Evangelization, Catechesis & Apologetics
The Church
Evangelization, Catechesis & Apologetics : The Church
It is obvious to even a cursory student of the Bible that Christ assumed human flesh in order to achieve something more than simply dying on the cross in atonement for the sins of Man. Certainly, that was an essential part of His ministry, but it was not exclusively what He came to earth do to. As we clearly read in Mt 16:18, Jesus came to found a Church - the word used is singular and means "community" or "society" of believers. Christ did not come to simply tell people what to do and believe, He came to found a single Church that would have authority to preach, teach and interpret the scriptures.The Catholic Church was that Church - and is today. It was the Catholic Church that wrote the New Testament and assembled that and the Jewish scriptures into the modern Bible (which has single been reduced by seven books to create the Protestant Canon). It is the Catholic Church which is the conduit for grace and salvation and which has been given the seven sacraments as sensible signs of grace. No other Church can claim to be founded personally by Jesus Christ, the second person of the Blessed Trinity.
Much of Catholic apologetics orbits around the role and history of the Church - interelated with that are such topics as scripture and Tradition and the Papacy. Sometimes, it may be that you are not merely required to explain and defend the notion of the Church from incorrect notions, but in fact respond to specifically anti-Catholic salvoes. For this reason, we have a special anti-anti-Catholic section!
All objections - theological, spiritual, political, sociological and psychological - to Catholicism boil down to a refusal to accept the authority of the Church; either personal authority over individuals, or authority to interpret the scriptures. What all non-Catholics must understand is that authority and submission to authority is the natural order of the universe, and that the Church has her authority because Christ gave it to her.
Evangelization, Catechesis & Apologetics : Suffering, Fasting & Physical Denial
While the growth of civilization in the western world has provided the economic and political power to spread and defend Christianity, the luxurious lifestyle of the west has had a more insidious effect on Christianity. In the early years of the Church, to be Christian was to be persecuted and to live in poverty and as a second-class citizen. When the Gospel was preached, it genuinely sounded like “good news” as the lives of the pagans were nasty, brutish and short. Today, in the west, living as a Christian seems so very hard, and so opposed to the soft, easy lifestyle which we are used to.Many so-called Christian ministers and televangelists are preaching the “prosperity Gospel” nowadays; the idea that if you are a faithful Christian you will be rewarded with a fat bank account and financial success. While few intelligent people would be fooled into believing such obvious lies, there are other forms of Christianity which share many characteristics with this. The belief that Christians will somehow be spared suffering or unpleasantness (such as death, injury or illness) is prevalent among many Christians – coming to a head with the ridiculous belief in the Rapture.
Christ makes it very clear that the world will hate Christians for being Christians. He says that we must pick up our cross and follow Him. Christ Himself suffered the greatest suffering that a man could; He did this so that we might have eternal life, not so that we might avoid all unpleasantness in our lives. The Apostles were martyred, thousands of the early Christians met a gruesome end and – even today – hundreds of Catholics are killed every year as martyrs for the faith.
In addition to this, the Church herself mandates and requires certain forms of penance, abstinence and fasting. Not all Catholics are aware of the intricacies of these, and so we strongly advise you to read these resources and learn what practices you are required, as a faithful Catholic, to uphold.
It is clear from the Biblical and historical evidence that the lot of the Christian is suffering, pain and the hatred of the world. But, through that suffering, we can gain holiness and piety and – eventually – win the crown of Heaven.
- A podcast of The One True Faith episode “Pain and Suffering”
- Fasting and Abstinence - the Church's official instructions presented simply and clearly
- Suffering - Bible verses which put physical, emotional and mental pain in the Christian perspective
- Fasting - scriptural verses which support this holy practice
- Drinking alcohol - scriptural verses which support this excellent and ancient Catholic tradition which is often decried by certain Protestants
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Evangelization, Catechesis & Apologetics : Canon & Translations of the Bible
While the Bible is not the sole rule of faith for authentic Christians (to learn more about how to defend this notion, see the resources on Scripture and Tradition) is is certainly very important. The Bible was one of the first books produced by the Church, and is certainly the best known.Although the Protestants agree that the Bible is an inspired work and they are fond of quoting the very last words of the Bible (an injuction to not add or remove books from the Bible), their founder Martin Luther was guilty of having not only removed whole books from the Bible, but also for encouraging poor translations of the Scriptures which supported his own, erroneous, views.
Virtually all Protestant Bibles today do not contain all the books of the Old Testament used by Jesus Christ, which has servious implications - as Jesus Christ quoted extensively from the Jewish Scriptures and based His teaching upon them!
As well as these free resources, you will also find a great deal of relevant information in The "Where Did The Bible Come From?" Collection and Saint Michael's Basic Training : Biblical Context.
- A podcast of The One True Faith episode "Where Did the Bible Come From?"
- Bible Translations Guide - a basic overview of the subject, with some notes refuting the notion of "King James-only"
- Old Testament Canon - explaining clearly why Protestant Bibles are missing seven whole books
- The King James Version - a huge resource of over one hundred articles on the errors contained in the King James Version of the Bible
- Deuterocanonical quotations - a list of quotations from the New Testament which are quotations from the Deuterocanonical books, showing that the authors of the Christian Scriptures considered those seven books Sacred Scripture
- Septuagint quotations - quotations from the Septuagint translation of the Jewish Scriptures (as contrasted to the Hebrew versions) found in the New Testament. As the Septuagint contained the Deuterocanonical books, this shows the authors of the New Testament considered the Septuagint Sacred Scripture
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The Pope
Evangelization, Catechesis & Apologetics : The Papacy
While not as brightly colored as the uniform of the Swiss Guards, or as beautifully deadly as their swords and halberds, we hope that these resources will prove just as effective!
(Many of the attacks directed against the Pope are attacks against the institution of the Church, and so you may need these weapons to answer them.)
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Evangelization, Catechesis & Apologetics : The Rapture
For most Catholics, the heretical doctrine of the Rapture is a source of confusion and puzzlement – no mention of it is made is Scripture, the Church does not teach it, and so many Christians seem to earnestly believe it that many Catholics consider that it might very well be true.Nothing is further from the truth – the Rapture is not only un-Biblical, but is in fact anti-Biblical; it stands in direct opposition to core Biblical teachings. It is a dangerous belief, because it fosters a cavalier attitude towards salvation; both personal salvation and salvation of others. It suggests that Christians will not suffer the tribulation which will come at the end of the world – something which is not only wishful thinking, but entirely against the whole notion of Christianity.
The Rapture is a very popular notion and has gained a great deal of credence in Evangelical and Fundamentalist circles, in part due to the success of such books as the Left Behind series and constant preaching of the doctrine by televangelists. But, sadly, one of the most significant reasons for the success of the Rapture myth is the nature of the places where it has taken hold.
The Rapture is most popular among American Christians, who take to its notion of avoidance of suffering readily – thanks to the generally easy and privileged life the inhabitants of the world's richest country live. Western Christians have never known real persecution, and are very uncomfortable with the idea that Christ would allow them to be hurt or suffer. Such notions as the Prosperity Gospel and “miracles on demand” are part of the same phenomenon.
As Christians, we have to understand that – no matter how appealing an easy life might be – it is in suffering that we find Christ, and that the true meaning of Christianity is found in the suffering Christ nailed to the Cross.
(For a further discussion of this topic, listen to the podcast of The One True Faith episode “Pain and Suffering” or study these resources.)
Many of the ideas commonly connected with the Rapture (although not part of the “theology” - such as it is – behind it) are tied to Fundamentalism and to anti-Catholic thought. Therefore, our section on Fundamentalists in the non-Catholic religions section and the advice for dealing with anti-Catholicism may be of benefit.
- The Rapture - explaining what this heretical doctrine actually means (invaluable for Catholics who are confused by it)
- A podcast of The One True Faith episode "The Rapture
- The Resurrection of the Body - what the Church Fathers said about what will happen at the end of the world
- False Profit - the errors and lies in the "Left Behind" series of books
- Zionism - a discussion of this Evangelical / Fundamentalist notion which includes and makes much reference to the Rapture
- The Second Coming & the Rapture - Biblical verses which show the true facts about these events
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Evangelization, Catechesis & Apologetics : Homosexuality
Many non-Catholics do not understand the Catholic Church's attitude to homosexuality, or instead wish to present it in a false light because it is easier to attack in that case. In brief, the Church condems homosexual acts as sinful and unnatural, but does not condemn the individuals themselves. This is an example of "hate the sin, love the sinner".The Church's teaching on homosexuality can only truly be understood within the context of her teaching on marriage & sexuality and so consulting those resources may be beneficial.
- A podcast of The One True Faith episode "Catholics & Sex"
- Homosexuality - an explanation and defence of the Church's position
- Gay Marriage - the Church's teaching and reasoning explained
- Early Teachings on Homosexuality - documents from the Church Fathers which condemn homosexual practice
- Scripture & Patristics - quotes from the Bible and the Church Fathers which condemn homosexuality
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Evangelization, Catechesis & Apologetics : Christ
If you ask a dozen people who Jesus Christ was or is, you will be lucky to only get twelve different answers - there are many conflicting views of who or what Christ was, and even if He existed at all! Fortunately, however, Christ Himself did not suffer from this "multiple-personality disorder" and was very clear about who He was and is; He is God and the Son of God, He is the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity and He is the Messiah of Jewish thought.There are many groups of so-called Christians today who either flatly deny these truths, or else change the meaning of the terms used to define them so that their meaning - while using the same words - is not the same as orthodox Christian thought. The following resources will help you not only to understand the authentic Christian position, but also to defend it!
(A significant quantity of the identity of Christ is bound up in the identity of the Virgin Mary and the Trinity - it may be worthwhile consulting those sections also.) "True God from True God . . ."
- The Divinity of Christ - proof from scripture and elsewhere that Christ is indeed God
- Scripture & Patristics - Biblical and Church Fathers quotations which show that Christ is indeed God
- The Eternal Sonship of Christ - defending the paternal-filial relationship between the Father and Christ
- The Filioque clause - explaining and understanding the origin of the Holy Spirit
- Messianic Prophecies - a list of the scriptural prophecies fulfilled by Jesus
Evangelization, Catechesis & Apologetics : Common Prayers
Many non-Catholics decry or do not understand the Catholic prayer tradition - one of the most commonly-leveled charges is the prohibition against "vain and repetitious prayer" (there are, of course, a number of Bible verses which support the Catholic position).Below you will find links to many of the common Catholic prayers, as well as history and background information about them.
- Common Catholic Prayers - a list of some of the most famous
- Thesaurus Precum Latinarum - an extensive collection of nearly ever single Catholic prayer in Latin and English
- The Catholic Doors Treasure of Catholic Prayers - a colection of over 2600 prayers, and still growing!
- The Rosary - information about how to pray it, its history and so forth.
- Rosarius Virginis Mariae - Pope John Paul II's 2002 Apostolic Letter concerning the Rosary
- Rosarium - a guide to the history and the praying of the Rosary, with Latin prayers
- How to pray the Rosary - a guide written personally by the webmaster for a member of his RCIA class, reproduced here. This contains personal reflections on the prayer
- Scriptural readings for the 20 Mysteries - a selection of 20 very short Scriptural passages designed to enhance your Rosary meditations
- A print-out-and-keep guide - please distribute this to everyone you can!
- What is the Chaplet of Divine Mercy? - an introduction to this wonderful prayer and its history
- How to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy - a simple and straightforward guide
- The Divine Mercy Novena - how to pray this very special devotion
- Unfailing Novena to Saint Joseph - a most efficacious prayer
- Prayers with the Archangel Michael - taken from the Legion of Saint Michael webpage
While every effort is made to ensure that external links are accurate and up to date, and that the information contained therein is accurate and correct, Saint Michael's Media cannot accept any responsibility for errors or omissions in external websites. If you find such an error, please inform us by contacting us.
Evangelization, Catechesis & Apologetics : Scripture & Tradition
The relationship between Tradition and Scripture – and even what these two things actually are - is a source of much confusion for non-Catholics. Few Protestants understand that Scripture is simply one form of information about Jesus Christ, and that it is not the first or primary source of information about Him. That source is the Apostolic Tradition which lead to the Scriptures, and which the Catholic Church has been the unfailing guardian of for nearly 2000 years.The following resources will be useful in explaining and defending the Catholic Church's position on Scripture and Tradition, and the role each has to play. Resources dealing with the canon of the Bible might be valuable also.
- Scripture and Tradition - the central divide between Protestants and Catholics
- Private Revelation - explaining and defending the Catholic position
- A podcast of The One True Faith episode "Is That In The Bible?"
- A podcast of The One True Faith episode "Where Did the Bible Come From?"
- In Your Faith radio episode 17th June 2007: part one part two - this episode devoted to discussing the Bible
- Scripture Alone? - quotations from Scripture and the Church Fathers refutating this false doctrine
- Proving Inspiration - dismantling the notion of sola scriptura
- Sola Scriptura Q&A - a series of questions posed to and answers provided by a Catholic apologist
- Apostolic Tradition - quotations from the Church Fathers which show this is part of ancient and authentic Christianity
- Oral Tradition - Bible verses and quotations from the Church Fathers which support this correct notion
- Scriptural Reference Guide - a list of scripture verses which support Catholic doctrine
- Scripture Catholic - a site devoted to Biblical support of Catholic doctrines
- Can Dogma Develop? - defending the Church's unchangability
- What's Your Authority? - defending the Church's role as the interpreter of scripture
- Apostolic Authority & Succession - quotations from Scripture and the Church Fathers which support the Catholic position
Evangelization, Catechesis & Apologetics : Assertio Septem Sacramentorum - Defence of the Seven Sacraments
The seven sacraments of the Catholic Church are not mere signs or symbols; they are very real, powerful conduits for grace. Personally instituted by Jesus Christ, the sacraments are the most visible aspect of the Church's ministry.The Latin title above is taken from a work by King Henry VIII which was written in refutation of Martin Luther's rejection of the sacraments. Despite the fact that King Henry VIII became the leader of the protest against Roman Catholicism in England only a few years later, he felt that the sacraments as instituted by Christ were important and vital. His work is still considered one of the best texts about the sacraments, and is recommended for all serious students of apologetics.
General Material
Evangelization, Catechesis & Apologetics : Salvation & Grace
At its core, all apologetics is a defense of the correction notion of salvation and grace; these are both the means and the end of Christianity. The purpose of Christ's death and resurrection, and His foundation of the Church, are to provide a means by which men might be saved – it is always very important to understand how salvation and grace work. If we do not, and believe things which Jesus Christ and His Apostles never taught, how can we expect to receive grace and salvation? We need to know what these things are and what the conduits for them are before we can benefit from them.
- Grace: What It Is and What It Does - explaining the authentic Christian view of grace
- "Are you saved, Brother?" - an explanation of what this question means and how to answer it at a Catholic; an essential piece of apologetics knowledge!
- "A Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ" - what the Bible and the Church actually teach about this notion, and where it comes from
- How to Become a Catholic - the process required to become an authentic Christian
- Scripture & Patristics - a comprehensive list of Biblical and Church Father quotations explaining and supporting virtually every single point of Catholic doctrine concerning salvation and grace
- Are Catholics Born Again? - answering one of the most often asked questions
- Assurance of Salvation? - challenging the notion of "once saved, always saved"
- A podcast of The One True Faith episode "Once Saved, Always Saved"
- Mortal Sin - showing that there are sins which kill the life of God within us, and those that do not
Salvation Through Works
- Reward and Merit - addressing the false notion that "good works" are meaningless
- Scripture & Patristics - Bible verses and quotations from the Church Fathers showing that the Catholic view of justification is correct
- Justification Q&A - a series of questions posed to and answers provided by a Catholic apologist
- A podcast of The One True Faith episode "Good Works and Devotions"
- A Wikipedia article on this subject - an excellent overview of what the doctrine is and how it has been promulgated and interpreted
- Salvation Outside the Church - explaining and defending this often misunderstood doctrine
- A podcast of The One True Faith episode "What is the Catholic Church?"
- ===================================================================The Church Fathers speak on . .
Using the Church Fathers for Apologetics
The writings of the Church Fathers are essential to an understanding and defense of authentic Christianity; these were men who were trained by the Apostles, the first generation of Christians who never actually met Christ. These men lived in a world without the formally assembled Scriptures and so had nothing but the personal reminisces of the Apostles and those who knew the Messiah. It follows therefore that their understanding of the mysteries of the Christian faith would be extensive and that our modern religion should reflect their beliefs.The complete writings of the Church Fathers (and other prominent members of the Church) can be found elsewhere in our resources section, but here we present a number of patristic writings grouped by the particular Catholic doctrine or dogma they support. Naturally, when using these quotes for apologetics, it will first be necessary to persuade your listener that the Church Fathers have the authority to speak definitively on matters of the faith.
Arguments in Favor of Using the Church Fathers
- An episode of The One True Faith episode "The Church Fathers"
- Conversion's Storm - an interview with Francis Beckwith, the president of the Evangelical Theological Society who converted to Catholicism after reading the works of the Church Fathers
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