Wednesday, September 18, 2013

- Was the Tridentine Mass Banned by Pope Paul VI?

 - Was the Tridentine Mass Banned by Pope Paul VI?

Tridentine Mass Banned by Pope Paul VI?
An Aside - from FATIMA PRIEST by Francis Alban, p. 147; Good Counsel Publ.
" May of 1995, at a public address by Alfons Cardinal Stickler on the subject of the Traditional Latin response to Father Gruner's written question, the Cardinal revealed to the audience that in 1986 a group of nine Curial Cardinals assembled by Pope John Paul II himself, all with doctorates in Canon Law, had voted 8-1, in closed session, that Pope Paul VI had never actually ordered the suppression of the Traditional Mass, and that its celebration had never ceased to be entirely permissible under Church law.
Incredibly, the Pope had been unable to determine just what his predecessor had ordered in promulgating the New Mass.  In fact, the actual suppression of the Traditional Mass had been accomplished entirely through the decrees of Vatican congregations and commissions, and not by any explicit Magisterial act of Paul VI.
As the vote of the Cardinals made clear, bureaucrats had obliterated the entire liturgical tradition of the Roman Rite without a single actual order of the Pope suppressing it!  Thus has the Catholic Church been governed for the past 30 years."

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