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Welcome to A Catholic Response. Our mission is to present the Truths of the Catholic Faith by simple means, relying on the providence of God. Online Pamphlets explaining Catholic issues are available by clicking on the "Pamphlet" button to the left or by scrolling down. Also check out the Heresy of the Month page by clicking on the "Heresies" button. God bless you! |
ONLINE PAMPHLETS produced by A Catholic Response, Inc. which explain several Catholic issues. Please click on the titles:
Marriage: One-Flesh Union
Marys' Children?
E-MAIL REPLIES - We occassionally receive interesting questions on the e-mail. We try our best to respond to them all. A few such examples, that may have a more general interest, are compiled. Both the questions and responses are edited to conserve space. Unfortunately we no longer read our e-mail due to a glut of junk mail. It now takes hours to download a day's worth of mail! Sorry.
Fatherhood in the 00s and the Prophet Malachi - A slide presentation given at St. Peter's Catholic Church in Lincoln, NE on 25 July 2000.
Faith vs. Reason: A Quick Glance at the Pope’s Latest Encyclical - A talk given at The Cathedral in Lincoln, NE on 14 May 1999.
Sirach 6:37
Let us pray: Oh God, you taught the hearts of your faithful people by sending them the light of your Holy Spirit. In the same Spirit give us right judgement and the joy of your consolation. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
EWTN's Document Library Search Engine - This Web page has the document search engine for the EWTN document library.
FIRST THINGS Library Search Engine - This Web page has the document search engine for articles in FIRST THINGS.
Not all of the articles below may have been written by Catholics, but the articles are all quite instructive.Retelling the Story of Science by Stephen M. Barr - An article originally published in First Things (March 2003) and now posted on the Internet.
Christ and Nothing by David B. Hart - An article originally published in First Things (October 2003).
Ordaining Women: Two Views by Jennifer Ferrara & Sarah Hinlicky Wilson - An exchange originally published in First Things (April 2003).
The Population of Hell by Avery Cardinal Dulles - An article originally published in First Things (May 2003).
Life: Defining the Beginning by the End by Maureen L. Condic - An article originally published in First Things (May 2003).
True and False Reform by Avery Cardinal Dulles - An article originally published in First Things (August/September 2003).
Goldhagen vs. Pius XII by Ronald J. Rychlak - An article originally published in First Things (June/July 2002).
Fighting the Noondat Devil by R.R. Reno - An article originally published in First Things (August/September 2003).
The Holocaust: What Was Not Said by Martin Rhonheimer - An article originally published in First Things (November 2003).
Keeping the Commandments by Robert Louis Wilken - An article originally published in First Things (November 2003).
Remebering the Gulag by Lawrence A. Uzzell - A book review originally published in First Things (November 2003).
Tolkien and the Gift of Mortality by Anna Mathie - A short article originally published in First Things (November 2003).
Scandal, Prayer and Penance by Sister Mary Catharine of Jesus - A short article originally published in First Things (November 2003).
Book Reviev: Modern Physics and Ancient Faith by Stephen M. Barr by Robin Collins - A book review originally published in First Things (November 2003).
Halfway Through the Hail Mary by Randy Boyagoda - A short article originally published in First Things (December 2002).
The Second Tablet Project by J. Budziszewski - An article originally published in First Things (June/July 2002).
Purgatory for Everyone by Jerry L. Walls - An article originally published in First Things (April 2002).
The Basics About Stem Cells by Maureen L. Condic - An article originally published in First Things (January 2002).
Ivan Karamazovs Mistake by Ralph C. Wood - An article originally published in First Things (December 2002).
More Articles concerning the Faith according to topics...
The Holy See - This is the main Catholic Web site - The Vatican.
The Internet Padre - This Web site features an extensive database to help you find the right Catholic Web site.
Aid to the Church in Need - This is the Web site of Aid to the Church in Need which is an international Catholic charity that comes under the authority of the Holy See. Their primary focus is in those countries or areas of the world where the Church has suffered persecution.
The Complete RSV Bible - This Web site features the complete Revised Standard Version of the Bible with a search engine.
First Things - This Web site features the journal, First Things, published by the Institute on Religion and Public Life.
ZENIT News Agency - This Web site is homepage of ZENIT, an International News Agency based in Rome.
EWTN Web Site - This Web site is the homepage for the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN).
The Couple to Couple League Website - This site features information concerning Natural Family Planning.
The Linacre Centre for Health Care Ethics Website - This Web site features articles that explain the Church's position on medical ethics issues.
The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights Website - This site is the homepage for the Catholic League, which is the largest civil rights organization that defends the rights of Catholics against discrimination or defamation.
We are a lay Catholic apostolate group, who are loyal to the Catholic Church. Our aim is to disseminate (spread), with the approval of the Local Ordinary (e.g. Bishop), the Truths of the Catholic Faith in common but orthodox language by simple and inexpensive means, relying on the providence of God.
We are not official representatives of the Catholic Church but concerned Catholics wanting to spread the Faith. The NIHIL OBSTAT and IMPRIMATUR apply only to printed material and not electronic media. Both are official declarations that a book or a pamphlet is free from doctrinal or moral error. No implication is contained therein that the Diocese of Lincoln or those who have granted the NIHIL OBSTAT and IMPRIMATUR agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed. We finally cannot guarantee that all Web Sites, to which we have links, are entirely orthodox (but we try our best).
A Catholic Response, Inc.
Lincoln, Nebraska
President: Phillip B. Liescheski
Vice President: Joan E. Liescheski
For the actual printed pamphlets or if you have comments, suggestions or objections, please write to:
A Catholic Response, Inc.
P.O. Box 84272
Lincoln, NE 68501-4272
Unfortunately we no longer read our e-mail due to a glut of junk mail. It now takes hours to download a day's worth of mail! Sorry.P.O. Box 84272
Lincoln, NE 68501-4272
Also consider subscribing to ENVOY, the Catholic Christian evangelization magazine...Thank you.
St. Polycarp was a Bishop of Smyrna for seventy years, friend and pupil of St. John the Evangelist, and teacher of St. Irenaeus. He was martyred in the middle second century A.D. for his faith in Jesus Christ. St. Polycarp, pray for us! Permission to reprint the picture was obtained fromTAN Books and Publishers, Inc.(800) 437-5876 |
Last edited on 18 April 2004
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