Friday, April 25, 2014

ChuchMilitantTV Reception Deception: Sleight of Hand (Episode podcast scripts)

Eps. 1 Sleight of Hand
Don't Blame Vatican II
 change cam movements

Hello everyone I'm Michael Voris.

Catholics today, often in somewhat of a 'knee jerk reaction', tend to

relate modern changes in the Catholic Church to the teachings of

the Second Vatican Council... changes like the manner in which

the Faithful are given Holy Communion.


For over ONE-THOUSAND years of continuous universal

tradition, the faithful were united in the practice of receiving the

Blessed Sacrament on the tongue.


However, in a few short years following the Council, this age-old

practice somehow changed quickly. In some countries, the faithful

were taught to begin receiving our Lord's Sacred Body into their


Because this monumental change happened in the wake of Vatican

Two, many people naturally believed, and still do, that the Council

was the REASON for the change.

But what would you say if we told you that Vatican Two did NOT,

in fact, call for such a change?

Would you be surprised to know that the vast majority of the

Council Fathers, (the Bishops who attended Vatican II) were

staunchly OPPOSED to changing this age old custom?


Well, if you are Cardinal Albert Malcolm Ranjith, you wouldn't be

surprised to hear that at all.


In fact, his Eminence wrote about this very subject in a preface he

penned for a book composed by Bishop Schneider titled “Dominus

Est – It is the Lord.”


In this preface Cardinal Ranjith wrote,

“I think it is now time to evaluate carefully the practice of

Communion in the hand and, if necessary, to ABANDON what

was actually NEVER CALLED FOR in the Vatican II document

Sacrosanctum Concilium nor by the Council Fathers but was, in

fact, “accepted” AFTER it was introduced as an ABUSE in some


Powerful words from a brave Cardinal.

In 2008, then ARCHBISHOP Ranjith stated those insights while he

was Secretary in the Vatican's Congregation for Divine Worship

and Discipline of the Sacraments.

Two years after putting those statements in writing he was made a

CARDINAL by Pope Benedict XVI.


Bishop Schneider's book, calling for an END to Communion in the

hand, to which Ranjith added his own observations in the preface,

was published by none other than the Vatican's OWN publishing

division known as the Vatican Press.


In it Schneider championed the Catholic Church's apostolic

teaching that Jesus is TRULY present – BODY, BLOOD, SOUL


albeit veiled to our senses by the appearances of bread and wine.

He further called for an end to the practice of Communion in the

hand which he considers to be TOXIC to this 'Mystery of Faith'

that some Catholics so often struggle with.


Noteworthy too is that Francis Cardinal Arinze added his OWN

endorsement to the back of Bishop Schneider's book saying,


“I have read the whole book with delight. It is excellent.”


Who is Cardinal Arinze, you ask?

For six years, including the period during which he endorsed

Bishop Schneider's book, Arinze, was the prefect of the

Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the


This is the congregation of the Vatican entrusted by the Holy

Father to oversee all liturgical matters in the Church.

Cardinal Arinze is no light-weight when it comes to such liturgical

issues and is completely competent to makes such assessments.


Cardinal Ranjith went on to contrast the two different manners in

which the faithful receive the Body of Christ.

Referring first to Communion in the hand he said,

“This practice contributes to a gradual, growing WEAKENING of

the attitude of reverence toward the Sacred Eucharistic Species.

The earlier practice, on the other hand, better SAFEGUARDS the

sense of reverence.”


He poignantly added,

“At the same time, speaking of Communion in the hand, it is

NECESSARY for ALL to recognize that the practice was

introduced as an ABUSE, and hurriedly, in many places within the

Church right after the Council...”


As we move throughout this season, you may be somewhat

shocked to learn that this Cardinal did in fact know exactly what he

was speaking of.

And as to HOW Communion in the hand was introduced, at least

in the United States,... well, that gives rise to the title of this series,

“Sleight of Hand – Reception Deception”.


Before going on, we would like to state, just for the record, that our

END GAME in sharing all this is to be a part of the New

Evangelization or what John Paul the second called the reevangelization

of Catholics who have left the practice of their


There are those who have completely left the Church due to the

abuse of Communion in the hand. This abuse has weakened

their faith, giving them a reason to treat the reception of Our

Lord in the Eucharist as though they were buying a bagel from

a bagel shop.

Then there are others who see the Church promoting this abuse

and are leaving because they are aware of the dignity due our

Lord and are disgusted by the allowance of such reception.


Like Bishop Schneider, Cardinal Ranjith, Cardinal Arinze and

many other princes of the Church, we, although not at all on par

with these intellectual and spiritual giants, do wish to bring the

faithful into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, Who gives

Himself to us all as the Bread of Life.

Like the Bishops, we truly feel that peoples reverence for Jesus, as

the Eucharist, is compromised by the practice of communion in the



In exposing how this abuse became prevalent, part of our goal is to

exonerate the Council, the Council Fathers, and the Popes, who as

we will show, were united AGAINST this practice from the


They, therefore, represent Susanna from the book of Daniel – the

spotless bride of Christ – who was falsely accused of infidelity

toward her beloved spouse.

In the book of Daniel, chapter thirteen, Susanna is an allegory for

Holy Mother Church – delicate, beautiful and without stain of sin.

She is falsely accused by those in authority of marital infidelity,

which is often used by the prophets to stand for infidelity to God in

religious affairs.

The young prophet Daniel, by close examination, proves to the

people that the 'elders' or 'periti' have born false witness against her

and that she is innocent of all wrong-doing.

Some leaders’s in the Church, have purposely deceived and

continue to deceive the faithful into thinking that the Church has

pushed for this type of reception, when in fact by sleight of hand it

is the leaders, some of them, who promoted this abuse.

We thus take on the role of Daniel, who through careful

examination of the facts, will come to the defense of Susanna – our

Holy Mother Church.



In the book of Exodus it’s recorded how God revealed Himself to

Moses as a fire…which while appearing to burn a bush on Mt.

Sinai... miraculously did not consume it.



We will reveal to you how relatively few individuals, acting from

authority within the Church, are responsible for taking

Communion in the hand, like a match, and setting the liturgical

forest into a raging wild fire.

Unlike the divine flame Moses saw on Mt. Sinai, the firestorm of

Communion in the hand DOES indeed consume believers' faith in

the Eucharist where ever it’s flames have been allowed to spread.

God love you. I'm Michael Voris.


Show Title: Sleight of Hand – Reception Deception

Episode Title: Episode Two: Papal Preference Part I

Written By: Brad

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Hello everyone. I'm Michael Voris.

If you're like most Catholics you have an idea

that a change in Church practice must mean the

Pope's on board with it, right?

Well, it SHOULD. Emphasis on SHOULD.

But if it DOESN'T, how do you know? The

Roman Pontiff is six THOUSAND miles away

from us here in America.

Cam 2 <>

Communion on the tongue is a tradition with

roots growing deep into the Church's rich

liturgical soil.

This liturgical custom was suddenly uprooted

in the 1970s in it’s place the practice of

revising holy communion in the hand began

AGAIN. The abuse had been nixed over a

thousand years ago by Church authorities,

notably at the synod of Rouen in 650 AD

among other places.

The practice of Communion-in-the-hand

sprang up suddenly after Vatican Two in

Belgium and Holland... contrary to Church law

which did not allow it.

Once Communion in the hand became a

common practice, people stopped receiving on

the tongue resulting in the loss of faith within

the Real Presence.

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But modern media is a powerful tool for

uncovering truth and conveying it.

Here at Church Militant. TV we have gathered

some footage showing first hand what Pope

Benedict XVI said regarding distribution of the

Sacred Bread of Life.

FS with audio 0:10 – 1:02

Take a look for yourself.


Cam 2

GX 2:25 – 4:00 silent


Pope Benedict started distributing Christ's

Body exclusively in this manner, directly on

the tongue, since 2009 on the Feast of Corpus


Cam 1

Img 01 Bur

[FS 0:0 – 0:46]


You may be familiar with Cardinal Burke,

Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the

Apostolic Signatura, Basically the Chief

Justice of the Church's Supreme Court…well

take a look at what he had to say about the

Pope giving Holy Communion ONLY to those

kneeling and on the tongue.


Cam 2

Img 01 Bur


Cardinal Burke knows this was not a mere

chance event as he just stated. Quote, “The

Holy Father is giving a very clear lesson by his

own insistence that the faithful receive

kneeling and on the tongue. He's teaching us

something. This is a decision which he

obviously made with much thought and for

good reasons.”


[FS 4:32 – 6:19]


Here too is EWTN news speaking in depth

about the same papal event.


Cam 2

Img 02


Did you catch that news flash? Quote: “The

Pope's Master of Ceremonies Monsignor

Guido Marini announced a new Vatican

protocol for receiving Communion in

L'Osservatore Romano this week. From now

on to receive Communion from Pope Benedict

at Papal liturgies one will have to kneel and

receive on the tongue.”

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In 2013 Pope Francis chose to keep Monsignor

Marini as Master of Pontifical Liturgical

Celebrations, because of Marini's traditional


Tune in next week as we continue revealing

the unmistakable Papal preference for

Communion on the Tongue.

God love you. I'm Michael Voris


Show Title: Sleight of Hand – Reception Deception

Episode Title Episode Three: Papal Preference II

Written By: Brad

Cam 1 <>

Hello everyone. I'm Michael Voris.

The Roman Pontiff, like any leader of people

has to deal with both bureaucracy and the

human element.

This means he may not always like some things

going on in the Church, such as communion in

the hand.

We've gathered some footage so you can see for

yourself how our current Pontiff actually

distributes Holy Communion at Papal masses in

Rome and how he has instructed his priests to

distribute Holy Communion at those same


Cam 2

[GX Papal Mass on April 14, 2013]

[FS 0:0 – 0:39]


This clip shows first the pope and then the

priests at his papal mass distributing the Bread

of Life to the faithful at the same papal mass in

Rome on April 14, 2013. The following content

might shock certain Catholics, viewer discretion

is advised.


Cam 1

GX Papal Mass on April 21,2013

[FS 0:40 – 1:15]


Now take a look at this video clip of a second

papal mass also in Rome a week later on April

21, 2013.


Cam 2 <>

It may not surprise many to see the Holy Father

distributing the Sacred Body of our Lord onto

the tongue of kneeling communicants who

come to him to receive Christ. But rare and

wonderful indeed were scenes of these brave

and pious priests who PROTECTED their

vulnerable Eucharistic Lord from possibly being

profaned by common handling or loss of sacred


At both papal masses were seen these priests

REDIRECTING communicants who had put

out their hand to receive our Lord – to

INSTEAD receive on their tongue in order to

reverently and securely receive their God. This

would be considered a MAJOR pastoral taboo

by many Church leaders in America and yet that

is EXACTLY what is being done in Rome.

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In our last episode we showed footage of Pope

Benedict XVI distributing the Blessed

Sacrament on the tongue at his papal mass.

We also showed video testimony of Cardinal

Burke stating that Pope Benedict, by

distributing in this manner, was


way to distribute and to receive our Lord's

Sacred Body.

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Rolling back the years to a papacy prior to

Benedict we look at testimony from soon to be

Saint John Paul II.
In the 1980 Apostolic Exhortation Dominicae

Cenae, John Paul II, in section 11 wrote;

GX “In some countries the practice of

receiving communion in the hand has been

introduced... However, cases of deplorable

lack of... towards the Eucharist....How

eloquent therefore, …..and power of the Holy

Spirit is necessary! To touch the sacred

species and to distribute them with their own

hands is a privilege of the ordained....”

“In some countries the practice of receiving

communion in the hand has been introduced...

However, cases of deplorable LACK of r espect

toward the Eucharistic species have been

reported, cases which are imputable NOT

ONLY to the individuals guilty of such

behavior, but also to the PASTORS of the

Church who have not been vigilant enough

regarding the attitude of the faithful towards the



He then addresses that priests alone are to

handle to Blessed Sacrament, by saying

“How eloquent therefore, even if not of ancient

custom, is the rite of the anointing of the hands

in our Latin ordination, as though precisely for

these hands a special grace and power of the

Holy Spirit is necessary! To touch the sacred

species and to distribute them with their own

hands is a privilege of the ordained....”

Cam 2

GX “There is an apostolic letter on the

existence of a special valid permission for this


During his visit to Fulda, Germany in

November 1980, John Paul II was asked about

the practice of Communion-in-the-hand by a

[Communion in the hand]. But I tell you that I

am not in favor of this practice, nor do I

recommend it.”

reporter from the magazine Stee-May Des Gla-

Bens. The Holy Father responded: “There is an

apostolic letter on the existence of a special

valid permission for this [Communion in the

hand]. But I tell you that I am NOT in favor of

this practice, NOR do I recommend it.”

Cam 1

img 01 Paul


In 1969, Paul VI, ordered the Congregation for

Divine Worship to prepare an instruction, which

was called Memoriale Domini.

He wanted the instruction prepared as a way to

keep the practice of Holy Communion in the

hand from spreading even further. He

personally proofread the document, corrected it,

and then signed it.

Cam 2

GX “This method of distributing holy

communion must be retained, taking the

present situation of the Church in the entire

world into account, not merely because it has

many centuries of tradition behind it, but

especially because it expresses the faithful's

reverence for the Eucharist.”


In this document Pope Paul declares

“This method of distributing holy communion

MUST BE RETAINED, taking the present

situation of the Church in the entire world into

account, not merely because it has many

centuries of tradition behind it, but especially

because it expresses the faithful's reverence for

the Eucharist.”

Cam 1

“The custom does not detract in any way from

the personal dignity of those who approach this

great sacrament: it is part of that preparation

that is needed for the most fruitful reception of

the Body of the Lord.”


The Holy Father next speaks of the

NECESSITY of receiving Communion on the

tongue which prepares you to receive MORE

graces saying…

“The custom does NOT detract in any way from

the personal dignity of those who approach this

great sacrament: it is PART of that preparation

that is NEEDED for the MOST fruitful

reception of the Body of the Lord.”

Cam 2
“This reverence shows that it is not a sharing in 'ordinary

bread and wine' that is involved, but in the Body and

Blood of the Lord, through which 'The people of God

share the benefits of the Paschal Sacrifice, renew the

New Covenant which God has made with man once for

all through the Blood of Christ, and in faith and hope

foreshadow and anticipate the eschatological banquet in

the kingdom of the Father.'

Pope Paul VI goes on to say…

“This reverence SHOWS that it is not a sharing

in 'ordinary bread and wine' that is involved, but

in the Body and Blood of the Lord...Further, the

practice which must be considered traditional

ensures, MORE effectively, that holy

communion is distributed with the PROPER

respect, decorum and dignity.
“Further, the practice which must be considered

traditional ensures, more effectively, that holy

communion is distributed with the proper respect,

decorum and dignity.”
Cam 1

“Lastly, it ensures that diligent carefulness

about the fragments of consecrated bread

which the Church has always recommended:

'What you have allowed to drop, think of it as

though you had lost one of your own

members.' ”


And most importantly, the Holy Father,

concerned about fragments of the host being

lost promotes Communion on the tongue


“It ENSURES that diligent carefulness about

the fragments of consecrated bread which the

Church has always recommended: 'What you

have allowed to drop, think of it as though you

had lost one of your own members.' ”

Cam 2 <>

Seems pretty clear to us that not a single pope

had anything good to say about Communion-inthe-

hand but have shown their overwhelming

preference continually for Communion-on-thetongue.

GX In Psalmum XL Enarratio, PL XIV, 1134
“Ubi Petrus ibi ecclesia, et ibi ecclesia vita

“Where there is Peter there is the Church,

where there is the Church there is life eternal!”

Img 02 Pet

In the fourth century St. Ambrose, Father and
Doctor of the Church, said Ubi Petrus ibi

ecclesia, et ibi ecclesia vita eterna. Which is

rendered “Where there is Peter there is the

Church, where there is the Church there is life


Cam 1 <>

Rome has spoken and yet for many the cause is

not ended.

Will you stand with Peter?

God love you. I'm Michael Voris

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