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Obama's Counterfeit Catholics-ChurchMilitant.TV


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Learn the truth behind the fake Catholics who have helped an atheist billionaire dominate the Democratic party

Counterfeit Catholics

Hellos .. welcomes.

600 hours of research

Definition of what it means to be Catholic. 834.

Building on Ignatius letter to the Romans from circa 100AD.

Building on Ireneaus Adversus Heresus approximately 50 years later.

If you are Catholic, you believe wholly, fully and substantially in the complete dogmatic teachings of

the Church, without exception. You either accept it all, or you are not Catholic in any meaningful

sense of the word.

This is the debate .. the unspoken debate .. as people seek to obscure the definition of what it means to

be catholic.

A lot of people don’t want to go there because of the obvious ramifications .. a very substantial number

of Catholics could no longer be counted as Catholic.

Pope .. Salt of the Earth .. 1997 .. ratzinger

“At another point, in an interview published in 1997 in ‘Salt of the Earth’ (Ignatius Press), he explained

it this way: ‘Maybe we are facing a new and different kind of epoch in the church's history, where

Christianity will again be characterized more by the mustard seed, where it will exist in small,

seemingly insignificant groups that nonetheless live an intense struggle against evil and bring good into

the world - that let God in.’”

“Benedict XVI and the Church That May Shrink. Or May Not.”

NY Times .. May 29, 2005

So at the heart of this culture war in the Church is the very definition of what it means to be Catholic ..

Catholic identity.

When we translate this issue into the realm of politics .. we have a problem.

Let me state the problem clearly.

In the wake of the 2004 elections, groups fraudulently claiming to be Catholic sprung up tasked with

deceiving ignorant Catholics into voting for pro-abortion democrats.

Catholics are ignorant because of 40 plus years of horrible catechesis resulting in not knowing the

Catholic faith.

The US Bishops have been nothing less than negligent in allowing these conditions ot foster to the

point of spiritual and cultural chaos.

These groups are capitalizing on this profound ignorance to advance an agenda of evil.

As such .. they are implicit formal cooperators with evil in the area of deliberately deceiving people

about the faith.

These groups are fraudulently Catholic, indeed evil, and are outcropping of an anti-christ movement to

establish a new global order.

Lets be clear .. about one term here .. anti-christ does not refer to THE ANTI-CHRIST of sensational

Hollywood movies and Protestant histrionics.

It refers to efforts on a grand scale on the part of people and their organizations to advance an agenda

diametrically opposed to Christ and His Catholic Church.

They are not authentically Catholic because their leaders reject dogmatic Catholic teaching and are

willfully cooperating with evil.

They are not tolerant .. they are PERMISSIVE of abortion and pro-same sex marriage, lobbying for

pro-abortion politicians and advocating for pro-abortion groups. Because they are permissive of this

grave evil as well as others like contraception, any other good they claim to do is nullified.

Catholic theology has NEVER permitted the advancement of a good by use of evil.
St. Paul advances this in the 3rd chapter of Romans verse 8:

And why not say--as we are accused and as some claim we say--that we should do evil that good may

come of it?

Aquinas .. in the Summa First Part .. talks about the good of an action being objectively good ..

meaning intrinsic to its nature.

We need to distinguish here – what is an intrinsic evil?

A good one is provided by Father John Hardon is Modern Catholic Dictionary:

“An act or intention that of its very nature .. is not in conformity with the divine law.”

Intrinsic evil can never be justified, but these groups try to do just that- justify an intrinsic evil with an

argument based on a perverted theology of the common good.

And NOW we come to the heart of our issue. THE COMMON GOOD ..

This IS THE Issue .. the Common Good .. and we r going to get into this ..

But there is even more disturbing issue here. The REASON .. WHY these Catholic groups are so

willing to push a perverted sense of the COMMON GOOD.

It is because of the shared goal they have with a wide-ranging cabal of enemies of the Catholic Church

who are bent on global takeover and the establishment of an atheist utopia.

This cabal is using the machinery of democratic politics to press forward their plan and in order to do

this .. they must deceive enough voters into believing that widespread intrinsic evils are tolerable ..

however regrettable .. if they advance the common good.

In order to do this .. to advance their agenda .. they have co-opted into their ranks .. notable so-called

Catholics and so-called Catholic organizations to help them blur the lines between their designs and

Catholic theology .. going so far as to propose that Catholic theology is ACTUALLY SUPPORTIVE of

their schemes.

They couldn’t be more wrong .. as we will now show.

What does the Catholic Church .. the official Catholic Church .. teach about Common Good as a


From the Catechism of the Catholic Church .. number 1906 ..
"the sum total of social conditions which allow people, either as groups or as individuals, to reach their
fulfillment more fully and more easily."26 The common good concerns the life of all .. It consists of

three essential elements:

First, the common good presupposes respect for the person as such. In the name of the common good,

public authorities are bound to respect the fundamental and inalienable rights of the human person.
In other words .. the first and foremost grounding for any notion of the common good is rooted in the

human person. The individual. The single human person created by Almighty God.

If the common good is not common to each and every person in the society .. then it is not good at all ..

it is tyranny.
A short while later .. the CCC goes on to say that it is in the political community that the most complete

realization of the common good is to be recognized.

So .. according to the Catholic Church .. the common good is based on the dignity of each individual

human person and this is affected in the political realm.

Notice .. the common good is made concrete in protecting and helping EACH INDIVIDUAL PERSON

.. not some ubiquitous and vague concept of commonality.

As CCC 1930 says explicitly ..
Respect for the human person entails respect for the rights that flow from his dignity as a creature.

These rights ARE PRIOR TO SOCIETY and must be recognized by it. They are the basis of the

moral legitimacy of every authority: by flouting them, or refusing to recognize them in its positive
legislation, a society undermines its own moral legitimacy.36 If it does not respect them, authority can

rely only on force or violence to obtain obedience from its subjects. It is the Church's role to remind

men of good will of these rights and to distinguish them from unwarranted or false claims.
Every single papal document that touches substantially on the notion of the common good and social

justice states and re-states this foundational inescapable truth about the good of the human person.
. Rerum Novarum (1891)

. Quadragesimo Anno (1931)

. Mater et Magistra (1961)

. Pacem in Terris (1963)

. Dignitatis Humanae (1965)

. Populorum Progressio (1967)

. Humanae Vitae (1968)

. Octogesima Adveniens (1971)

. Laborem Exercens (1981)

. Sollicitudo Rei Socialis (1987)

. Centesimus Annus (1991)

. Evangelium Vitae (1995)

. Deus Caritas Est (2005)

. Caritas in Veritate (2009)

Every one of these papal pronouncements stresses first and foremost the HUMAN PERSON .. the


That is the Church’s teaching on the common good.

Lets switch for a brief moment to the question of something known as the COLLECTIVE GOOD.

The collective good means something advantageous to society as a whole .. such as national defense or

the national hiways and roads .. a national park .. etc. The concept of the collective good is often called

the common good .. but that is not accurate.

However .. this confusion is helpful to people who want to conflate and obscure .. to mix up the two

notions so as to cause confusion. This confusion is helpful when you want to start interchanging terms

and concepts so you can convince people of something that simply isn’t true.

The fake Catholic political groups use this confusion to their advantage masterfully. In fact .. they

perpetuate it.

But where did they get it from? Where did they develop their false theological notion of the common


There are three gateway documents which pave the way and lead to this false understanding. The first

one appears back in 1983 .. at Fordham University in new York to a speech given by the Cardinal of

Chicago .. Joseph Bernardin.

At a lecture series .. he introduced the false concept of seamless garment theology .. where he

advocated the idea that all life issues have equal moral weight.

He did not do this directly .. but rather .. united all the “life” issues under the title of Consistent Life


The context of his comments .. in 1983 .. were against the backdrop of the Cold War and nuclear

expansion between the US and USSR.

Bernardin had picked up the mantle of leading liberal Churchman in pushing the cause the anti-nuclear

crowd. To give the anti-nuclear movement some theological legitimacy .. he tied it closely to the

Catholic teaching on peace .. and eventually morphed it into the teaching on life .. including issues such

as abortion.

What this did was create a moral equivalency between issues of war and abortion .. an equivalency that

liberals in the Church would soon exploit in coming political campaigns.

What fell from Bernardin’s so-called Seamless Garment theory in liberal Catholic circles was a

mistaken theological approach that war was just as evil as abortion. It was eventually expanded to

include not only direct life issues .. but quality of life issues like poverty and justice as well.

Finally .. any issue that impacted directly or indirectly on human life came to be viewed as equal to all


This totally evacuated true CATHOLIC teaching and replaced it with a substitute which neglected and

ignored authentic Catholic doctrine.

Seamless garment became a sort of rallying point for liberals and dissidents in the Church.

It started to become more influential in circles of Catholic elites until it occupied a place of preeminence.

The underlying principles were soon worked in to various documents and statements

produced by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

What’s important to remember here is that the US bishops have a long history .. for various reasons ..

of being very friendly with the Democratic party .. with the exception of the abortion issue .. they

practically walk lock step with the party platform.

This has created a problem for Catholics in the pew .. a growing problem .. when it comes to voting.

For millions of Catholics .. the bishops are viewed as theological surrogates for the democrats. This is

one of the suspected reasons why people like Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry continue to be coddled and

not denounced in much stronger terms and allowed to flaunt Catholic teaching and still receive Holy


Perceptions like this are heightened when the bishops publish a document about how Catholics should


In 2003 .. during the lead up to BUSH-KERRY .. the USCCB produced a controversial document

entitled “Faithful Citizenship: A Catholic Call to Political Responsibility”

It was controversial more because of what it did NOT say than what it DID say.

It left open the door .. many say intentionally .. to allow Catholics to vote for either party .. despite the

support of intrinsic evils .. such as abortion and so-called same sex marriage by the democrats.

1These party positions eventually prompted Vatican luminary Archbishop Raymond Burke to flat out

call the Democrats .. the Party of Death.

The 2004 elections become a watershed moment for the Church in America and politics in general.

Early exit polls showed Kerry wiping up the electorate on with George Bush. But as the actual returns

started flowing in .. a mysterious group known as Value Voters began to emerge.

In fact .. final polling data revealed that these voters comprised nearly 18 percent of the electorate .. a

fact that the democrats simply had not paid any attention to in the election lead up.

Among value voters .. abortion emerged as one of the leading hot button issues .. with a decided

advantage going to George Bush. In fact .. the margin of pro-life voters in 2004 is what tipped the

election to George Bush.


The democrats were stunned .. in fact they were is total disarray. They had no idea what to do.

They had been defeated by a group of voters that hadn’t even made it on to their sophisticated political

radar. They had ignored the issue of morals and values and paid dearly.

The problem for the democrats was they had become perceived as the anti-God party because of their

support for abortion .. homosexual rights and a slew of other liberal positions.

In the coming months they huddled and developed a strategy to overcome the so-called God Deficit or

God Gap.

This became the central focus of Democratic Party planning for the next few months.

Howard Dean who eventually became the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee said on a

post election episode of Meet The Press . NBC's Meet the Press, Dec. 12, 2004


DR. DEAN: We can change our vocabulary, but I don't think we ought to change our principles ..

We're not the party of gay marriage. We're the party of equal rights for all Americans .. We're not the

party of abortion. We're the party of allowing people to make up their own minds about medical


So what we have here are two different streams .. one on the theological side with liberal Catholics

developing “the Common Good” and liberal politicians on the other side looking for a new

vocabulary .. that does not make them change their underlying principles of support for abortion ..

contraception .. sex education .. homosexual rights etc.

Each group needs the other. The dissident Catholics looking for a platform from which to launch their

twisted sense of common good and a political party desperate for a way to re-cast itself as the party of

values. It was .. in the political realm .. the perfect storm.

In short .. socialist democrats needed words to say and socialist Catholics needed a voice.

In July 2005 .. a group called Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good formed as a non-profit with

the following mission statement.

“Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good promotes public policies and effective programs that

enhance the inherent dignity of all, especially the poor and most vulnerable. Our work is inspired by

Gospel values and the rich history of Catholic social teaching as they inform pressing moral issues of

our time.

The co-Founders of the CACG are Alexia Kelly and Tom Perriello .. both Catholic. Here’s Alexia


Media Matters soundbites ..

Notice how they set themselves up THE Authority.

Not one of those is CENTRAL to catholic social teaching. One of them .. global warming is not even

real .. how can it be central when its not even real?

Central to Catholic social teaching is one principle as we have already outlined .. the dignity of EACH

individual human being.

Her co-founder .. Tom Perriello .. is a bright young fellow from Yale Law and undergrad who is now a

democratic congressman from Virginia.

Alexia Kelly .. before CACG .. worked for eight years in the United States Conference of Catholic

Bishops .. for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development .. the liberal run organization that has

doled out hundreds of millions of dollars to pro-socialist .. pro-abortion .. pro-same sex marriage


ACORN was one of the major recipients of millions of collection plate dollars.

Two years later .. she was working at Democratic Party headquarters as director of religious outreach

and eventually found her way over to the Kerry Campaign in the closing weeks of the 2004 election.

2004 co-authored “A Nation for All: How the Catholic vision for the common good can save America

from the politics of division. ”

After co-founding Catholics in Alliance for the Common good in 2005 .. she went to the 2008 Obama

Campaign to become a religious advisor.

She currently works for the department of Health and Human Services in the Obama White House.

So for the last 16 years .. this woman has worked with and for liberal groups that either directly or

indirectly support the democratic party platform of socialism and abortion and gay rights .. and she

claims the group she founded is no-partisan and non-ideological.

One look at her resume completely discredits her claim. Now she is perfectly free to support whatever

ideology she wants .. but notice the subtle shift .. 2 points here .. she 1 . claims its not based on

partisanship or politics and 2. Paints their agenda as being supported by Catholic teaching.

She is lying on both counts. It is absolutely partisan and ideological and so is she. And the major hot

button social issues her party supports are intrinsic moral evils which stand in direct opposition.

By the way .. Alexia Kelly .. whose main self-professed mission is to liberate the poor according to

Catholic Church teaching .. drew an annual salary of $110,000 as one of the founders of Catholics in

Alliance .. more than twice the annual income of the average family of four in America.

Much more on the 42 year old Alexia Kelly a little later.

Her co-founder Tom Perriello is a 36 year old with some very interesting background because of his


Prior to co-founding CACG .. he spent some time working for a global outfit called the International
Center for transitional Justice .. an organization whose stated goal is to help 3rd world governments in

transition to democracy.

ICTJ was funded through grants from some of the most pro-abortion .. family planning trusts and

foundations in America .. the Ford Foundation .. the John T. MacArthur Foundation .. the Carnegie

Company .. Rockefeller Brothers Foundations .. and the like. Together 21 million dollars was pumped

into this group.

The Chairman of the board of Catholics in Alliance is Alfred Rotandaro .. who in last May .. in 2010

wrote an article for The Huffington Post in which he says .. “gay sex comes from God.”

“I’ve never seen a rational reason why a woman could not be a priest.”

“Married sex without the intent of pro-creation is now an evil according to the hierarchy. But does any

practicing Catholic under age of 80 believe this?”

The Treasurer Secretary of CACG is Francis Xavier Doyle who worked at the USCCB for 24 years.

Another board member is Tom Chabolla .. who also worked at the USSCB .. the Bishops Conference

before going to work for the Obama Campaign in 2008.

CACG has a speakers’ bureau that routinely provides speakers to conferences and retreats and meetings

all over the country to advance their twisted theology.

One of those speakers .. Miguel Diaz .. is now the Obama appointed Ambassador to the Vatican.

Now lets go back for a moment to Alexia Kelly and the book .. she co-wrote it with a fellow by the

name of Chris Korzen.

Chris Korzen .. founded a group called Catholic United .. a second liberal Catholic political group ..

here’s their self-description.

Chris Korzen worked as a union organizer for the SEIU .. the service employees international union .. a

group headed by Obama friend and ally Andrew Stern .. which gave 60 million dollars to the Obama


Korzen also worked Kansas Democratic Party Faith Outreach Efforts (for Sebelius).

Sebelius is of course the pro-abortion former governor of Kansas who now heads up the Obama’s

department of Health and Human Servcies .. which will oversee the distribution of billions of dollars in

the health care plan .. much of it for abortion.

Korzen is deeply tied to the closest allies and cabinet members of the Obama White House.

HIS co-founder with Catholics United is James Salt .. previously involved in Pax Christi as a Young

Adult Leader .. Pax Christi is a very liberal Catholic so-called social justice outfit .. some of whose

leaders .. like bishop Thomas Gumbleton of Detroit openly advocate for homosexual rights.

Salt worked for NETWORK .. another liberal social justice group that saw fit to give an award to

Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky from Chicago who is pro-abortion and pro-gay rights.

SALT also worked in Kansas .. just like Korzen .. for the same group Korzen did .. the Democratic

Party Faith Outreach Efforts .. for Sebelius.

So we have a direct link between Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good and Catholics United.

The link is Alexia Kelly and Chris Korzen.

A review of federal tax filings shows that Chris Korzen of Catholics United was paid 55,000 by CACG

in 2006 for working 40 hours a week as the director of communications. He was doing this at the same

time he was supposedly running his own operation over at Catholics United.

Then in 2007 .. he got a 30,000 dollar pay raise from CACG to 84,000 dollars .. this was again ..

according to the federal filings .. for a regular 40 hour work week .. at the same time he was heading

his own organization .. Catholic United.

In fact records show that behind Alexia Kelley .. Korzen was the second highest paid employee at

Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good. Remember however .. HIS organization is a different

organization .. Catholic United.

Catholics United is a different type of non-profit. It doesn’t have to be as revealing with its financial

documents as a regular tax exempt organization does.

Chris Korzen .. in a September 2008 radio interview with Sound Authors Radio Internet program ..

Korzen said the following ..

quote “We’re (not a traditional) non-profit, which means we can do lobbying and political work unlike

your traditional non-profits. We do a little bit more edgy work…”

So what is the work they are doing? But another question to ask is even more important? Who is

funding them? That’s the $64,000 dollar question .. actually .. it’s the multi million dollar question and

we’ll be right back with the shocking developments that our research has unearthed.

Stay with us.


Welcome Back ..

So .. Who is funding our supposedly non-partisan .. Catholic groups?

The answer is the same network that has seized control of the democratic party. A little history is in


Let me introduce you briefly to a man by the name of George Soros ..

A hungarian born Jew .. Soros immigrated to the US in 1956 …

Soros has made no secret of his desire to see a single global government ..

Soros quote ..

In 1994 Congress begins considering the McCain-Feingold Act .. a law that limits contributions

directly to political candidates.

McCain-Feingold would create a whole new way in which campaigns would be financed. It

eventually became law eight years later in 2002. It allowed for the creation of the 527 group .. a new

way of funneling money to political operations.

527 groups would become a major asset to people who want to control a political party from the wings.

Since party leaders are now limited in what they can get directly from individuals .. they become

beholding to these new 527 groups and the people who control them.
Prior to the 2004 election between Bush and Kerry .. Soros told the The Washington Post, defeating

Bush .. “is the central focus of my life … a matter of life and death.” Soros added: “I’m willing to put

my money where my mouth is.” How much money, The Post asked? Would Soros spend his entire

personal fortune to oust Bush? “If someone guaranteed it,” he replied.
The 80 year old Soros already had an infrastructure in place to launch his political ambitions .. in 1993

he started the Open Society Institute .. a 501(c) 3 non-profit dedicated to building vibrant

democracies .. according to its website.

Its primary function is to make grants to his own already existing organizations and others that help

advance his worldview.

In 2008 .. federal records show .. OSI had almost 2 billion dollars on hand.

As a lead up to the 2004 election .. Soros collected an influential wealthy group of socialist-minded

power players and politicians in his Southampton beach house on July 17, 2003.

In the two weeks before the Southampton summit .. two very important groups come into existence.

The Center for American Progress CAP and America Votes.

CAP is the think tank operation for the whole Soros plan. Soros recognized the need for a radical left

leaning think tank .. so he and some allies brought in John Podesta of Clinton White House fame to

serve as president. CAP is where the Soros organization does its thinking.

America Votes is an umbrella organization that will coordinate the national get out the vote effort.

The nearly 3 dozen groups under America Votes include such left wing outfits as .. ACORN .. Emilys

List .. NARAL Pro-Choice .. Planned Parenthood .. SEIU .. AFL-CIO .. American Federation of

Teachers .. and the like.

CAP and America Votes are instrumental in the Soros organization.

The next week .. the Southampton Summit takes place .. July 17 2003.

In attendance was the auto-insurance mogul and CEO of Progressive Insurance .. 77 year old Peter

Lewis .. a billionaire .. who together with Soros were the major bankrollers.

Also in the money crowd was TacoBell heir Rob McKay .. Benson & Hedges Tobacco heirs Lewis and

Dorothy Cullman .. along with Rob Glaser .. founder and CEO of RealNetworks .. best known for the

creation of Real Player.

Also in attendance at the Southampton Summit was Harold Ickes .. another player in the Clinton White

House .. the deputy chief of staff. Ickes will become Soros lead supervisor within his operation.

John Podesta .. former chief of staff in the Clinton White House and currently serving as president of

CAP .. the center for American progress .. much more on cap a little later.

Morton Halperin .. the 77 year old Washington Insider dating all the way back to the Johnson and

Nixon Administrations .. as well as a lead official at the ACLU and big-time consultant to the Clinton

White House.

Halperin’s Sons are interesting .. Mark is notable for being the political director at ABC News during

the Kerry Bush Campaign.

David Halperin also politically active in spreading the Soros message.

In addition to other lesser publically known politicals .. Ellen Malcolm was also present .. Malcolm

founded EMILY’s List .. which stands for early money is like yeast .. a group dedicated to electing proabortion

democratic women to federal and state offices.

By the meetings end the next day .. George Soros had pledged over 12 million dollars and Peter Lewis

had pledged 10 million to fund a group called ACT .. America Coming Together .. and the other

millionaires in attendance collectively poured in another nearly 4 million dollars.

What did ACT do? It was a group dedicated to getting out the vote using high tech software. It was

run by Ellen Malcolm .. the Emily’s List leader.

Interestingly .. it ceased operations in 2007 .. after being fined almost a million dollars for illegal

operations during the 2004 campaign.

In September of 2003 .. Soros and Peter Lewis incorporated into the operation.

Move on was begun during the Clinton – Monica Lewinsky scandal as a means to say get over

Clinton’s sexual scandal and just MOVE ON .. how it got its name.

MoveOn became a great source of public funds .. eventually fined as well.

Shortly after this .. In November of 2003 .. Harold Ickes started two different political groups .. The

Joint Victory Campaign 2004 and the Media Fund.

The JVC is the fund raising organization which distributes money to ACT and the Media Fund.

The Media Fund produces and places the ads for Soros’ organization and again … ACT gets out the


It also ran afoul of the law ..

Finally in early 2004 a seventh group known as Thunder Road Group forms under Jim Jordan .. who

had been fired by John Kerry for botching the whole response to the Swiftboating disaster. Its

responsibility is to be the unofficial press secretary for the other six groups as well as to dig up dirt and

do opposition research.

Collectively .. these seven groups ..

CAP .. America Votes .. ACT .. Move On .. JVC .. Media Fund and Thunder Road .. all of which are

financed by George Soros and Pete Lewis form the network that SOROS believes in his key to

defeating Bush in 2004.

They have been called .. the seven sisters .. The Sinister Seven and the Soros Seven .. and they serve as

a collective clearinghouse for the entire leftist political community.

Without this network backing you .. no democrat can hope to be elected. More to the point .. since

George Soros funds this network .. George Soros has effective control .. behind the scenes control ..

shadow control of the democratic party.

This network is in effect .. a shadow party controlling the entire democratic machine.

Eli Pariser .. Quote .. we bought it .. we own it. PAC director .. during the heat of the

2004 Campaign.

Shadow Party OUTLINE ..

Despite all its efforts .. and it came very close to achieving its goal of beating Bush .. the difference of

100,000 votes in Ohio .. Soros’ operation fails as John Kerry loses his White House.

Which brings us back to the issue of Values Voters and the pressing need for the democrats to address

the so-called GOD-Gap.

The Democratic Party and its shadow operation floundered after the 04 defeat.

As we told you earlier .. the democrats needed a strategy to convince more religious voters that their

policies were somehow moral.

They gathered at a meeting outside Washington DC and made some general observations.

SLIDE – Observations


This is where the distorted idea of Common Good theology becomes useful for the Soros network .. his

shadow organization.

Shortly after the 2004 election defeat .. in 2005 Alexia Kelly and Tom Perriello launch Catholics in

Alliance for the Common Good with millions of dollars in donations over the next three years from

George Soros’ shadow party network.

As the 2008 campaign fired up full .. a dizzying array of groups opposed to Catholic Church teaching

in areas of abortion .. contraception .. homosexual marriage etc poured over 1 million dollars in to the

coffers of CACG.

While much of their financial information is available if you dig deep enough .. CACG never actually

reveals that the vast majority of their support comes from Soros and his allies.

Well .. lets look specifically at JUST money given during the election year .. 2008

Soros’ Open Society institute coughed up 100,000 in two consecutive years.

Next was ARCA Foundation .. with 43 million dollars on hand in 2008 gave 75,000 to Catholic in

Alliance for the Common Good.

If you want to know what kind of organization or foundation you’re dealing with .. all you have to do is

look at the list of grantees .. people or groups they help fund.

ARCA routinely gives money to pro-abortion pro same sex marriage groups. One of them for example

is Women’s Voices, Women’s Vote which also supports abortion contraception as well as Saul Alinsky

community organizing outfits.

Next .. TIDES Foundation .. the group run by Drummond Pike .. a close associate of George Soros ..

TIDES is very interesting in that it is a passthrough for other foundations’ money who cannot be seen

publically as giving to more leftists groups.

One of their directors is WADE RATHKE .. a co-founding brother of Acorn.

TIDES .. which has a bank account of over 200 million dollars gave CACG 55,000 in 2008. TIDES

also give hundreds of thousands of dollars to other anti-Catholic groups like .. CAP .. The Center for

American Progress .. the John Podesta led think tank for Soros .. 75,000 there .. as well as Astraea

Lesbian Foundation for Justice .. almost 40,000 there and the Bi-sexual resource center/rainbow

community center. And of course .. Planned Parenthood raked in nearly 60,000 from TIDES.

Next .. PBL Fund .. run by retired Progressive auto insurance CEO Peter Lewis .. another close ally of

Soros .. doled out 50,00 to CACG in 2008. Lewis gives to all the usual suspects as well .. proabortion

.. pro-gay etc.

The Bauman Family Foundation .. gave CACG 50,000 as well in 2008 .. the election year .. they also

gave to TIDES .. Women’s Voices Women’s Vote .. Center for Community Change.

The Dallas Foundation .. another 15,000 for CACG .. as well as tens of thousands for Planned

Parenthood .. Sojourners .. and other related groups.

That’s just a sample. Now don’t forget that Catholic United .. the 501(c) 4 .. fake Catholic group also

gets donations .. but because of their federal filing status .. they don’t have to be as revealing of their


But considering that Chris Korzen is so closely allied with Alexia Kelley .. and runs in the same

circles .. it’s logical and reasonable to assume they have many of the same financial backers.

Now lets turn our attention to the actual personalities running the show for Soros’s Shadow operation.

Current democratic Congressman Tom Perriello .. Alexia Kelley co-founder of CACG has a

background worth exploring.

After graduating from Yale Law .. in 2001 .. among things he was the Yale Law school / Open Society

Institute teaching fellow in West Africa. OSI is Soros huge foundation.

Later on in December 2003 .. at the young age of 29 .. he co-founded a non-profit by the name of Res

Publica .. dedicated to supposedly improving the world through government intervention. Res Publica

is funded in part by George Soros’ Open Society Institute.

Six months later in June of 2004 .. Perriello co-founds another non-profit .. this one called Faithful

America dot org .. dedicated to unified commitment to restore community and uphold the “COMMON

GOOD” in America and across the globe.

Faithful America got significant strategic advice from Harold Ickes .. he’s the guy who was a key

player at Soros’ Southampton Summit and who founded two of the seven organizations.

The next year .. in 2005 .. he and Alexia Kelly co-found CACG which as we have detailed gets vast

sums of money from Soros .. his allies and leftist anti-Catholic groups.

In 2007 .. he aligns his Faithful America with a group called Faith in Public Life .. a leftist ecumenical

COMMON GOOD organization also funded by George Soros and dedicated to political change.

On the board of Faith in public life .. is Alfred Rotondaro .. who is also Chairman of the board of

CACG .. and wrote the article saying gay sex is a gift from God and women should be priests.

Rotondaro is also a senior fellow with CAP .. the Center for American Progress .. the leftist soros

funded think tank founded by John Podesta.

Another CAP person .. Reverend Doctor Susan Thistlethwaite .. a minister with the United Church of

Christ .. big proponents of homosexuality .. is also on the board of faith in the public life. She also has

been a keynote speaker at Planned Parenthood Interfaith Breakfasts.

Perriello’s association with these groups puts him knee deep in leftist anti-Catholic circles in

organization after organization .. associate after associate and funding source after funding source.

In January of 2007 .. he hooks up with and founded yet another non-profit called Avaaz ..

dedicated to forming an internet community to advance social justice and common good initiatives.

In its first year more than a million dollars pours into its accounts. A year later .. more than 4 million

dollars come in. Because it’s a 501 c 4 .. the donors can be kept secret.

The chairman of the board for Avaaz .. is also the head of’s political action committee.

So when we step back and look at Tom Perriello .. we see a Soros surrogate who is in bed with dozens

of key players and groups in Soros Shadow operation who is one of TWO KEY players in Catholics in

Alliance for the Common Good .. along with alexia Kelley.

So when it comes to fidelity to Catholic teaching .. what does Perriello have to say for himself.

“I firmly believe abortion should not be criminalized nor can we allow any action that seeks to coerce

women by reducing access to care or making the process less safe.”

Translation .. Perriello believes in safe legal abortion.

Now .. turning guns to Alexia Kelly for a moment .. her organization .. along with Tom Perriello .. said

with regard to sex education that “research supports a comprehensive approach that includes providing

accurate information about contraception and abstinence as complimentary not competing strategies.”

So the two founders of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good .. reject church teaching with

regard to abortion and contraception and accept millions of dollars from groups that hold the same

positions as well as favor homosexual rights and same sex marriage.

They have falsely portrayed their positions as compatible with Church teaching and therefore

acceptable to Catholics when voting.

Now .. lets quickly examine the convergence of politics and theology with regard to the COMMON


CACG and CU are obviously committed to this false understanding of the Common Good .. one even

assumes the phrase in its name.

On the political side .. in April of 2006 .. CAP .. the Center for American Progress releases a report

stressing the left needs to adopt the idea of the common good as a political strategy.

After the think tank’s release of the report .. it floats around among various democratic party

aficionados and officially becomes the party mantra at the a conference called : Securing the Common

Good: A Vision for America and the World.

It was delivered by none other than Bill Clinton himself and on no less a stage than Catholic

Georgetown University on October 18, 2006.

Clinton quote from speech.

Interestingly .. the language that CAP uses in its reports runs a very close parallel to the language in the

US Bishops Faithful Citizenship document from two years earlier.

What’s going on here is crystal clear .. a twisted notion of the Catholic teaching on the common good ..

rooted in the human dignity of the individual person .. has been hijacked by leftist Catholics and

delivered over to groups funded by George Soros and his henchmen who have a worldview

diametrically opposed to Christ and his Church.

For the moment .. they are content to use the mechanism of politics .. by convincing enough Catholic

voters that voting for abortion-accepting politicians aligns with Catholic teaching.

It does not align with Catholic teaching. What we have in the final end is two competing world views

in a fight to the death.

The Church is very clear in her teachings about what is morally acceptable.

The Soros run organizations require a little more digging ..but every now and then in a rare moment of

clarity .. even they are truthful.

“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States”. – George Soros.

George Soros and his allies .. inside and outside the Church got Barack Obama elected with the goal in

mind of advancing his self-stated new world order.


Bishops need to stop this. Cardinal George .. quote .. Chaput quote ..

Words are not enough however .. as they haven’t been for the past 45 years.

What’s needed is action.

If Nancy Pelosi can tell the bishops that they need to start preaching about immigration reform from the

pulpit and order them to order their priests to preach that message then Faithful Catholic can humbly

suggest that the bishops stop appeasing and accommodating these groups and say it like it is.

To paraphrase Cardinal George himself .. one cannot accept the status quo on remaining silent with

heretic and deceivers in the church and still claim to be working for the salvation of souls .. the REAL

Common Good..

We will close with Pope Benedict words on June 11, 2010 .. in St. Peter’s Square.

“Nor does it have to do with love if heresy is allowed to spread and the faith twisted and chipped away,

as if it were something that we ourselves had invented.”
Pope’s commendation to the faithful to get involved in politics.

What has Obama done with regard to the reducing of abortion ..

Health care .. military hospitals .. Mexico city .. Kenyan constitution .. Nicaragua .. Hilary Clinton ..


The reduction argument is totally false.

The US Bishops must not allow this evil co-opting of the Faith to continue.

Thank you.

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