clergy, Nobility, and Common People of the City of Ariminum
Epistle LVIII: to Diverse Bishops of Gaul
Epistle LVIII: to Martin, Scholasticus
Epistle LVIII: to Theodoric and Theodebert
Epistle LX: to Eulogius, Bishop
Epistle LX: to Italica, Patrician
Epistle LX: to Romanus and Other Guardians of the Ecclesiastical Patrimony
Epistle LX: to Theodebert, King of the Franks
Epistle LXI: to Castorius, Notary
Epistle LXI: to Clotaire, King of the Franks
Epistle LXI: to Gennadius, Patrician and Exarch of Africa
Epistle LXII: to Brunichild, Queen of the Franks
Epistle LXII: to Januarius, Archbishop of Caralis (Cagliari) in Sardinia
Epistle LXII: to Peter, Subdeacon
Epistle LXII: to Romanus, Guardian
Epistle LXII: to the Neapolitans
Epistle LXIII: to Brunichild, Queen of the Franks
Epistle LXIII: to Dominicus, Bishop of Carthage
Epistle LXIII: to Gennadius, Patrician
Epistle LXIII: to Januarius, Archbishop of Caralis (Cagliari) in Sardinia
Epistle LXIV: to Augustine, Bishop of the Angli
Epistle LXIX: to Brunichild, Queen of the Franks
Epistle LXV: to Augustine, Bishop of the Angli
Epistle LXV: to Januarius, Bishop of Calaris
Epistle LXV: to Mauricius, Augustus
Epistle LXV: to Mauricius, Emperor
Epistle LXVI: to Athanasius, Presbyter
Epistle LXVI: to Edilbert, King of the Angli
Epistle LXVI: to Felix, Bishop of Messana (Messene)
Epistle LXVI: to Theodorus, Physician
Epistle LXVII: to Constantius, Bishop of Milan
Epistle LXVII: to Domitian, Metropolitan
Epistle LXVII: to Eusebius of Thessalonica
Epistle LXVII: to Peter, Subdeacon
Epistle LXVII: to Quiricus, Bishop
Epistle LXVIII: to Virgilius, Bishop of Arelate (Arles)
Epistle LXXIV: to Gennadius, Patrician and Exarch of Africa
Epistle LXXIX: to Marinianus, Bishop of Ravenna
Epistle LXXIX: to Martinus, Bishop in Corsica
Epistle LXXV: to Gennadius, Patrician, and Exarch Throughout Africa
Epistle LXXVI: to Mellitus, Abbot
Epistle LXXVII: to All the Bishops of Numidia
Epistle LXXVII: to Boniface, Guardian, in Corsica
Epistle LXXVIII: to Barbara and Antonina
Epistle LXXVIII: to Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria
Epistle LXXVIII: to Leo, Bishop in Corsica
Epistle LXXX: to Castorius, Notary
Epistle LXXX: to the Clergy and Nobles of Corsica
Epistle LXXXI: to Maximus, Bishop of Salona
Epistle LXXXII: to Anatolius, Constantinopolitan Deacon
Epistle V: to Boniface, Bishop
Epistle V: to Cyriacus, Bishop
Epistle V: to Dominicus, Bishop
Epistle V: to Etherius, Bishop of Lugdunum (Lyons)
Epistle V: to Marcellus, Pro-Consul of Dalmatia
Epistle V: to Peter, Subdeacon
Epistle V: to Queen Brunichild
Epistle V: to Theoctista, Sister of the Emperor
Epistle V: to Various Metropolitans and Bishops
Epistle VI: to Amos, Patriarch of Jerusalem
Epistle VI: to Brunichild, Queen of the Franks
Epistle VI: to Cyprian, Deacon
Epistle VI: to Januarius, Bishop of Caralis
Epistle VI: to John, Bishop
Epistle VI: to King Childebert
Epistle VI: to Mauricius Augustus
Epistle VI: to Narses, Patrician
Epistle VI: to the Neapolitans
Epistle VII: to Alcyson, Bishop of Corcyra
Epistle VII: to Anastasius, Patriarch of Antioch
Epistle VII: to Candidus, Presbyter
Epistle VII: to Gennadius, Patrician
Epistle VII: to Januarius, Bishop of Caralis
Epistle VII: to John, Bishop
Epistle VII: to Maximianus, Bishop of Syracuse
Epistle VII: to Peter, Domitian, and Elpidius
Epistle VII: to Theoderic, King of the Franks
Epistle VIII: to Boniface, Deacon
Epistle VIII: to Columbus, Bishop of Numidia
Epistle VIII: to Cyprian, Deacon
Epistle VIII: to Januarius, Bishop
Epistle VIII: to Natalis, Bishop
Epistle VIII: to Senator, Abbot
Epistle VIII: to the Bishops of Epirus
Epistle VIII: to the Bishops of Sardinia
Epistle X: to All the Bishops of Dalmatia
Epistle X: to Bacauda and Agnellus, Bishops
Epistle X: to Marinianus, Bishop of Ravenna
Epistle X: to Paulus, Bishop of Naples
Epistle X: to Romanus, Guardian
Epistle X: to Sabinianus, Bishop of Jadera
Epistle X: to Savinus, Subdeacon
Epistle XCI: to Fortunatus, Bishop of Neapolis (Naples)
Epistle XCIII: to Gulfaris, Magister Militum
Epistle XCIV: to Romanus the Guardian
Epistle XCVIII: to Theodore, Curator of Ravenna
Epistle XI: to Brunichild, Queen
Epistle XI: to Clementina, Patrician
Epistle XI: to John, Bishop
Epistle XI: to Maximianus, Bishop
Epistle XI: to Rufinus, Bishop of Ephesus
Epistle XII: to Castorius, Bishop of Ariminum
Epistle XII: to Conon, Abbot of Lirinus (Lerins)
Epistle XII: to John, Bishop of Syracuse
Epistle XII: to John, Bishop of Urbs Vetus
Epistle XII: to Maximianus, Bishop
Epistle XII: to Montana and Thomas
Epistle XII: to Paschasius, Bishop of Neapolis (Naples)
Epistle XII: to Respecta, Abbess
Epistle XII: to Theodelinda, Queen of the Lombards
Epistle XIII: to Alcyson, Bishop of Corcyra
Epistle XIII: to Columbus
Epistle XIII: to Fortunatus, Bishop
Epistle XIII: to Serenus, Bishop of Massilia (Marseilles)
Epistle XIV: to Boniface, First Guardian
Epistle XIV: to the Count Narses
Epistle XIX: to All the Bishops of Dalmatia
Epistle XIX: to Anthemius, Subdeacon
Epistle XIX: to Marinianus, Archbishop
Epistle XIX: to Natalis, Bishop of Salona
Epistle XIX: to Sabinianus, Deacon
Epistle XIX: to the Husbandsmen of the Syracusan Patrimony
Epistle Xl: to Cyriacus, Patriarch of Constantinople
Epistle Xl: to Eulogius, Bishop
Epistle Xl: to Marinianus, Bishop of Ravenna
Epistle Xl: to Mauricius Augustus
Epistle XLI: to Castorius, Bishop
Epistle XLI: to Constantina Augusta
Epistle XLI: to Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria
Epistle XLI: to Julianus, Scribo
Epistle XLI: to Peter, Subdeacon
Epistle XLII: to Agilulph, King of the Lombards
Epistle XLII: to Anthemius, Subdeacon
Epistle XLII: to Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria
Epistle XLII: to Eusebius, Archbishop of Thessalonica
Epistle XLII: to Luminosus, Abbot
Epistle XLII: to Marinianus, Bishop
Epistle XLII: to Sebastian, Bishop
Epistle XLIII: to Eulogius and Anastasius, Bishops
Epistle XLIII: to Leander, Bishop of Hispalis
Epistle XLIII: to Marinianus, Bishop
Epistle XLIII: to Theodelinda, Queen of the Lombards
Epistle XLIII: to Venantius, Patrician
Epistle XLIV: to John, Bishop
Epistle XLIV: to Peter, Subdeacon of Sicily
Epistle XLIV: to Rusticiana, Patrician
Epistle XLIX: to Adeodatus, Bishop
Epistle XLIX: to Anastasius, Bishop of Antioch
Epistle XLIX: to Honoratus, Deacon
Epistle XLIX: to Januarius, Archbishop
Epistle XLIX: to Leander, Bishop
Epistle XLIX: to Palladius, Bishop
Epistle XLV: to Andrew, Bishop
Epistle XLV: to Theoctista, Patrician
Epistle XLVI: to Felix, Bishop of Pisaurum (Pesaro)
Epistle XLVI: to Isacius, Bishop of Jerusalem
Epistle XLVI: to John, Bishop
Epistle XLVI: to John, Bishop
Epistle XLVI: to Peter, Subdeacon of Sicily
Epistle XLVI: to Rusticiana, Patrician
Epistle XLVII: to Anatolius, Deacon At Constantinople
Epistle XLVII: to Dominicus, Bishop
Epistle XLVII: to Sabinianus, Deacon
Epistle XLVII: to the Clergy of the Church of Salona
Epistle XLVII: to Virgilius, Bishop of Arelate (Arles) and Theodorus, bishop of Massilia (Marseilles)
Epistle XLVIII: to Andrew, Scholasticus
Epistle XLVIII: to Columbus, Bishop
Epistle XLVIII: to Columbus, Bishop
Epistle XLVIII: to Theodorus, Duke of Sardinia
Epistle XLVIII: to Urbicus, Abbot
Epistle XV: to Clementina, Patrician
Epistle XV: to George, Presbyter
Epistle XV: to Januarius, Bishop
Epistle XV: to John, Bishop
Epistle XV: to John, Bishop
Epistle XV: to Marinianus, Bishop of Ravenna
Epistle XV: to Paul, Bishop
Epistle XV: to Scholasticus, Judge
Epistle XVI: to Mauricius Augustus
Epistle XVI: to Severus, Bishop of Aquileia
Epistle XVII: to All the Bishops of Italy
Epistle XVII: to Cyprian, Deacon
Epistle XVII: to Demetrian and Valerian
Epistle XVII: to Felix, Bishop of Messane
Epistle XVII: to Maurentius
Epistle XVII: to Sabinianus, Bishop
Epistle XVII: to Theotistus
Epistle XVIII: to Agnellus, Bishop of Terracina
Epistle XVIII: to Certain Bishops of Sicily
Epistle XVIII: to Clementina, Patrician
Epistle XVIII: to John, Bishop
Epistle XVIII: to John, Bishop
Epistle XVIII: to Maurus, Abbot
Epistle XVIII: to Natalis, Bishop of Salona
Epistle XVIII: to Peter the Subdeacon
Epistle XVIII: to Romanus, Guardian
Epistle XX: to Antoninus, Subdeacon
Epistle XX: to Honoratus, Deacon of Salona
Epistle XX: to Marinianus, Bishop of Ravenna
Epistle XX: to Mauricius Augustus
Epistle XX: to Maximus, Pretender
Epistle XX: to the Clergy and People of Ariminum
Epistle XXI: to Constantina Augusta
Epistle XXI: to John, Bishop of Syracuse
Epistle XXI: to Natalis, Bishop of Salona
Epistle XXI: to Venantius, Bishop
Epistle XXII: to All the Bishops of Illyricum
Epistle XXII: to Antoninus, Subdeacon
Epistle XXII: to Peter, Bishop
Epistle XXII: to Rusticiana, Patrician
Epistle XXII: to Rusticiana, Patrician Lady
Epistle XXIII: to Adrian, Notary of Sicily
Epistle XXIII: to Castorius, Notary
Epistle XXIII: to Fantinus, Guardian
Epistle XXIII: to Fortunatus and Anthemius
Epistle XXIII: to Hospito, Duke of the Barbaricini
Epistle XXIII: to John, Bishop
Epistle XXIII: to John, Bishop of Syracuse
Epistle XXIV: to Fortunatus, Bishop of Neapolis (Naples)
Epistle XXIV: to John, Subdeacon of Ravenna
Epistle XXIV: to Marinianus, Bishop
Epistle XXIV: to Romanus, Guardian
Epistle XXIV: to Sabinianus, Bishop of Jadera
Epistle XXIV: to Zabardas, Duke of Sardinia
Epistle XXIX: to Aristobulus, Ex-Prefect and Antigraphus
Epistle XXIX: to Bertha, Queen of the Angli
Epistle XXIX: to Eulogius, Bishop of Alexandria
Epistle XXIX: to Januarius, Bishop
Epistle XXIX: to Marinianus, Bishop
Epistle XXIX: to Maurilius and Vitalianus
Epistle XXIX: to the Presbyters and Clergy of Mediolanum (Milan)
Epistle XXIX: to Victor, Bishop
Epistle XXIX: to Vincomalus, Guardian
Epistle XXV: to Gregoria
Epistle XXV: to Januarius, Bishop of Caralis
Epistle XXV: to John, Bishop of Constantinople, and the Other Patriarchs
Epistle XXV: to Maximus of Salona
Epistle XXV: to Romanus, Guardian
Epistle XXV: to Severus, Bishop
Epistle XXV: to the Nobles and Proprietors in Sardinia
Epistle XXVI: to Anthemius, Subdeacon
Epistle XXVI: to Januarius, Bishop
Epistle XXVI: to John, Bishop
Epistle XXVI: to Romanus, Guardian
Epistle XXVI: to the People of Ravenna
Epistle XXVI: to the Salonitans
Epistle XXVI: to Theoctista, Patrician
Epistle XXVII: to Anastasius, Archbishop of Corinth
Epistle XXVII: to Anastasius, Bishop
Epistle XXVII: to Anthemius, Subdeacon
Epistle XXVII: to Januarius, Bishop
Epistle XXVII: to Romanus, Guardian
Epistle XXVII: to Rusticiana, Patrician
Epistle XXVII: to the Clergy and People of Jadera
Epistle XXVIII: to Augustine, Bishop of the Angli
Epistle XXVIII: to Columbus, Bishop of Numidia
Epistle XXVIII: to Sebastian, Bishop of Rhisinum [In Dalmatia]
Epistle XXVIII: to Theodore, Physician
Epistle XXX: to Constantina Augusta
Epistle XXX: to Eulogius, Bishop of Alexandria
Epistle XXX: to John, Subdeacon
Epistle XXX: to Mauricius Augustus
Epistle XXX: to Maurilius and Vitalianus
Epistle XXX: to Narses, the Religious
Epistle XXX: to Secundus
Epistle XXX: to Venantius, Ex-Monk, Patrician of Syracuse
Epistle XXXI: to Cyriacus, Bishop
Epistle XXXI: to Libertinus, Ex-Praetor
Epistle XXXI: to Phocas, Emperor
Epistle XXXI: to Romanus
Epistle XXXI: to Theodorus, Physician
Epistle XXXII: to All the Bishops of the Council of Bizacium
Epistle XXXII: to Anastasius, Presbyter
Epistle XXXII: to Fortunatus, Bishop
Epistle XXXII: to Honoratus, Archdeacon
Epistle XXXII: to Marinianus, Bishop of Ravenna
Epistle XXXII: to Narses the Patrician
Epistle XXXII: to Peter, Subdeacon of Sicily
Epistle XXXIII: to Andrew
Epistle XXXIII: to Anthemius, Subdeacon
Epistle XXXIII: to Dominicus
Epistle XXXIII: to Dynamius, Patrician
Epistle XXXIII: to Justinus, Praetor
Epistle XXXIII: to Marinianus, Bishop of Ravenna
Epistle XXXIII: to Mauricius Augustus
Epistle XXXIII: to Romanus, Patrician, and Exarch of Italy
Epistle XXXIV: to Castorius, Notary
Epistle XXXIV: to Eulogius, Bishop
Epistle XXXIV: to John, Bishop of Scyllacium
Epistle XXXIV: to Maximianus, Bishop of Syracuse
Epistle XXXIV: to Pantaleo, Notary
Epistle XXXIV: to Venantius, Ex-Monk, Patrician of Syracuse
Epistle XXXIV: to Victor and Columbus, Bishops of Africa
Epistle XXXIX: to Anastasius, Bishop
Epistle XXXIX: to Anthemius, Subdeacon
Epistle XXXIX: to Constantius, Bishop
Epistle XXXIX: to Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria
Epistle XXXIX: to John, Bishop
Epistle XXXIX: to Leontia, Empress
Epistle XXXV: to Anthemius, Subdeacon
Epistle XXXV: to Barbara and Antonina
Epistle XXXV: to Dominicus, Bishop
Epistle XXXV: to Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria
Epistle XXXV: to Leontius, Ex-Consul
Epistle XXXV: to Peter, Bishop of Terracina
Epistle XXXV: to Peter, Subdeacon
Epistle XXXVI: to Fortunatus, Bishop of Neapolis
Epistle XXXVI: to John, Bishop of Syracuse
Epistle XXXVI: to Leo, Bishop
Epistle XXXVI: to Maximus, Bishop of Salona
Epistle XXXVI: to Peter the Subdeacon
Epistle XXXVI: to Sabinus, Guardian
Epistle XXXVI: to Severus, Scholasticus
Epistle XXXVI: to the Abbot Eusebius
Epistle XXXVII: to Columbus, Bishop
Epistle XXXVII: to Innocent, Praefect of Africa
Epistle XXXVII: to John, Bishop of Squillacium (Squillace, in Calabria)
Epistle XXXVII: to Romanus, Guardian
Epistle XXXVIII: to Donus, Bishop
Epistle XXXVIII: to Libertinus, Praefect
Epistle XXXVIII: to Phocas, Emperor
Epistle XXXVIII: to Queen Theodelinda
Epistle XXXVIII: to Vitus, Guardian
The Book of Pastoral Rule
Homily on Psalm 1
Homily on Psalm 131 [130]
Homily on Psalm 54 [53]
On the Councils, or the Faith of the Easterns
On the Trinity, Books I-III
On the Trinity, Books IV-VII
On the Trinity, Books VIII-XII
Homily on Psalm 131 [130]
Homily on Psalm 54 [53]
On the Councils, or the Faith of the Easterns
On the Trinity, Books I-III
On the Trinity, Books IV-VII
On the Trinity, Books VIII-XII
(Syrian) Epistle to Polycarp
The Epistle of Ignatius to Hero a Deacon of Antioch
The Epistle of Ignatius to Mary At Neapolis, Near Zarbus
The Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp Shorter and Longer Versions
The Epistle of Ignatius to St. John the Apostle
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Antiochians
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians Shorter and Longer Versions
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians Shorter and Longer Versions
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians Shorter and Longer Versions
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philippians
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans Shorter and Longer Versions
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans Shorter and Longer Versions
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Tarsians
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians Shorter and Longer Versions
The Epistle of Maria the Proselyte to Ignatius (Mary of Cassobelae to Ignatius)
The Epistle of Maria the Proselyte to Ignatius (Mary of Cassobelae to Ignatius)
The Second Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians(1)
The Third (Syrian) Epistle of the Same St. Ignatius
The Epistle of Ignatius to Hero a Deacon of Antioch
The Epistle of Ignatius to Mary At Neapolis, Near Zarbus
The Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp Shorter and Longer Versions
The Epistle of Ignatius to St. John the Apostle
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Antiochians
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians Shorter and Longer Versions
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians Shorter and Longer Versions
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians Shorter and Longer Versions
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philippians
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans Shorter and Longer Versions
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans Shorter and Longer Versions
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Tarsians
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians Shorter and Longer Versions
The Epistle of Maria the Proselyte to Ignatius (Mary of Cassobelae to Ignatius)
The Epistle of Maria the Proselyte to Ignatius (Mary of Cassobelae to Ignatius)
The Second Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians(1)
The Third (Syrian) Epistle of the Same St. Ignatius
Against Heresies (Book I)
Against Heresies (Book II)
Against Heresies (Book III)
Against Heresies (Book IV)
Against Heresies (Book V)
Fragments from the Lost Writings of Irenaeus
Against Heresies (Book II)
Against Heresies (Book III)
Against Heresies (Book IV)
Against Heresies (Book V)
Fragments from the Lost Writings of Irenaeus
A Canticle of Mar Jacob the Teacher on Edessa
A Canticle of Mar Jacob the Teacher on Edessa
A Canticle of Mar Jacob the Teacher on Edessa
A Canticle of Mar Jacob the Teacher on Edessa
A Canticle of Mar Jacob the Teacher on Edessa
Against Jovinianus, Book I
Against Jovinianus, Book II
Against the Pelagiansdialogue Between Atticus, a Catholic, and Critobulus, a Heretic
Against Vigilantius
Apology against the Books of Rufinus
Letter CIX: to Riparius
Letter CVII: to Laeta
Letter CVIII: to Eustochium
Letter CXIV: to Theophilus
Letter CXLV: to Exuperantius
Letter CXLVI: to Evangelus
Letter CXLVII: to Sabinianus
Letter CXVII: to a Mother and Daughter Living in Gaul
Letter CXVIII: to Julian
Letter CXXII: to Rusticus
Letter CXXIII: to Ageruchia
Letter CXXIV: to Avitus
Letter CXXV: to Rusticus
Letter CXXVI: to Marcellinus and Anapsychia
Letter CXXVII: to Principia
Letter CXXVIII: to Gaudentius
Letter CXXX: to Demetrias
Letter CXXXIII: to Ctesiphon
Letter CXXXIX: to Apronius
Letter CXXXVIII: to Riparius
Letter I: to Innocent
Letter II: to Theodosius and the Rest of the Anchorites
Letter III: to Rufinus the Monk
Letter IV: to Florentius
Letter IX: to Chrysogonus, a Monk of Aquileia
Letter L: to Domnio
Letter LII: to Nepotian
Letter LIII: to Paulinus
Letter LIV: to Furia
Letter LV: to Amandus
Letter LVII: to Pammachius on the Best Method of Translating
Letter LVIII: to Paulinus
Letter LX: to Heliodorus
Letter LXI: to Vigilantius
Letter LXII: to Tranquillinus
Letter LXIII: to Theophilus
Letter LXIX: to Oceanus
Letter LXVIII: to Castrutius
Letter LXX: to Magnus an Orator of Rome
Letter LXXI.: to Lucinius
Letter LXXIX: to Salvina
Letter LXXV: to Theodora
Letter LXXVI: to Abigaus
Letter LXXVII: to Oceanus
Letter LXXXI: to Rufinus
Letter LXXXII: to Theophilus Bishop of Alexandria
Letter LXXXIV: to Pammachius and Oceanus
Letter LXXXV: to Paulinus
Letter LXXXVI: to Theophilus
Letter LXXXVIII: to Theophilus
Letter V: to Florentius
Letter VI: to Julian, a Deacon of Antioch
Letter VII: to Chromatius, Jovinus, and Eusebius
Letter VIII: to Niceas, Sub-Deacon of Aquileia
Letter X: to Paul, an Old Man of Concordia
Letter XCIX: to Theophilus
Letter XCVII: to Pammachius and Marcella
Letter XI: to the Virgins of Aemona
Letter XII: to Antony, Monk
Letter XIII: to Castorina, His Maternal Aunt
Letter XIV: to Heliodorus, Monk
Letter Xl: to Marcella
Letter XLI: to Marcella
Letter XLII: to Marcella
Letter XLIII: to Marcella
Letter XLIV: to Marcella
Letter XLIX: to Pammachius
Letter XLV: to Asella
Letter XLVI: Paula and Eustochium to Marcella
Letter XLVII: to Desiderius
Letter XLVIII: to Pammachius
Letter XV: to Pope Damasus
Letter XVI: to Pope Damasus
Letter XVII: to the Presbyter Marcus
Letter XXII: to Eustochium
Letter XXIII: to Marcella
Letter XXIV: to Marcella
Letter XXVII: to Marcella
Letter XXXI: to Eustochium
Letter XXXII: to Marcella
Letter XXXIII: to Paula
Letter XXXIX: to Paula
Letter XXXVIII: to Marcella
Lives of Illustrious Men
The Dialogue against the Luciferians
The Life of Malchus, the Captive Monk
The Life of Paulus the First Hermit
The Life of S. Hilarion
The Perpetual Virginity of Blessed Mary, against Helvidius
To Pammachius against John of Jerusalem
Against Jovinianus, Book II
Against the Pelagiansdialogue Between Atticus, a Catholic, and Critobulus, a Heretic
Against Vigilantius
Apology against the Books of Rufinus
Letter CIX: to Riparius
Letter CVII: to Laeta
Letter CVIII: to Eustochium
Letter CXIV: to Theophilus
Letter CXLV: to Exuperantius
Letter CXLVI: to Evangelus
Letter CXLVII: to Sabinianus
Letter CXVII: to a Mother and Daughter Living in Gaul
Letter CXVIII: to Julian
Letter CXXII: to Rusticus
Letter CXXIII: to Ageruchia
Letter CXXIV: to Avitus
Letter CXXV: to Rusticus
Letter CXXVI: to Marcellinus and Anapsychia
Letter CXXVII: to Principia
Letter CXXVIII: to Gaudentius
Letter CXXX: to Demetrias
Letter CXXXIII: to Ctesiphon
Letter CXXXIX: to Apronius
Letter CXXXVIII: to Riparius
Letter I: to Innocent
Letter II: to Theodosius and the Rest of the Anchorites
Letter III: to Rufinus the Monk
Letter IV: to Florentius
Letter IX: to Chrysogonus, a Monk of Aquileia
Letter L: to Domnio
Letter LII: to Nepotian
Letter LIII: to Paulinus
Letter LIV: to Furia
Letter LV: to Amandus
Letter LVII: to Pammachius on the Best Method of Translating
Letter LVIII: to Paulinus
Letter LX: to Heliodorus
Letter LXI: to Vigilantius
Letter LXII: to Tranquillinus
Letter LXIII: to Theophilus
Letter LXIX: to Oceanus
Letter LXVIII: to Castrutius
Letter LXX: to Magnus an Orator of Rome
Letter LXXI.: to Lucinius
Letter LXXIX: to Salvina
Letter LXXV: to Theodora
Letter LXXVI: to Abigaus
Letter LXXVII: to Oceanus
Letter LXXXI: to Rufinus
Letter LXXXII: to Theophilus Bishop of Alexandria
Letter LXXXIV: to Pammachius and Oceanus
Letter LXXXV: to Paulinus
Letter LXXXVI: to Theophilus
Letter LXXXVIII: to Theophilus
Letter V: to Florentius
Letter VI: to Julian, a Deacon of Antioch
Letter VII: to Chromatius, Jovinus, and Eusebius
Letter VIII: to Niceas, Sub-Deacon of Aquileia
Letter X: to Paul, an Old Man of Concordia
Letter XCIX: to Theophilus
Letter XCVII: to Pammachius and Marcella
Letter XI: to the Virgins of Aemona
Letter XII: to Antony, Monk
Letter XIII: to Castorina, His Maternal Aunt
Letter XIV: to Heliodorus, Monk
Letter Xl: to Marcella
Letter XLI: to Marcella
Letter XLII: to Marcella
Letter XLIII: to Marcella
Letter XLIV: to Marcella
Letter XLIX: to Pammachius
Letter XLV: to Asella
Letter XLVI: Paula and Eustochium to Marcella
Letter XLVII: to Desiderius
Letter XLVIII: to Pammachius
Letter XV: to Pope Damasus
Letter XVI: to Pope Damasus
Letter XVII: to the Presbyter Marcus
Letter XXII: to Eustochium
Letter XXIII: to Marcella
Letter XXIV: to Marcella
Letter XXVII: to Marcella
Letter XXXI: to Eustochium
Letter XXXII: to Marcella
Letter XXXIII: to Paula
Letter XXXIX: to Paula
Letter XXXVIII: to Marcella
Lives of Illustrious Men
The Dialogue against the Luciferians
The Life of Malchus, the Captive Monk
The Life of Paulus the First Hermit
The Life of S. Hilarion
The Perpetual Virginity of Blessed Mary, against Helvidius
To Pammachius against John of Jerusalem
Seven Books on the Incarnation of the Lord, against Nestorius
The Conferences: Part I, Conferences I-X
The Conferences: Part II, Conferences XI-XVII
The Conferences: Part II, Conferences XVIII-XX
The Conferences: Part II, Conferences XXI-XXIV
The Twelve Books on the Institutes of the Coenobia and the Remedies for the Eight Principal Faults
The Conferences: Part I, Conferences I-X
The Conferences: Part II, Conferences XI-XVII
The Conferences: Part II, Conferences XVIII-XX
The Conferences: Part II, Conferences XXI-XXIV
The Twelve Books on the Institutes of the Coenobia and the Remedies for the Eight Principal Faults
A Treatise to Prove that No One Can Harm the Man Who Does Not Injure himself
Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles: Homilies 1-10
Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles: Homilies 11-20
Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles: Homilies 21-30
Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles: Homilies 43-55
Commentary on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans: Homilies 1-8
Commentary on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans: Homilies 15-21
Commentary on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans: Homilies 22-32
Commentary on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans: Homilies 9-14
Commentary[1] on Galatians
Correspondence With Pope Innocent
Homilies 1-10 on the Epistle to the Hebrewspublished After His Falling Asleep, from Notes By Constantine, Presbyter of antioch
Homilies 1-16 on the Gospel According to St. John
Homilies 1-9 on the Gospel According to St. Matthew
Homilies 10-17 on the Gospel According to St. Matthew
Homilies 11-23 on the Epistle to the Hebrewspublished After His Falling Asleep, from Notes By Constantine, Presbyter of antioch
Homilies 17-32 on the Gospel According to St. John
Homilies 18-26 on the Gospel According to St. Matthew
Homilies 24-34 on the Epistle to the Hebrewspublished After His Falling Asleep, from Notes By Constantine, Presbyter of antioch
Homilies 27-36 on the Gospel According to St. Matthew
Homilies 33-48 on the Gospel According to St. John
Homilies 37-48 on the Gospel According to St. Matthew
Homilies 49-57 on the Gospel According to St. Matthew
Homilies 49-61 on the Gospel According to St. John
Homilies 58-67 on the Gospel According to St. Matthew
Homilies 62-76 on the Gospel According to St. John
Homilies 68-78 on the Gospel According to St. Matthew
Homilies 77-88 on the Gospel According to St. John
Homilies 79-90 on the Gospel According to St. Matthew
Homilies Addressed to the People of Antioch, Concerning the Statues
Homilies on Colossians
Homilies on Ephesians, 1-11
Homilies on Ephesians, 12-24
Homilies on First Corinthians, 1-10
Homilies on First Corinthians, 11-19
Homilies on First Corinthians, 20-27
Homilies on First Corinthians, 28-35
Homilies on First Corinthians, 36-44
Homilies on First Thessalonians
Homilies on First Timothy
Homilies on Philemon
Homilies on Philippians, 1-7
Homilies on Philippians, 8-15
Homilies on Second Corinthians, 1-8
Homilies on Second Corinthians, 20-30
Homilies on Second Corinthians, 9-19
Homilies on Second Thessalonians
Homilies on Second Timothy
Homilies on Titus
Homily against Marcionists and Manichæzanson the Passage
Homily against Publishing the Errors of the Brethren
Homily on St. Babylas
Homily on St. Ignatius
Homily on the Paralytic Let Down through the Roof
Homily to Those Who Had Not Attended the Assembly
Instructions to Catechumens
Letter to a Young Widow
Letters to Olympias
R>st. John Chrysostom
Three Homilies Concerning the Power of Demons
Treatise on the Priesthood
Two Homlies on Eutropius, Patrician and Consul
Two Letters to Theodore After His Fall
Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles: Homilies 1-10
Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles: Homilies 11-20
Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles: Homilies 21-30
Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles: Homilies 43-55
Commentary on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans: Homilies 1-8
Commentary on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans: Homilies 15-21
Commentary on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans: Homilies 22-32
Commentary on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans: Homilies 9-14
Commentary[1] on Galatians
Correspondence With Pope Innocent
Homilies 1-10 on the Epistle to the Hebrewspublished After His Falling Asleep, from Notes By Constantine, Presbyter of antioch
Homilies 1-16 on the Gospel According to St. John
Homilies 1-9 on the Gospel According to St. Matthew
Homilies 10-17 on the Gospel According to St. Matthew
Homilies 11-23 on the Epistle to the Hebrewspublished After His Falling Asleep, from Notes By Constantine, Presbyter of antioch
Homilies 17-32 on the Gospel According to St. John
Homilies 18-26 on the Gospel According to St. Matthew
Homilies 24-34 on the Epistle to the Hebrewspublished After His Falling Asleep, from Notes By Constantine, Presbyter of antioch
Homilies 27-36 on the Gospel According to St. Matthew
Homilies 33-48 on the Gospel According to St. John
Homilies 37-48 on the Gospel According to St. Matthew
Homilies 49-57 on the Gospel According to St. Matthew
Homilies 49-61 on the Gospel According to St. John
Homilies 58-67 on the Gospel According to St. Matthew
Homilies 62-76 on the Gospel According to St. John
Homilies 68-78 on the Gospel According to St. Matthew
Homilies 77-88 on the Gospel According to St. John
Homilies 79-90 on the Gospel According to St. Matthew
Homilies Addressed to the People of Antioch, Concerning the Statues
Homilies on Colossians
Homilies on Ephesians, 1-11
Homilies on Ephesians, 12-24
Homilies on First Corinthians, 1-10
Homilies on First Corinthians, 11-19
Homilies on First Corinthians, 20-27
Homilies on First Corinthians, 28-35
Homilies on First Corinthians, 36-44
Homilies on First Thessalonians
Homilies on First Timothy
Homilies on Philemon
Homilies on Philippians, 1-7
Homilies on Philippians, 8-15
Homilies on Second Corinthians, 1-8
Homilies on Second Corinthians, 20-30
Homilies on Second Corinthians, 9-19
Homilies on Second Thessalonians
Homilies on Second Timothy
Homilies on Titus
Homily against Marcionists and Manichæzanson the Passage
Homily against Publishing the Errors of the Brethren
Homily on St. Babylas
Homily on St. Ignatius
Homily on the Paralytic Let Down through the Roof
Homily to Those Who Had Not Attended the Assembly
Instructions to Catechumens
Letter to a Young Widow
Letters to Olympias
R>st. John Chrysostom
Treatise on the Priesthood
Two Homlies on Eutropius, Patrician and Consul
Two Letters to Theodore After His Fall
An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, Books I-II
An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, Books III-IV
An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, Books III-IV
A Letter to Origen from Africanus about the History of Susanna
Extant Writings I—the Epistle to Aristides
Extant Writings II.—narrative of Events Happening in Persia on the Birth of Christ
Extant Writings III.—the Extant Fragments of the Five Books of the Chronography of Julius Africanus
Extant Writings IV.—the Passion of St. Symphorosa and Her Seven Sons
Extant Writings I—the Epistle to Aristides
Extant Writings II.—narrative of Events Happening in Persia on the Birth of Christ
Extant Writings III.—the Extant Fragments of the Five Books of the Chronography of Julius Africanus
Extant Writings IV.—the Passion of St. Symphorosa and Her Seven Sons
Dialogue of Justin, Philosopher and Martyr, With Trypho, a Jew
Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin on the Resurrection
Hortatory Address to the Greeks
Justin on the Sole Government of God
Other Fragments from the Lost Writings of Justin
The Discourse to the Greeks
The First Apology of Justin
The Second Apology of Justin for the Christians (Addressed to the Roman Senate)
Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin on the Resurrection
Hortatory Address to the Greeks
Justin on the Sole Government of God
Other Fragments from the Lost Writings of Justin
The Discourse to the Greeks
The First Apology of Justin
The Second Apology of Justin for the Christians (Addressed to the Roman Senate)
A Poem on the Passion of the Lord
A Treatise on the Anger of God
Fragments of Lactantius
Of the Manner in which the Persecutors Died
On the Workmanship of God, or the Formation of Man
The Divine Institutes, Book II: of the Origin of Error
The Divine Institutes, Book III: of the False Wisdom of Philosophers
The Divine Institutes, Book IV: of True Wisdom and Religion
The Divine Institutes, Book V: of Justice
The Divine Institutes, Book VI: of True Worship
The Divine Institutes, Book VII: of a Happy Life
The Divine Institutes, Books I: of the False Worship of the Gods
The Epitome of the Divine Institutes
The Phoenix
A Treatise on the Anger of God
Fragments of Lactantius
Of the Manner in which the Persecutors Died
On the Workmanship of God, or the Formation of Man
The Divine Institutes, Book II: of the Origin of Error
The Divine Institutes, Book III: of the False Wisdom of Philosophers
The Divine Institutes, Book IV: of True Wisdom and Religion
The Divine Institutes, Book V: of Justice
The Divine Institutes, Book VI: of True Worship
The Divine Institutes, Book VII: of a Happy Life
The Divine Institutes, Books I: of the False Worship of the Gods
The Epitome of the Divine Institutes
The Phoenix
Letter CIV: to Marcian Augustus
Letter CIX: to Julian, Bishop of Cos
Letter CLIX: to Nicaetas, Bishop of Aquileia
Letter CLVI: to Leo Augustus
Letter CLVIII: to the Catholic Bishops of Egypt Sojourning in constantinople
Letter CLXII: to Leo Augustus
Letter CLXIV: to Leo Augustus
Letter CLXIX: to Leo Augustus
Letter CLXVI: to Neo, Bishop of Ravenna
Letter CLXXI: to Timothy, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter CV: to Pulcheria Augusta about the Self-Seeking of Anatolius
Letter CVI: to Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople, in Rebuke of His Self-seeking
Letter CVIII: to Theodore, Bishop of Forum Julii
Letter CXIII: to Julian, Bishop of Cos
Letter CXIX: to Maximus, Bishop of Antioch, By the Hand of Marian the presbyter, and Olympius the Deacon
Letter CXVII: to Julian, Bishop of Cos
Letter CXX: to Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrus, on Perseverance in the Faith
Letter CXXIII: to Eudocia Augusta, about the Monks of Palestine
Letter CXXIV: to the Monks of Palestine
Letter CXXIX: to Proterius, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter CXXXIX: to Juvenal, Bishop of Jerusalem
Letter I: to the Bishop of Aquileia
Letter IV: to the Bishops Appointed in Campania, Picenum, Etruria, and All theprovinces
Letter IX: to Dioscorus, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter LIX: to the Clergy and People of the City of Constantinople
Letter LXIX: to Theodosius Augustus
Letter LXVI: Leo's Reply to Letter LXV
Letter LXVII: to Ravennius, Bishop of Arles
Letter LXXIX: to Pulcheria Augusta
Letter LXXX: to Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople
Letter LXXXII: to Marclan Augustus
Letter LXXXV: to Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople
Letter LXXXVIII: to Paschasinus, Bishop of Lilybaeum
Letter to Rusticus, Bishop of Gallia Narbonensis, With the Replied His Questions on Various Points
Letter VI: to Anastasius, Bishop of Thessalonica
Letter VII: to the Bishops Throughout Italy
Letter X: to the Bishops of the Province of Vienne
Letter XCIII: to the Synod of Chalcedon
Letter XCV: to Pulcheria Augusta By the Hand of Theoctistus the magistrian
Letter XCVIII: from the Synod of Chalcedon to Leo
Letter XII
Letter XIV: to Anastasius, Bishop of Thessalonica
Letter XIX: to Dorus, Bishop of Beneventum
Letter Xl: to the Bishops of the Province of Arles in Gaul
Letter XLII: to Ravennius, Bishop of Arles
Letter XLIII: to Theodosius Augustus
Letter XLIV: to Theodosius Augustus
Letter XLV: to Pulcheria Augusta
Letter XV: to Turribius, Bishop of Asturia, Upon the Errors of the priscillianists
Letter XVI: to the Bishops of Sicily
Letter XVII
Letter XVIII: to Januarius, Bishop of Aquileia
Letter XX: to Eutyches, an Abbot of Constantinople
Letter XXIII: to Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople
Letter XXIV: to Theodosius Augustus II: Leo the Bishop, to Theodosius augustus
Letter XXIX: to Theodosius Augustus
Letter XXVII: to Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople
Letter XXVIII: to Flavian, Commonly Called
Letter XXXI: to Pulcheria Augusta
Letter XXXII: to the Archimandrites of Constantinople
Letter XXXIII: to the Synod of Ephesus
Letter XXXIV: to Julian, Bishop of Cos
Letter XXXIX: to Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople
Letter XXXIX: to Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople
Letter XXXV: to Julian, Bishop of Cos
Letter XXXVII: to Theodosius Augustus
Letter XXXVIII: to Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople
Sermon I: Preached on His Birthday, or Day of Ordination
Sermon II: on His Birthday, II: Delivered on the Anniversary of His consecration
Sermon III: on His Birthday, III: Delivered on the Anniversary of His elevation to the Pontificate
Sermon IX: Upon the Collections, IV
Sermon LI: a Homily Delivered on the Saturday Before the Second Sunday in lent—on the Transfiguration, S. Mat.[1] . XVII. 1—13
Sermon LIV: on the Passion, III.; Delivered on the Sunday Before Easter
Sermon LIX: (On the Passion, VIII: on Wednesday in Holy Week)
Sermon LV: on the Lord's Passion IV, Delivered on Wednesday in Holy Week
Sermon LVIII (On the Passion, VII)
Sermon LXII: (On the Passion, XI)
Sermon LXIII: (On the Passion, XII: Preached on Wednesday)
Sermon LXVII: (On the Passion, XVI: Delivered on the Sunday)
Sermon LXVIII: (On the Passion, XVII: Delivered on the Wednesday)
Sermon LXXI: on the Lord's Resurrection, I; Delivered on Holy Saturday in the Vigil the of Easter
Sermon LXXII: (On the Lord's Resurrection, II)
Sermon LXXIII: (On the Lord's Ascension, I)
Sermon LXXIV: (On the Lord's Ascension, II)
Sermon LXXV: (On Pentecost, I)
Sermon LXXVII: (On Pentecost, III)
Sermon LXXVIII: (On the Pentecost Fast, I)
Sermon LXXXII: on the Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul (June 29)
Sermon LXXXIV: Concerning the Neglect of the Commemoration
Sermon LXXXV: on the Feast of St. Laurence the Martyr (Aug. 10)
Sermon LXXXVIII: on the Fast of the Seventh Month, III
Sermon X: on the Collections, V
Sermon Xc: (On the Fast of Seventh Month, V)
Sermon XCI: on the Fast of the Seventh Month, VI
Sermon XCV: a Homily on the Beatitudes, St. Matt. V. 1-9
Sermon XII: on the Fast of the Tenth Month, I
Sermon XIX: on the Fast of the Ten Month, VIII
Sermon Xl: on Lent, II
Sermon XLII: on Lent, IV
Sermon XLIX: on Lent, XI
Sermon XLVI: on Lent, VIII
Sermon XVI: on the Fast of the Tenth Month
Sermon XVII: on the Fast of the Tenth Month, VI
Sermon XXI: on the Feast of the Nativity, I
Sermon XXII: on the Feast of the Nativity, II
Sermon XXIII: on the Feast of the Nativity, III
Sermon XXIV: on the Feast of the Nativity, IV
Sermon XXVI: on the Feast of the Nativity, VI
Sermon XXVII: on the Feast of the Nativity, VII
Sermon XXVIII: on the Festival of the Nativity, VIII
Sermon XXXI: on the Feast of the Epiphany, I
Sermon XXXIII: on the Feast of the Epiphany, III
Sermon XXXIV: on the Feast of the Epiphany, IV
Sermon XXXIX: on Lent, I
Sermon XXXVI: on the Feast of the Epiphany, VI
Letter CIX: to Julian, Bishop of Cos
Letter CLIX: to Nicaetas, Bishop of Aquileia
Letter CLVI: to Leo Augustus
Letter CLVIII: to the Catholic Bishops of Egypt Sojourning in constantinople
Letter CLXII: to Leo Augustus
Letter CLXIV: to Leo Augustus
Letter CLXIX: to Leo Augustus
Letter CLXVI: to Neo, Bishop of Ravenna
Letter CLXXI: to Timothy, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter CV: to Pulcheria Augusta about the Self-Seeking of Anatolius
Letter CVI: to Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople, in Rebuke of His Self-seeking
Letter CVIII: to Theodore, Bishop of Forum Julii
Letter CXIII: to Julian, Bishop of Cos
Letter CXIX: to Maximus, Bishop of Antioch, By the Hand of Marian the presbyter, and Olympius the Deacon
Letter CXVII: to Julian, Bishop of Cos
Letter CXX: to Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrus, on Perseverance in the Faith
Letter CXXIII: to Eudocia Augusta, about the Monks of Palestine
Letter CXXIV: to the Monks of Palestine
Letter CXXIX: to Proterius, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter CXXXIX: to Juvenal, Bishop of Jerusalem
Letter I: to the Bishop of Aquileia
Letter IV: to the Bishops Appointed in Campania, Picenum, Etruria, and All theprovinces
Letter IX: to Dioscorus, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter LIX: to the Clergy and People of the City of Constantinople
Letter LXIX: to Theodosius Augustus
Letter LXVI: Leo's Reply to Letter LXV
Letter LXVII: to Ravennius, Bishop of Arles
Letter LXXIX: to Pulcheria Augusta
Letter LXXX: to Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople
Letter LXXXII: to Marclan Augustus
Letter LXXXV: to Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople
Letter LXXXVIII: to Paschasinus, Bishop of Lilybaeum
Letter to Rusticus, Bishop of Gallia Narbonensis, With the Replied His Questions on Various Points
Letter VI: to Anastasius, Bishop of Thessalonica
Letter VII: to the Bishops Throughout Italy
Letter X: to the Bishops of the Province of Vienne
Letter XCIII: to the Synod of Chalcedon
Letter XCV: to Pulcheria Augusta By the Hand of Theoctistus the magistrian
Letter XCVIII: from the Synod of Chalcedon to Leo
Letter XII
Letter XIV: to Anastasius, Bishop of Thessalonica
Letter XIX: to Dorus, Bishop of Beneventum
Letter Xl: to the Bishops of the Province of Arles in Gaul
Letter XLII: to Ravennius, Bishop of Arles
Letter XLIII: to Theodosius Augustus
Letter XLIV: to Theodosius Augustus
Letter XLV: to Pulcheria Augusta
Letter XV: to Turribius, Bishop of Asturia, Upon the Errors of the priscillianists
Letter XVI: to the Bishops of Sicily
Letter XVII
Letter XVIII: to Januarius, Bishop of Aquileia
Letter XX: to Eutyches, an Abbot of Constantinople
Letter XXIII: to Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople
Letter XXIV: to Theodosius Augustus II: Leo the Bishop, to Theodosius augustus
Letter XXIX: to Theodosius Augustus
Letter XXVII: to Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople
Letter XXVIII: to Flavian, Commonly Called
Letter XXXI: to Pulcheria Augusta
Letter XXXII: to the Archimandrites of Constantinople
Letter XXXIII: to the Synod of Ephesus
Letter XXXIV: to Julian, Bishop of Cos
Letter XXXIX: to Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople
Letter XXXIX: to Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople
Letter XXXV: to Julian, Bishop of Cos
Letter XXXVII: to Theodosius Augustus
Letter XXXVIII: to Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople
Sermon I: Preached on His Birthday, or Day of Ordination
Sermon II: on His Birthday, II: Delivered on the Anniversary of His consecration
Sermon III: on His Birthday, III: Delivered on the Anniversary of His elevation to the Pontificate
Sermon IX: Upon the Collections, IV
Sermon LI: a Homily Delivered on the Saturday Before the Second Sunday in lent—on the Transfiguration, S. Mat.[1] . XVII. 1—13
Sermon LIV: on the Passion, III.; Delivered on the Sunday Before Easter
Sermon LIX: (On the Passion, VIII: on Wednesday in Holy Week)
Sermon LV: on the Lord's Passion IV, Delivered on Wednesday in Holy Week
Sermon LVIII (On the Passion, VII)
Sermon LXII: (On the Passion, XI)
Sermon LXIII: (On the Passion, XII: Preached on Wednesday)
Sermon LXVII: (On the Passion, XVI: Delivered on the Sunday)
Sermon LXVIII: (On the Passion, XVII: Delivered on the Wednesday)
Sermon LXXI: on the Lord's Resurrection, I; Delivered on Holy Saturday in the Vigil the of Easter
Sermon LXXII: (On the Lord's Resurrection, II)
Sermon LXXIII: (On the Lord's Ascension, I)
Sermon LXXIV: (On the Lord's Ascension, II)
Sermon LXXV: (On Pentecost, I)
Sermon LXXVII: (On Pentecost, III)
Sermon LXXVIII: (On the Pentecost Fast, I)
Sermon LXXXII: on the Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul (June 29)
Sermon LXXXIV: Concerning the Neglect of the Commemoration
Sermon LXXXV: on the Feast of St. Laurence the Martyr (Aug. 10)
Sermon LXXXVIII: on the Fast of the Seventh Month, III
Sermon X: on the Collections, V
Sermon Xc: (On the Fast of Seventh Month, V)
Sermon XCI: on the Fast of the Seventh Month, VI
Sermon XCV: a Homily on the Beatitudes, St. Matt. V. 1-9
Sermon XII: on the Fast of the Tenth Month, I
Sermon XIX: on the Fast of the Ten Month, VIII
Sermon Xl: on Lent, II
Sermon XLII: on Lent, IV
Sermon XLIX: on Lent, XI
Sermon XLVI: on Lent, VIII
Sermon XVI: on the Fast of the Tenth Month
Sermon XVII: on the Fast of the Tenth Month, VI
Sermon XXI: on the Feast of the Nativity, I
Sermon XXII: on the Feast of the Nativity, II
Sermon XXIII: on the Feast of the Nativity, III
Sermon XXIV: on the Feast of the Nativity, IV
Sermon XXVI: on the Feast of the Nativity, VI
Sermon XXVII: on the Feast of the Nativity, VII
Sermon XXVIII: on the Festival of the Nativity, VIII
Sermon XXXI: on the Feast of the Epiphany, I
Sermon XXXIII: on the Feast of the Epiphany, III
Sermon XXXIV: on the Feast of the Epiphany, IV
Sermon XXXIX: on Lent, I
Sermon XXXVI: on the Feast of the Epiphany, VI
Concerning Free-Will
Fragments: Extracts from the Work on Things Created
Fragments: Fragment, Uncertain
Fragments: from His Discourse Concerning Martyrs
Fragments: from the Works of Methodius against Porphyry
Fragments: on the History of Jonah
Fragments: Some Other Fragments of the Same Methodius
Fragments: Two Fragments, Uncertain
From the Discourse on the Resurrection
Oration Concerning Simeon and Anna
Oration on the Palms
The Banquet of the Ten Virgins; Or, Concerning Chastity
Fragments: Extracts from the Work on Things Created
Fragments: Fragment, Uncertain
Fragments: from His Discourse Concerning Martyrs
Fragments: from the Works of Methodius against Porphyry
Fragments: on the History of Jonah
Fragments: Some Other Fragments of the Same Methodius
Fragments: Two Fragments, Uncertain
From the Discourse on the Resurrection
Oration Concerning Simeon and Anna
Oration on the Palms
The Banquet of the Ten Virgins; Or, Concerning Chastity
A Letter from Origen to Africanus
A Letter from Origen to Gregory
Against Celsus, Books I-III
Against Celsus, Books IV-V
Against Celsus, Books VI-VIII
Commentary on John: Tenth Book
Commentary on Matthew: Book XI
Commentary on Matthew: Book XII
Commentary on Matthew: Book XIII
Commentary on Matthew: Book XIV
Commentary on Matthew: Books X
Commentary on Matthew: Parts of Books I and II
Commentary on the Gospel of John: Book I
Commentary on the Gospel of John: Book II
Commentary on the Gospel of John: Fragments of Chapter Five
Commentary on the Gospel of John: Fragments of Chapter Four
De Principiis, Books I-II
De Principiis, Books III-IV
Letter of Origen to Gregory Thaumaturgos
A Letter from Origen to Gregory
Against Celsus, Books I-III
Against Celsus, Books IV-V
Against Celsus, Books VI-VIII
Commentary on John: Tenth Book
Commentary on Matthew: Book XI
Commentary on Matthew: Book XII
Commentary on Matthew: Book XIII
Commentary on Matthew: Book XIV
Commentary on Matthew: Books X
Commentary on Matthew: Parts of Books I and II
Commentary on the Gospel of John: Book I
Commentary on the Gospel of John: Book II
Commentary on the Gospel of John: Fragments of Chapter Five
Commentary on the Gospel of John: Fragments of Chapter Four
De Principiis, Books I-II
De Principiis, Books III-IV
Letter of Origen to Gregory Thaumaturgos
Fragments from the Writings of Peter
The Canonical Epistle, With the Commentaries of Theodore Balsamon and John Zonaras. the Canons of the Blessed Peter, Archbishop of Alexandria, As They Are Given in His Sermon on Penitence
The Genuine Acts of Peter
The Canonical Epistle, With the Commentaries of Theodore Balsamon and John Zonaras. the Canons of the Blessed Peter, Archbishop of Alexandria, As They Are Given in His Sermon on Penitence
The Genuine Acts of Peter
Fragments of the Epistle of Phileas to the People of Thmuis
The Epistle to Meletius, Bishop of Lycopolis
The Epistle to Meletius, Bishop of Lycopolis
A Commentary on the Apostles' Creed
Preface and Epilogue to the Translation of Origen's Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans
Preface to His Translation and Completion of Eusebius’s Ecclesiastical History
Preface to Origen's Homilies on Numbers
Preface to the Translation of Origen's Commentary on Psalms 36, 37, and 38
Preface to the Translation of the Sayings of Xystus
The Preface to the Books of Recognitions of St. Clement
Preface and Epilogue to the Translation of Origen's Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans
Preface to His Translation and Completion of Eusebius’s Ecclesiastical History
Preface to Origen's Homilies on Numbers
Preface to the Translation of Origen's Commentary on Psalms 36, 37, and 38
Preface to the Translation of the Sayings of Xystus
The Preface to the Books of Recognitions of St. Clement
Dialogue I: Concerning the Virtues of the Monks of the East
Dialogue II: Concerning the Virtues of St. Martin
Dialogue III: the Virtues of Martin Continued
Letter I: to Eusebius, against Some Envious Assailants of Martin
Letter II: to the Deacon Aurelius; Sulpitius Has a Vision of St. Martin
Letter III: to Bassula, His Mother-In-Law; How St. Martin Passed from This life to Life Eternal
On the Life of St. Martin
The Sacred History
Dialogue II: Concerning the Virtues of St. Martin
Dialogue III: the Virtues of Martin Continued
Letter I: to Eusebius, against Some Envious Assailants of Martin
Letter II: to the Deacon Aurelius; Sulpitius Has a Vision of St. Martin
Letter III: to Bassula, His Mother-In-Law; How St. Martin Passed from This life to Life Eternal
On the Life of St. Martin
The Sacred History
(Appendix) against All Heresies (Spurious)
A Treatise on the Soul
Ad Martyras
Ad Nationes
Against Hermogenes: Containing an Argument against His Opinion that Matter Is Eternal
Against Praxeas
Against the Valentinians
An Answer to the Jews
Appendix to Ad Martyras: the Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicitas
De Fuga in Persecutione
Of Patience
On Baptism
On Exhortation to Chastity
On Fasting. in Opposition to the Psychics
On Idolatry
On Modesty
On Monogamy
On Prayer
On Repentance
On the Apparel of Women
On the Flesh of Christ
On the Pallium
On the Resurrection of the Flesh
On the Veiling of Virgins
Scorpiace. Antidote for the Scorpion's Sting
The Chaplet, or De Corona
The Five Books against Marcion, Books I-III
The Five Books against Marcion, Books IV-V
The Prescription against Heretics
The Shows, or De Spectaculis
The Soul's Testimony
To His Wife
To Scapula
A Treatise on the Soul
Ad Martyras
Ad Nationes
Against Hermogenes: Containing an Argument against His Opinion that Matter Is Eternal
Against Praxeas
Against the Valentinians
An Answer to the Jews
Appendix to Ad Martyras: the Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicitas
De Fuga in Persecutione
Of Patience
On Baptism
On Exhortation to Chastity
On Fasting. in Opposition to the Psychics
On Idolatry
On Modesty
On Monogamy
On Prayer
On Repentance
On the Apparel of Women
On the Flesh of Christ
On the Pallium
On the Resurrection of the Flesh
On the Veiling of Virgins
Scorpiace. Antidote for the Scorpion's Sting
The Chaplet, or De Corona
The Five Books against Marcion, Books I-III
The Five Books against Marcion, Books IV-V
The Prescription against Heretics
The Shows, or De Spectaculis
The Soul's Testimony
To His Wife
To Scapula
Letter C. to Alexandra
Letter CI. to the Deaconess Celarina
Letter CII. to Bishop Basilius
Letter CIII. to the Count Apollonius
Letter CIV. to Flavianus, Bishop of Constantinople
Letter CIX. to Eusebius, Bishop of Ancyra
Letter Cl. to Bishop John of Antioch
Letter CLI. to Various Monasteries
Letter CLII
Letter CLIII
Letter CLIV
Letter CLIX
Letter CLIX
Letter CLIX
Letter CLV
Letter CLVI
Letter CLVII
Letter CLXIl: To Andreas, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CLXIV
Letter CLXIX
Letter CLXV
Letter CLXVI
Letter CLXX
Letter CLXXI
Letter CLXXII. to Nestorius
Letter CLXXIII. to Andreas, Monk of Constantinople
Letter CLXXIV. to Himerius, Bishop of Nicomedia
Letter CLXXV. to Alexander of Hierapolis
Letter CLXXVI. to Alexander of Hierapolis
Letter CLXXVII. Letter to Andreas, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CLXXVIII. to Alexander of Hierapolis
Letter CLXXX. to Bishop John of Antioch
Letter CLXXXI. Letter to Abundius, Bishop of Como
Letter CV. to Eulogius the Oeconomus
Letter CVI. to Abraham the Oeconomus
Letter CVII. to the Presbyter Theodotus
Letter CVIII. to Acacius the Presbyter
Letter CX. to Domnus, Bishop of Antioch
Letter CXI. to Anatolius the Patrician
Letter CXII. to Domnus, Bishop of Antioch
Letter CXIII. to Leo, Bishop of Rome
Letter CXIV. to Andiberis
Letter CXIX. to Anatolius the Patrician
Letter Cxl. to the Master Vincomalus
Letter CXLI. to Marcellus, Archimandrite of the Acoemetae
Letter CXLII. to Marcellus, Archimandrite of the Acoemetae
Letter CXLIII. to Andrew, Monk of Constantinople
Letter CXLIV. to the Soldiers
Letter CXLIX
Letter CXLV. to the Monks of Constantinople
Letter CXLVI. to John the Oeconomus
Letter CXLVII. to John, Bishop of Germanicia
Letter CXV. to Apella
Letter CXVI. to the Presbyter Renatus
Letter CXVII. to the Bishop Florentius
Letter CXVIII. to the Archdeacon of Rome
Letter CXX. to Lupicius
Letter CXXI. to Anatolius the Patrician
Letter CXXII. to Uranius Bishop of Emesa
Letter CXXIII. to Uranius Bishop of Emesa
Letter CXXIV. to the Learned Maranas
Letter CXXIX. to Magnus Antoninus the Presbyter
Letter CXXV. to Aphthonius, Theodoritus, Nonnus, Scylacius, Apthonius, Joannes, Magistrates of the Zeugmatensis
Letter CXXVI. to the Bishop Sabinianus
Letter CXXVII. to Jobius, Presbyter and Archimandrite
Letter CXXVIII. to Candidus, Presbyter and Archimandrite
Letter CXXX. to Bishop Timotheus
Letter CXXXI. to Longinus, Archimandrite of Doliche
Letter CXXXII. to Ibas, Bishop of Edessa
Letter CXXXIII. to John, Bishop of Germanicia
Letter CXXXIV. to Theoctistus, Bishop of Beroea
Letter CXXXIX. to Aspar, Consular and Patrician
Letter CXXXV. to Bishop Romulus
Letter CXXXVI. to Cyrus Magistrianus
Letter CXXXVII. to the Archimandrite John
Letter CXXXVIII. to Anatolius the Patrician
Letter I. to an Unknown Correspondent
Letter II. to the Recipient of Letter I
Letter III. to Bishop Irenaeus
Letter IV. Festal
Letter IX. to an Anonymous Correspondent
Letter L. to the Archimandrite Gerontius
Letter LI. to the Presbyter Agapius
Letter LII. to Ibas, Bishop of Edessa
Letter LIII. to Sophronius, Bishop of Constantina
Letter LIV. Festal
Letter LIX. to Claudianus
Letter LV. Festal
Letter LVI. Festal
Letter LVII. to the Prefect Eutrechius
Letter LVIII. to the Consul Nomus
Letter LX. to Dioscorus, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter LXI. to the Presbyter Archibius
Letter LXII. to the Presbyter John
Letter LXIII. Festal
Letter LXIV. Festal
Letter LXIX. to Eugraphia
Letter LXV. to the General Zeno
Letter LXVI. to Aerius the Sophist
Letter LXVII. to Maranas
Letter LXVIII. to Epiphanius
Letter LXX. to Eustathius, Bishop of Aegoe
Letter LXXI. to Zeno, General and Consul
Letter LXXII. to Hermesigenes the Assessor (Festal)
Letter LXXIII. to Apollonius
Letter LXXIV. to Urbanus (Festal)
Letter LXXIX. to Anatolius the Patrician
Letter LXXV. to the Clergy of Beraea
Letter LXXVII. to Eulalius, Bishop of Persian Armenia
Letter LXXVIII. to Eusebius, Bishop of Persian Armenia
Letter LXXX. to the Prefect Eutrechius
Letter LXXXI. to the Consul Nomus
Letter LXXXII. to Eusebius, Bishop of Ancyra
Letter LXXXIII. of Theodoretus, Bishop of Cyrus, to Dioscorus, Archbishop of Alexandria
Letter LXXXIX. to Florentius the Patrician
Letter LXXXV. to the Bishop Basil
Letter LXXXVI.(2) to Flavianus, Bishop of Constantinople
Letter LXXXVII. to Domnus, Bishop of Apamea
Letter LXXXVIII. to Taurus the Patrician
Letter V. Festal
Letter VI. Festal
Letter VII. to Theonilla
Letter VIII. to Eugraphia
Letter X. to the Learned Elias
Letter Xc. to Lupicinus the Master
Letter XCI. to the Prefect Eutrechius
Letter XCII. to Anatolius the Patrician
Letter XCIII. to Senator the Patrician
Letter XCIV. to Protogenes the Prefect
Letter XCIX. to Claudianus the Antigrapharius
Letter XCV. to the Prefect Antiochus
Letter XCVI. to Nomus the Patrician
Letter XCVII. to the Count Sporacius
Letter XCVIII. to Pancharius
Letter XI. to Flavianus Bishop of Constantinople
Letter XII. to the Bishop Irenaeus
Letter XIII. to Cyrus
Letter XIV. to Alexandra
Letter XIX. to the Presbyter Basilius
Letter Xl. to Theodorus the Vicar (Festal)
Letter XLI. to Claudianus (Festal)
Letter XLII. to Constantius the Prefect
Letter XLIII. to the Augusta Pulcheria
Letter XLIV. to the Patrician Senator
Letter XLIX. to Damianus, Bishop of Sidon
Letter XLV. to the Patrician Anatolius
Letter XLVI. to the Learned Petrus
Letter XLVII. to Proclus, Bishop of Constantinople
Letter XLVIII. to Eustathius, Bishop of Berytus
Letter XV. to Silvanus the Primate
Letter XVI. to Bishop Irenaeus
Letter XVII. to the Deaconess Casiana
Letter XVIII. to Neoptolemus
Letter XX. to the Presbyter Martyrius
Letter XXI. to the Learned Eusebius
Letter XXIII. to the Patrician Areobindas
Letter XXIV. to Andreas Bishop of Samosata
Letter XXIX. to Apellion
Letter XXV. Festal
Letter XXVI. Festal
Letter XXVII. to Aquilinus, Deacon and Archimandrite
Letter XXVIII. to Jacobus, Presbyter and Monk
Letter XXX. to Aerius the Sophist
Letter XXXI. to Domnus Bishop of Antioch
Letter XXXII. to the Bishop Theoctistus
Letter XXXIII. to Stasimus, Count and Primate
Letter XXXIV. to the Count Patricius
Letter XXXIX. Festal
Letter XXXV. to the Bishop Irenaeus
Letter XXXVI. to Pompianus, Bishop of Emesa
Letter XXXVII. to Salustius the Governor
Letter XXXVIII. Festal
The Ecclesiastical History
The Eranistes or Polymorphus
Letter CI. to the Deaconess Celarina
Letter CII. to Bishop Basilius
Letter CIII. to the Count Apollonius
Letter CIV. to Flavianus, Bishop of Constantinople
Letter CIX. to Eusebius, Bishop of Ancyra
Letter Cl. to Bishop John of Antioch
Letter CLI. to Various Monasteries
Letter CLII
Letter CLIII
Letter CLIV
Letter CLIX
Letter CLIX
Letter CLIX
Letter CLV
Letter CLVI
Letter CLVII
Letter CLXIl: To Andreas, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CLXIV
Letter CLXIX
Letter CLXV
Letter CLXVI
Letter CLXX
Letter CLXXI
Letter CLXXII. to Nestorius
Letter CLXXIII. to Andreas, Monk of Constantinople
Letter CLXXIV. to Himerius, Bishop of Nicomedia
Letter CLXXV. to Alexander of Hierapolis
Letter CLXXVI. to Alexander of Hierapolis
Letter CLXXVII. Letter to Andreas, Bishop of Samosata
Letter CLXXVIII. to Alexander of Hierapolis
Letter CLXXX. to Bishop John of Antioch
Letter CLXXXI. Letter to Abundius, Bishop of Como
Letter CV. to Eulogius the Oeconomus
Letter CVI. to Abraham the Oeconomus
Letter CVII. to the Presbyter Theodotus
Letter CVIII. to Acacius the Presbyter
Letter CX. to Domnus, Bishop of Antioch
Letter CXI. to Anatolius the Patrician
Letter CXII. to Domnus, Bishop of Antioch
Letter CXIII. to Leo, Bishop of Rome
Letter CXIV. to Andiberis
Letter CXIX. to Anatolius the Patrician
Letter Cxl. to the Master Vincomalus
Letter CXLI. to Marcellus, Archimandrite of the Acoemetae
Letter CXLII. to Marcellus, Archimandrite of the Acoemetae
Letter CXLIII. to Andrew, Monk of Constantinople
Letter CXLIV. to the Soldiers
Letter CXLIX
Letter CXLV. to the Monks of Constantinople
Letter CXLVI. to John the Oeconomus
Letter CXLVII. to John, Bishop of Germanicia
Letter CXV. to Apella
Letter CXVI. to the Presbyter Renatus
Letter CXVII. to the Bishop Florentius
Letter CXVIII. to the Archdeacon of Rome
Letter CXX. to Lupicius
Letter CXXI. to Anatolius the Patrician
Letter CXXII. to Uranius Bishop of Emesa
Letter CXXIII. to Uranius Bishop of Emesa
Letter CXXIV. to the Learned Maranas
Letter CXXIX. to Magnus Antoninus the Presbyter
Letter CXXV. to Aphthonius, Theodoritus, Nonnus, Scylacius, Apthonius, Joannes, Magistrates of the Zeugmatensis
Letter CXXVI. to the Bishop Sabinianus
Letter CXXVII. to Jobius, Presbyter and Archimandrite
Letter CXXVIII. to Candidus, Presbyter and Archimandrite
Letter CXXX. to Bishop Timotheus
Letter CXXXI. to Longinus, Archimandrite of Doliche
Letter CXXXII. to Ibas, Bishop of Edessa
Letter CXXXIII. to John, Bishop of Germanicia
Letter CXXXIV. to Theoctistus, Bishop of Beroea
Letter CXXXIX. to Aspar, Consular and Patrician
Letter CXXXV. to Bishop Romulus
Letter CXXXVI. to Cyrus Magistrianus
Letter CXXXVII. to the Archimandrite John
Letter CXXXVIII. to Anatolius the Patrician
Letter I. to an Unknown Correspondent
Letter II. to the Recipient of Letter I
Letter III. to Bishop Irenaeus
Letter IV. Festal
Letter IX. to an Anonymous Correspondent
Letter L. to the Archimandrite Gerontius
Letter LI. to the Presbyter Agapius
Letter LII. to Ibas, Bishop of Edessa
Letter LIII. to Sophronius, Bishop of Constantina
Letter LIV. Festal
Letter LIX. to Claudianus
Letter LV. Festal
Letter LVI. Festal
Letter LVII. to the Prefect Eutrechius
Letter LVIII. to the Consul Nomus
Letter LX. to Dioscorus, Bishop of Alexandria
Letter LXI. to the Presbyter Archibius
Letter LXII. to the Presbyter John
Letter LXIII. Festal
Letter LXIV. Festal
Letter LXIX. to Eugraphia
Letter LXV. to the General Zeno
Letter LXVI. to Aerius the Sophist
Letter LXVII. to Maranas
Letter LXVIII. to Epiphanius
Letter LXX. to Eustathius, Bishop of Aegoe
Letter LXXI. to Zeno, General and Consul
Letter LXXII. to Hermesigenes the Assessor (Festal)
Letter LXXIII. to Apollonius
Letter LXXIV. to Urbanus (Festal)
Letter LXXIX. to Anatolius the Patrician
Letter LXXV. to the Clergy of Beraea
Letter LXXVII. to Eulalius, Bishop of Persian Armenia
Letter LXXVIII. to Eusebius, Bishop of Persian Armenia
Letter LXXX. to the Prefect Eutrechius
Letter LXXXI. to the Consul Nomus
Letter LXXXII. to Eusebius, Bishop of Ancyra
Letter LXXXIII. of Theodoretus, Bishop of Cyrus, to Dioscorus, Archbishop of Alexandria
Letter LXXXIX. to Florentius the Patrician
Letter LXXXV. to the Bishop Basil
Letter LXXXVI.(2) to Flavianus, Bishop of Constantinople
Letter LXXXVII. to Domnus, Bishop of Apamea
Letter LXXXVIII. to Taurus the Patrician
Letter V. Festal
Letter VI. Festal
Letter VII. to Theonilla
Letter VIII. to Eugraphia
Letter X. to the Learned Elias
Letter Xc. to Lupicinus the Master
Letter XCI. to the Prefect Eutrechius
Letter XCII. to Anatolius the Patrician
Letter XCIII. to Senator the Patrician
Letter XCIV. to Protogenes the Prefect
Letter XCIX. to Claudianus the Antigrapharius
Letter XCV. to the Prefect Antiochus
Letter XCVI. to Nomus the Patrician
Letter XCVII. to the Count Sporacius
Letter XCVIII. to Pancharius
Letter XI. to Flavianus Bishop of Constantinople
Letter XII. to the Bishop Irenaeus
Letter XIII. to Cyrus
Letter XIV. to Alexandra
Letter XIX. to the Presbyter Basilius
Letter Xl. to Theodorus the Vicar (Festal)
Letter XLI. to Claudianus (Festal)
Letter XLII. to Constantius the Prefect
Letter XLIII. to the Augusta Pulcheria
Letter XLIV. to the Patrician Senator
Letter XLIX. to Damianus, Bishop of Sidon
Letter XLV. to the Patrician Anatolius
Letter XLVI. to the Learned Petrus
Letter XLVII. to Proclus, Bishop of Constantinople
Letter XLVIII. to Eustathius, Bishop of Berytus
Letter XV. to Silvanus the Primate
Letter XVI. to Bishop Irenaeus
Letter XVII. to the Deaconess Casiana
Letter XVIII. to Neoptolemus
Letter XX. to the Presbyter Martyrius
Letter XXI. to the Learned Eusebius
Letter XXIII. to the Patrician Areobindas
Letter XXIV. to Andreas Bishop of Samosata
Letter XXIX. to Apellion
Letter XXV. Festal
Letter XXVI. Festal
Letter XXVII. to Aquilinus, Deacon and Archimandrite
Letter XXVIII. to Jacobus, Presbyter and Monk
Letter XXX. to Aerius the Sophist
Letter XXXI. to Domnus Bishop of Antioch
Letter XXXII. to the Bishop Theoctistus
Letter XXXIII. to Stasimus, Count and Primate
Letter XXXIV. to the Count Patricius
Letter XXXIX. Festal
Letter XXXV. to the Bishop Irenaeus
Letter XXXVI. to Pompianus, Bishop of Emesa
Letter XXXVII. to Salustius the Governor
Letter XXXVIII. Festal
The Ecclesiastical History
The Eranistes or Polymorphus
A Treatise against the Heretic Novatian By an Anonymous Bishop
A Treatise on Re-Baptism By an Anonymous Writer
Acts and Martyrdom of St. Matthew the Apostle
Acts and Martyrdom of the Holy Apostle Andrew
Acts of Andrew and Matthias in the City of the Man-Eaters
Acts of Paul and Thecla
Acts of Peter and Andrew
Acts of Sharbil, Who Was a Priest of Idols, and Was Converted to the confession of Christianity in Christ
Acts of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian about His Exile and Departure
Acts of the Holy Apostle Thomas
Acts of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul
An Ancient Homily Commonly Styled the Second Epistle of Clement
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, Book I: Concerning the Laity
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, Book II: of Bishops, Presbyters, and Deacons
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, Book III
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, Book IV
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, Book V
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, Book VI
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, Book VII: Concerning the Christian Life, and the Eucharist, and the Initiation Into Christ
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, Book VIII: Concerning Gifts, and Ordinations, and the Ecclesiastical Canons
Early Liturgies: the Divine Liturgy of James, the Holy Apostle and Brother of the Lord
Epistle of Clement to James (Designed to Authenticate the Homilies)
Epistle of Peter to James (Written to Account for the Late Appearance of the Homilies)
Extant Writings of Asterius Urbanus
Historia Acephala
Index to the Festal Letters (Chronicon Athanasianum)
Life and Conduct of the Holy Women Xanthippe, Polyxena, and Rebecca
Martyrdom of Habib the Deacon
Martyrdom of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Bartholomew
Pseudo-Clementine Literature: Recognitions of Clement, Book I
Pseudo-Clementine Literature: Recognitions of Clement, Book II
Pseudo-Clementine Literature: Recognitions of Clement, Book III
Pseudo-Clementine Literature: Recognitions of Clement, Book IV
Pseudo-Clementine Literature: Recognitions of Clement, Book IX
Pseudo-Clementine Literature: Recognitions of Clement, Book V
Pseudo-Clementine Literature: Recognitions of Clement, Book VI
Pseudo-Clementine Literature: Recognitions of Clement, Book VII
Pseudo-Clementine Literature: Recognitions of Clement, Book VIII
Pseudo-Clementine Literature: Recognitions of Clement, Book X
Revelation of Esdras
Revelation of Esdras
Revelation of John
Revelation of John
Revelation of Moses
Revelation of Paul
Revelation of Paul
The Acts of Barnabas
The Acts of Philip
The Apocalypse of Peter
The Apocalypse of the Virgin
The Book of John Concerning the Falling Asleep of Mary
The Giving Up of Pontius Pilate
The Gospel According to Peter
The Gospel of Nicodemus (Acta Pilati)
The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew
The Gospel of the Nativity of Mary
The Gospel of Thomas (Five Extant Translations)
The History of Joseph the Carpenter
The Homilies: Homily I
The Homilies: Homily II
The Homilies: Homily III
The Homilies: Homily IV
The Homilies: Homily IX
The Homilies: Homily V
The Homilies: Homily VI
The Homilies: Homily VII
The Homilies: Homily VIII
The Homilies: Homily X
The Homilies: Homily XI
The Homilies: Homily XII
The Homilies: Homily XIII
The Homilies: Homily XIV
The Homilies: Homily XIX
The Homilies: Homily XV
The Homilies: Homily XVI
The Homilies: Homily XVII
The Homilies: Homily XVIII
The Homilies: Homily XX
The Letter of Pontius Pilate which He Wrote to the Roman Emperor, concerning Our Lord Jesus Christ
The Martyrdom of Barsamya, the Bishop of the Blessed City edessa
The Martyrdom of the Holy Martyrs Justin, Chariton, Charites, Paeon, and liberianus, Who Suffered At Rome
The Narrative of Joseph
The Narrative of Zosimus Concerning the Life of the Blessed
The Passion of the Scillitan Martyrs
The Protevangelium of James
The Second Epistle of Clement
The Story Concerning the King of Edessa
The Teaching of Addaeus the Apostle
The Teaching of Simon Cephas in the City of Rome
The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (Didache)
The Testament of Abraham
The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
The Vision of Paul
A Treatise on Re-Baptism By an Anonymous Writer
Acts and Martyrdom of St. Matthew the Apostle
Acts and Martyrdom of the Holy Apostle Andrew
Acts of Andrew and Matthias in the City of the Man-Eaters
Acts of Paul and Thecla
Acts of Peter and Andrew
Acts of Sharbil, Who Was a Priest of Idols, and Was Converted to the confession of Christianity in Christ
Acts of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian about His Exile and Departure
Acts of the Holy Apostle Thomas
Acts of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul
An Ancient Homily Commonly Styled the Second Epistle of Clement
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, Book I: Concerning the Laity
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, Book II: of Bishops, Presbyters, and Deacons
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, Book III
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, Book IV
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, Book V
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, Book VI
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, Book VII: Concerning the Christian Life, and the Eucharist, and the Initiation Into Christ
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, Book VIII: Concerning Gifts, and Ordinations, and the Ecclesiastical Canons
Early Liturgies: the Divine Liturgy of James, the Holy Apostle and Brother of the Lord
Epistle of Clement to James (Designed to Authenticate the Homilies)
Epistle of Peter to James (Written to Account for the Late Appearance of the Homilies)
Extant Writings of Asterius Urbanus
Historia Acephala
Index to the Festal Letters (Chronicon Athanasianum)
Life and Conduct of the Holy Women Xanthippe, Polyxena, and Rebecca
Martyrdom of Habib the Deacon
Martyrdom of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Bartholomew
Pseudo-Clementine Literature: Recognitions of Clement, Book I
Pseudo-Clementine Literature: Recognitions of Clement, Book II
Pseudo-Clementine Literature: Recognitions of Clement, Book III
Pseudo-Clementine Literature: Recognitions of Clement, Book IV
Pseudo-Clementine Literature: Recognitions of Clement, Book IX
Pseudo-Clementine Literature: Recognitions of Clement, Book V
Pseudo-Clementine Literature: Recognitions of Clement, Book VI
Pseudo-Clementine Literature: Recognitions of Clement, Book VII
Pseudo-Clementine Literature: Recognitions of Clement, Book VIII
Pseudo-Clementine Literature: Recognitions of Clement, Book X
Revelation of Esdras
Revelation of Esdras
Revelation of John
Revelation of John
Revelation of Moses
Revelation of Paul
Revelation of Paul
The Acts of Barnabas
The Acts of Philip
The Apocalypse of Peter
The Apocalypse of the Virgin
The Book of John Concerning the Falling Asleep of Mary
The Giving Up of Pontius Pilate
The Gospel According to Peter
The Gospel of Nicodemus (Acta Pilati)
The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew
The Gospel of the Nativity of Mary
The Gospel of Thomas (Five Extant Translations)
The History of Joseph the Carpenter
The Homilies: Homily I
The Homilies: Homily II
The Homilies: Homily III
The Homilies: Homily IV
The Homilies: Homily IX
The Homilies: Homily V
The Homilies: Homily VI
The Homilies: Homily VII
The Homilies: Homily VIII
The Homilies: Homily X
The Homilies: Homily XI
The Homilies: Homily XII
The Homilies: Homily XIII
The Homilies: Homily XIV
The Homilies: Homily XIX
The Homilies: Homily XV
The Homilies: Homily XVI
The Homilies: Homily XVII
The Homilies: Homily XVIII
The Homilies: Homily XX
The Letter of Pontius Pilate which He Wrote to the Roman Emperor, concerning Our Lord Jesus Christ
The Martyrdom of Barsamya, the Bishop of the Blessed City edessa
The Martyrdom of the Holy Martyrs Justin, Chariton, Charites, Paeon, and liberianus, Who Suffered At Rome
The Narrative of Joseph
The Narrative of Zosimus Concerning the Life of the Blessed
The Passion of the Scillitan Martyrs
The Protevangelium of James
The Second Epistle of Clement
The Story Concerning the King of Edessa
The Teaching of Addaeus the Apostle
The Teaching of Simon Cephas in the City of Rome
The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (Didache)
The Testament of Abraham
The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
The Vision of Paul
0 - 99 AD
50 - 59 AD
60 - 69 AD
70 - 79 AD
90 - 99 AD
100 - 199 AD
100 - 109 AD
110 - 119 AD
120 - 129 AD
140 - 149 AD
150 - 159 AD
160 - 169 AD
170 - 179 AD
180 - 189 AD
190 - 199 AD
200 - 299 AD
200 - 209 AD
210 - 219 AD
220 - 229 AD
230 - 239 AD
240 - 249 AD
250 - 259 AD
260 - 269 AD
270 - 279 AD
290 - 299 AD
300 - 399 AD
300 - 309 AD
310 - 319 AD
320 - 329 AD
330 - 339 AD
340 - 349 AD
350 - 359 AD
360 - 369 AD
370 - 379 AD
380 - 389 AD
390 - 399 AD
400 - 499 AD
400 - 409 AD
410 - 419 AD
420 - 429 AD
430 - 439 AD
440 - 449 AD
450 - 459 AD
460 - 469 AD
490 - 499 AD
500 - 599 AD
500 - 509 AD
550 - 559 AD
590 - 599 AD
600 - 699 AD
600 - 609 AD
700 - 799 AD
700 - 709 AD
800 - 899 AD
Adaeus and St. Maris, Teachers of the Easterns
Clement of Rome
Ignatius of Antioch
Ignatius of Antioch
Mara Bar-Serapion
Papias of Hierapolis
Quadratus, Bishop of Athens
Papias of Hierapolis
Quadratus, Bishop of Athens
Aristo of Pella
Justin Martyr
Polycarp of Smyrna
Polycarp of Smyrna
Justin Martyr
Athenagoras of Athens
Claudius Apollinaris, Bishop of Hierapolis, and Apologist
Dionysius, Bishop of Corinth
Melito, the Philosopher
Claudius Apollinaris, Bishop of Hierapolis, and Apologist
Dionysius, Bishop of Corinth
Melito, the Philosopher
Polycrates, Bishop of Ephesus
Theophilus, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine
Theophilus, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine
Athenagoras of Athens
Clement of Alexandria
Eyewitness Account
Irenaeus of Lyons
Maximus, Bishop of Jerusalem
Pantaenus, the Alexandrian Philosopher
Tatian the Syrian
Theophilus of Antioch
Clement of Alexandria
Eyewitness Account
Irenaeus of Lyons
Maximus, Bishop of Jerusalem
Pantaenus, the Alexandrian Philosopher
Tatian the Syrian
Theophilus of Antioch
Serapion, Bishop of Antioch
Serapion, Bishop of Antioch
Julius Africanus
Justin Martyr
Julius Africanus
Justin Martyr
Alexander of Cappadocia
Hippolytus of Rome
Julius Africanus
Theognostus of Alexandria
Hippolytus of Rome
Julius Africanus
Theognostus of Alexandria
Gregory of Neocaesarea
Gregory of Neocaesarea (Spurious)
Hippolytus of Rome
Minucius Felix
Gregory of Neocaesarea (Spurious)
Hippolytus of Rome
Minucius Felix
Cyprian of Carthage
Attributed to Clement of Rome
Confessors of Rome
Cyprian of Carthage
Gregory of Neocaesarea
Julius Africanus
Philip, a Disciple of Bardesan
Pontius the Deacon
Confessors of Rome
Cyprian of Carthage
Epistle LXVI: to Father Stephanus, Concerning Marcianus of Arles, Who Had Joined Himself to Novatian
Dionysius the GreatFirmilian
Gregory of Neocaesarea
Julius Africanus
Philip, a Disciple of Bardesan
Pontius the Deacon
Gregory of Neocaesarea
Gregory of Neocaesarea
An Anonymous Jewish Writer
Eusebius of Caesarea
Peter of Alexandria
Pierius of Alexandria
Eusebius of Caesarea
Peter of Alexandria
Pierius of Alexandria
A Syrian Bishop
Alexander of Alexandria
Alexander of Lycopolis
Caius, Presbyter of Rome
Alexander of Alexandria
Alexander of Lycopolis
Caius, Presbyter of Rome
Alexander of Alexandria
Anatolius of Alexandria
Eusebius of Caesarea
Anatolius of Alexandria
Eusebius of Caesarea
Eusebius of Caesarea
Eusebius of Caesarea
Aphrahat the Persian Sage
Cyril of Jerusalem
Gregory Nazianzen
Hilary of Poitiers
Cyril of Jerusalem
Gregory Nazianzen
Hilary of Poitiers
Basil the Great
Ephraim the Syrian
Gregory Nazianzen
Hilary of Poitiers
Basil the Great
Ephraim the Syrian
Gregory Nazianzen
Hilary of Poitiers
Basil the Great
Gregory Nazianzen
Gregory of Nyssa
Basil the Great
Gregory Nazianzen
Gregory of Nyssa
Augustine of Hippo
Gregory Nazianzen
Gregory of Neocaesarea (Spurious)
Gregory of Nyssa
John Chrysostom
Augustine of Hippo
Gregory Nazianzen
Gregory of Neocaesarea (Spurious)
Gregory of Nyssa
John Chrysostom
Augustine of Hippo
Gregory of Nyssa
John Chrysostom
Augustine of Hippo
Gregory of Nyssa
John Chrysostom
Augustine of Hippo
Jacob of Serugh and Others
John Chrysostom
Moses of Chorene
Simeon Metaphrastes
Sulpitius Severus
Jacob of Serugh and Others
John Chrysostom
Moses of Chorene
Simeon Metaphrastes
Sulpitius Severus
Augustine of Hippo
Ignatius of Antioch
Labubna, Son of Senaak
Ignatius of Antioch
Labubna, Son of Senaak
Augustine of Hippo
John Cassian
John Cassian
John Cassian
Vincent of Lerins
Vincent of Lerins
Leo the Great
Salaminius Hermias Sozomenus
Socrates Scholasticus
Salaminius Hermias Sozomenus
Socrates Scholasticus
Leo the Great
Leo the Great
Jacob of Serugh
Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus
Gregory the Great
Gregory the Great
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