Thursday, November 6, 2014

RCF Goodbye Post


PO Box 109, Petersburg, Illinois 62675 Stephen Brady, President



July 2009

Dear Fellow Catholic:

RCF is broke but, as you will read below, this is not a fundraising letter.

Across the country most charities, non-profits and other philanthropic organizations are feeling

a financial crush due to the collapsing economy. RCF is no exception. I briefly considered a

new fundraising campaign but instead have decided that it is time to close the doors of The Roman

Catholic Faithful, Inc.

Many of you will remember the letter that I sent out in our last newsletter in 2008. Because my

announcement today will make no sense unless you have read it, I am repeating that letter here

before I go further with this one:
The thoughts expressed in this letter have been with me for some time now. It is not without

great reflection and prayer that I pen this letter which lays out a new direction for RCF. I hope

that most of our supporters will approve of this direction. Some will no doubt disapprove. However,

what really counts is God's opinion.

Over the last 12 years that RCF has been in existence I cannot count the number of times that I

received a phone call that goes something like this. Mr. John Doe reports that his pastor is

(choose one):

__ Forbidding kneeling while receiving Communion

__ Living in a homosexual relationship with another man

__ Preaching that Hell does not exist

__ Allowing children to receive First Communion without Confession

__ Endorsing a local "gay ministry" organization in the weekly bulletin

__ Etc., etc. etc.

I would dutifully assist John Doe in helping him write a letter to the local bishop. John Doe

would later call me and state that nothing had changed. Or, maybe worse, the bishop contacted

him and supported the pastor in his errors or infidelity. It seemed that there were very few parishes

where a parent could safely allow their children to participate in Church programs. Even

if you found a decent pastor it was the liberal, in name only, Catholics who ran the Parish programs.

In some cases children were even denied the Sacraments if their parents refuse to send

them to these heretical parish programs. I prayed that one bishop would speak out publicly

against this corruption and give direction to the faithful. The silence was deafening - or at least

so I thought.

During the years of RCF's existence I watched Pope John Paul II almost totally ignore the scandal

of clerical molestation of children while he traveled the world preaching the false doctrine

of ecumenism and hosting scandalous inter-faith prayer sessions. I have watched the present

pope endorse a Vatican "instruction" on homosexuality and the priesthood, a document which is

essentially a user's guide for admitting sodomites to Holy Orders. Within the last few months he

has cast doubt on the existence of Limbo. I could go on and on with page after page of examples

of corruption and doctrinal infidelity that reaches to the very highest levels of the hierarchy.

Most of you have heard these stories before so I need not waste your time.

Still, with all this I desperately wanted to be "in union" with the Bishop or at least Rome. I decided

to take a long hard look at what it meant to be "in union."

Bishop Daniel Ryan was in union with Rome despite the fact that the hierarchy knew he was

raping teenage boys. Bishop Anthony O'Connell was in union with Rome when the Pope appointed

him Bishop of West Palm Beach, Florida despite the fact that the hierarchy knew he had

molested teenage boys. They even made a payment to one victim on his behalf years earlier. The

list goes on and on but what's the point? The point is being in "union" with Rome or your local

Bishop can lead you to Hell. Rome knows full well that Bishops like Cardinal Roger Mahony of

Los Angeles and Howard Hubbard of Albany have lost their faith but still they are in union with

Rome while they destroy their Dioceses.

While bishops and priests in union with Rome have been destroying the Faith - good Holy

Priests have been stripped of their faculties for simply defending the faith. Most of you know of

a priest who falls into this category.

Fr. John Hardon, S.J. (RIP) was one of the first priests to offer his help to RCF (No one could

doubt Father's orthodoxy). In 1996 Fr. Hardon arranged for me to speak at a Detroit parish

and helped RCF raise funds. At the time he was telling anyone who would listen that, according

to his Vatican superiors "one diocese after another would be lost unless the laity did something."

Fr. Hardon was making it very clear that the Bishops were corrupt and destroying the


I believed that one thing RCF could do was publicly expose this corruption, prick the conscience

of the once faithful and maybe then things would change. I was wrong.

It was Fr. Hardon who suggested I use the canonical services of Fr. Alfred Kunz of Dane, Wisconsin.

While Fr. Kunz was glad to help RCF, he made it clear that "you will find no justice in

the Church today." Father's comments added to those of Hardon's painted a very dismal picture.

But I still had hope that the "system" might work. Fr. Alfred Kunz was brutally murdered in

1998 while he was helping RCF with the case of predatory homosexual Bishop Daniel Ryan.

Father's killer has never been found.

It was Father Hardon who informed me that Fr. Malichi Martin was "right with the Church."

Fr. Martin had offered his help to RCF and I contacted Fr. John Hardon for his opinion. Fr.

Martin believed that the Bishops' hatred for tradition and devotions were proof that they had

lost their faith.

Despite the warnings from these three priests RCF set out to expose the corruption with the

hope that some member of the hierarchy would help lead us out of these dark times. I realize

now we tried in vain. Despite this set back we will continue to expose the corruption. The Bishops

will not get a pass from RCF.

One of the disturbing aspects of my work has been to learn that most "Catholics," because of

corrupt bishops and clergy, have no sense of sin or scandal, or the Sacred. They speak of abortion

and homosexual activity as if it harmed no one.

For these reasons I have come to the conclusion that I can no longer, in good conscience, recommend

to Catholics in distress that they in any way return to their Novus Ordo parish with

essentially band-aid solutions to what is a much deeper problem. In a word, I now believe that

the so-called Traditionalist Catholics are right. That is, the present post-Conciliar ecclesial establishment

has, in large part, lost the Catholic Faith. That being said, where do we turn?

Fortunately, that Faith is now being valiantly preserved in numerous Traditional chapels, Oratories

and Mass centers throughout the world. As Christ promised, the Gates of Hell would

never prevail against the Church even though the light of faith may be dimmed in many or even

most places, as occurred in the Arian Heresy during the Fourth Century. While my family still

attends a diocesan parish to fulfill our Sunday obligation, we are in search of a new home.

I now realize that sending Catholics back to their parish to stop a clown Mass or to protest the

horrible treatment of Our Lord's Body and Blood or to ask for a correction of some other liturgical

abuse is a waste of time. No, it is more than that — it is bad advice. Part of the problem is

with the Novus Ordo Mass itself which, as Cardinal Ottaviani wrote in 1969 to Pope Paul VI

after an exhaustive study of the New Mass "The accompanying critical study of the Novus Ordo

Missae, the work of a group of theologians, liturgists and pastors of souls, shows quite clearly

in spite of its brevity that if we consider the innovations implied or taken for granted which may

of course be evaluated in different ways, the Novus Ordo represents, both as a whole and in its

details, a striking departure from the Catholic theology of the Mass as it was formulated in Session

XXII of the Council of Trent. The ‘canons’ of the rite definitively fixed at that time provided

an insurmountable barrier to any heresy directed against the integrity of the Mystery...

“Desacralising omissions everywhere debase the mystery of the Church. Above all she is not

presented as a sacred hierarchy: Angels and Saints are reduced to anonymity in the second part

of the collective Confiteor: they have disappeared, as witnesses and judges, in the person of St.

Michael, for the first...

“The unity of the Church is gravely compromised by the wholly intolerable omission from the

entire Ordo, including the three new Prayers, of the names of the Apostles Peter and Paul, Founders

of the Church of Rome, and the names of the other Apostles, foundation and mark of the

one and universal Church, the only remaining mention being in the Communicantes of the Roman


“It is evident that the Novus Ordo has no intention of presenting the Faith as taught by the

Council of Trent, to which, nonetheless, the Catholic conscience is bound forever. With the

promulgation of the Novus Ordo, the loyal Catholic is thus faced with a most tragic alternative.

“St. Pius V had the Roman Missal drawn up (as the present Apostolic Constitution itself recalls)

so that it might be an instrument of unity among Catholics. In conformity with the injunctions of

the Council of Trent it was to exclude all danger, in liturgical worship, of errors against the

Faith, then threatened by the Protestant Reformation. The gravity of the situation fully justified,

and even rendered prophetic, the saintly Pontiff's solemn warning given at the end of the Bull

promulgating his Missal "should anyone presume to tamper with this, let him know that he shall

incur the wrath of God Almighty and his blessed Apostles, Peter and Paul. (Quo Primum, July

13, 1570)”.....

[See for the full text

of the "Ottaviani Intervention."]

Therefore, for reasons of doctrinal orthodoxy, liturgical integrity and to lead a moral life, we

urge all Catholics to abandon the corrupt, destructive, heterodox and limp-wristed Novus Ordo

establishment and to seek out the Catholic Faith at Traditional Mass centers. These include:

1. Oratories and chapels of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX)

Even the Vatican now admits that SSPX is not in schism (See


2. Independent Traditional Mass Centers

Perhaps no finer example can be found than Our Lady Help of Christians Church in Garden

Grove, California, whose Pastor is the brilliant, orthodox and indefatigable Fr. Patrick Perez.

3. "Approved" Indult Masses

Here we must raise a word of caution. It is unfortunately the case that, in order to obtain

"official" permission to celebrate the Traditional Mass, priests are pressured to compromise in

their homilies concerning the contemporary errors infesting the Church. This does not deny that

fact that there are many solid and holy priests celebrating local Indult Masses and Masses of

the Fraternity of St. Peter and the Institute of Christ the King. Discretion must be used in attending

such Masses, especially when the Holy Communion distributed at Masses includes Hosts

from a prior Novus Ordo Mass which may or may not have been a valid Mass, depending upon

the additional tampering with the liturgy that might have been committed by the "presider" at

that Mass.

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre warned the Catholic world 40 years of the problems and dangers

that existed with the new Mass and all that flowed from it. In 1970, Rome approved the

Archbishop's founding of the Society of St. Pius X. For more information on history on the

Archbishop and SSPX contact Angelus Press at> ( 1-800-966-7337) or contact RCF.


I am not a pope, nor a bishop, nor even a priest. I am just a layman who wants to save his own

soul and that of his family. For reasons known only to Our Lord, I have been entrusted with an

apostolate dedicated to fighting corruption in the Church and protecting children and others

from harm. I am now taking what I believe to be the next step in that apostolate. I ask for all

your prayers and, most of all, for the help of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.


Stephen Brady, President

Today I am even more convinced of what I wrote back then. The recent horror of watching

Notre Dame University honor America’s Abortionist in Chief Barack Obama, and the accompanying

silence from the Vatican, demonstrates convincingly that the Conciliar Church is corrupt

from top to bottom. I cannot in good conscience commit financial resources to “rearranging the

deck chairs on the Titanic” in the Conciliar Church. For this reason, I have decided to dissolve


I hope that, by the Grace of God, I have done some good in the years that I was President of Roman

Catholic Faithful. I cannot tell you how blessed I was to work with many heroically struggling

priests and lay men and women, moms and dads.

As the darkening clouds envelop the world today, it is clear to me that no mere human effort

can save the Church. That role has been assigned by Our Lord to His Mother, our Mother, the

Blessed Virgin Mary. We know from the approved Marian apparitions at Fatima, Akita and

Quito, that Our Lady is destined to save the Church and mankind at a time when the world is

enslaved in sin. Our Lady revealed to Sister Lucy that the Pope and all the bishops must together

Consecrate Russia to Her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. As of this moment, the

world stands in great peril of an “annihilation” of certain nations because Our Lady’s request

has not been obeyed.

I believe that our work as RCF has gone as far as it can go. For those of you who have had ears

to hear, you know what must be done:

Pray for the Pope, that he will command this requested Consecration, a Consecration that will

bring world peace and restore Holy Mother Church.

Pray the Rosary every day.

Attend the Traditional Latin Mass.

Receive the Sacraments frequently.

Wear Our Lady’s scapular.

God bless you all, and Viva Cristo Rey!
Stephen Brady

P.S. RCF has several hundred copies of Amchurch Comes Out and Shroud of Secrecy that

we will send you for little more than the cost of postage. Contact us for further information

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